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Create and manage cluster

A cluster consists of one or more brokers and serves as a comprehensive messaging platform, including real-time data processing, durability, scalability, and security. Clusters enable reliable data flow between multiple applications.
The following describes how to create and manage clusters in the Advanced Managed Kafka service.

Create cluster

Create a new cluster. Depending on the environment, it may take about 10 minutes to create a cluster.


Even if you expand the volume after creating a cluster, the maximum IOPS remains fixed at the initially specified value. Configure an appropriate volume size for stable performance.

  1. Go to the KakaoCloud console > Analytics > Advanced Managed Kafka.

  2. Click the [Getting started] button to start using the Advanced Managed Kafka service.

    • A Service Agent is created to access the Advanced Managed Kafka resources.
  3. In the Cluster menu, click the [Create cluster] button at the top right.

  4. Enter the required information for creating the cluster and click the [Create] button.

    Basic settingsCluster nameName of the cluster to be created
    - Duplicate cluster names cannot be used within the same project
    - Example: my-cluster-01
    Kafka versionSelect the Apache Kafka version
    - Supported Apache Kafka versions
    PortEnter the port number for Apache Kafka access
    - Default port number: 9092
    - Available range: 1024–49150
    Instance typeSelect an instance type
    - Brokers in the cluster run based on the selected instance specifications
    - Instance type cannot be changed after cluster creation
    Network settingsVPCSelect the network where the cluster will be configured
    - Use a VPC with at least two availability zones for high availability
    - Choose from an existing user VPC or create a new one
    SubnetSelect the subnet where brokers will be allocated
    - Choose from existing user subnets or create a new one
    Security groupConfigure the security group to apply to the cluster
    - Choose from existing user security groups or create a new one
    - For details, refer to Security groups
    Broker configuration settingsNumber of specified availability zonesCheck the number of availability zones and zones selected in network settings
    Number of brokersEnter the number of brokers distributed across each availability zone
    - Broker quota: Maximum of 9 per project
    - For details about broker quotas, refer to Quotas
    * Example: If 2 availability zones and 3 brokers are specified, 3 brokers are placed in each availability zone (Total brokers: 6)
    Volume type/sizeSpecify the volume type and size allocated to each broker
    - Volume type: Only SSD type is currently available
    - Volume size: Minimum 50GB, maximum 5,120GB
    * Example: If 3 brokers and 50GB volumes are specified, 50GB is allocated per broker (Total volume size: 150GB)
    Maximum IOPSCheck the maximum IOPS determined by the volume size
    Detailed settingsReview and adjust other cluster settings

Manage cluster

View cluster list

You can view the list of clusters created within a project.

  1. Go to the KakaoCloud console > Analytics > Advanced Managed Kafka.

  2. In the Cluster menu, view the list of currently created clusters.

    NameName specified by the user when creating the clusterClick the cluster name to view detailed information
    IDResource ID of the cluster
    StatusCurrent status of the clusterFor detailed status information, refer to Cluster lifecycle and status
    VersionApache Kafka version in use
    Instance typeBroker instance specifications selected during cluster creationCurrently, only r2a.2xlarge is available
    Availability ZonesNumber of availability zones configured during cluster creation
    BrokersNumber of brokers created in the clusterTotal number of brokers: Availability Zones * Number of brokers
    Created atDate and time the cluster was created
    CreatorUser who requested cluster creation

View cluster details

You can view information about a cluster created in the project.

  1. Go to the KakaoCloud console > Analytics > Advanced Managed Kafka.

  2. In the Cluster menu, click the cluster name to view details.

  3. Review the information in the tabs.

    StatusCurrent status of the clusterFor detailed status information, refer to Cluster lifecycle and status
    Bootstrap serverBootstrap server address for initial Kafka cluster connection and communication

Summary tab

ClusterCluster nameUser-specified cluster name
Cluster IDResource ID of the cluster
Instance typeBroker instance specifications selected during cluster creation
Kafka versionApache Kafka version information
CreatorUser who requested cluster creation
Created atDate and time the cluster was created
Broker configurationAvailability zonesNumber of availability zones configured during cluster creation
Brokers per zoneNumber of brokers per zone and total brokers (Total brokers: Availability zones * Number of brokers)
Volume size per brokerVolume size per broker and total volume size

Broker tab

Refer to How-to Guides > Manage broker.

Security tab

View the security group and detailed policies applied to the cluster.

Monitoring tab

Data periodData period displayed on the monitoring graph
Items to viewSelect monitoring items
View modeSet the monitoring graph view mode
Auto-refresh intervalSet auto-refresh intervals
Manual refreshRefresh the monitoring results manually

Refer to the monitoring data table in the original text for detailed metrics.

Extend volume

Increase the volume size allocated to brokers to address data growth and storage shortages while maintaining cluster stability.
Storage space can be dynamically increased without restarting brokers.


Volume extension refers to increasing disk capacity, but maximum IOPS will not increase. The feature to increase maximum IOPS based on extended volume size will be supported in the future.

  1. Go to the KakaoCloud console > Analytics > Advanced Managed Kafka.

  2. Select the cluster to extend from the Cluster menu.

  3. Click the [Extend volume] button located in the upper-right corner.

  4. In Volume extension settings, adjust the volume size and click the [Save] button.

    Cluster nameCheck the name of the selected cluster
    Broker countCheck the total number of brokers in the selected cluster
    Volume sizeCheck the number of brokers deployed per availability zone and specify the volume size to extend

Expand cluster

Increase the number of brokers through cluster expansion to handle growing workloads and increased data flow.
During cluster expansion, broker partition redistribution may temporarily impact performance.

  1. Go to the KakaoCloud console > Analytics > Advanced Managed Kafka.

  2. Select the cluster to expand from the Cluster menu.

  3. Click the [Expand cluster] button located in the upper-right corner.

  4. In Cluster expansion settings, adjust the number of brokers and click the [Save] button.

    Cluster nameCheck the name of the selected cluster
    Availability zone countCheck the number of availability zones in the selected cluster
    Availability zoneCheck the availability zones of the selected cluster
    Broker countCheck the number of brokers deployed per availability zone and specify the number of brokers to expand

Configure cluster details

Check and modify configurable cluster settings. Changing cluster settings will restart all brokers simultaneously.

  1. Go to the KakaoCloud console > Analytics > Advanced Managed Kafka.

  2. Select the cluster to configure from the Cluster menu.

  3. Click the [Configure cluster details] button located in the upper-right corner.

  4. In Cluster details settings, modify the configuration values and click the [Save] button.

    auto.create.topics.enableEnable or disable automatic topic creation
    delete.topic.enableEnable or disable topic deletion
    unclean.leader.election.enableProhibit leader election when no in-sync replicas are available
    default.replication.factorDefault number of replicas for new topics
    num.partitionsDefault number of partitions for topics
    message.max.bytesMaximum size of a Kafka message
    min.insync.replicasMinimum number of in-sync replicas with the leader of threads for disk I/O operations of threads for network requests
    num.replica.fetchersNumber of replica fetcher threads retrieving data from the leader
    socket.receive.buffer.bytesSize of the network socket receive buffer
    socket.request.max.bytesMaximum request size a broker can accept
    socket.send.buffer.bytesSize of the network socket send buffer

Delete cluster

You can delete clusters that are no longer needed.


When a cluster is deleted, brokers and allocated volumes are fully returned and cannot be recovered.

  1. Go to the KakaoCloud console > Analytics > Advanced Managed Kafka.
  2. In the Cluster menu, select the cluster to delete.
  3. In the popup, enter the cluster name and click the [Delete] button.