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Create and manage database

Create database

A database is a container for storing tables. To create a database, a catalog must already be created.
Once the catalog is in Running status, you can create a database within it. Here’s how to create a database in the Data Catalog service.

  1. Go to the KakaoCloud Console > Analytics > Data Catalog.

  2. In the Database menu, click the [Create database] button.

  3. In the popup, enter the required information and click [Create].

    CatalogSelect the catalog to which the database will be added
    NameName of the database
    PathEnter the path to the object storage used by the database (the table paths within the database will reference this)
    - S3 connection: If selected, the full path is set to s3a://. If not selected, it defaults to swifta.
    - Bucket name: Enter the object storage bucket name
    - Directory: Enter the path to the directory under the bucket
    Description (optional)Enter a description

Manage database

Here’s how to manage databases in the Data Catalog service.

View database list

You can check the list of created databases and their basic information.

  1. Go to the KakaoCloud Console > Analytics > Data Catalog.

  2. Click the Database menu and view the database list.

    Database nameName of the database specified by the user
    Associated catalogName of the catalog to which the database belongs
    StatusDatabase status
    - For more details, refer to Resource status and lifecycle
    PathPath where the database is located
    Created atDate when the database was created
    [More] icon- Modify: Change the database path and description
    - Delete: Remove the database
    In the INACTIVE status, only single deletion is allowed, and modification is not possible

View database details

You can check detailed information about a database.

  1. Go to the KakaoCloud Console > Analytics > Data Catalog.

  2. Select the database to view from the Database menu.

  3. View the detailed page for the database.

    Table nameName of the table created by the user
    Data storage pathPath where the table's data is stored
    StatusTable status
    - Refer to Resource status and lifecycle for details on each status.
    Data typeType of data in the table
    - JSON, ORC, Parquet, CSV, Avro, text, custom
    ᄂ Tables created through Hadoop-Eco migration may appear as text or custom.
    ᄂ text: If the Serde library is org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe
    ᄂ custom: If the table doesn't fall into JSON, ORC, Parquet, CSV, Avro, or text types
    Last modifiedDate when the table was last modified

Modify database

You can only modify the path and description of the database. The database name and associated catalog cannot be changed. To change these, you need to create a new database.

  1. Go to the KakaoCloud Console > Analytics > Data Catalog.

  2. In the Database menu, select the [More] icon > Modify database.

  3. In the popup, make the changes and click [Modify].

    Path (optional)Path where the database is located
    - S3 connection: If selected, the full path is set to s3a://. If not selected, it defaults to swifta://.
    - Bucket name: Enter the object storage bucket name
    - Directory: Enter the path to the directory under the bucket
    Description (optional)Description of the database

Delete database

You can delete databases that are no longer in use.


Once a database is deleted, its resources are permanently returned and cannot be recovered.
Tables created under the database are also deleted and cannot be restored once the database is deleted.

  1. Go to the KakaoCloud Console > Analytics > Data Catalog.
  2. In the Database menu, click the [More] icon > Delete database.
    • To delete multiple databases at once, check the box next to the databases and click the [Delete] button at the bottom.
  3. In the popup, proceed with the deletion.