How-to Guides
The following is the user guide for using KakaoCloud's Hadoop Eco service.
📄️ Create cluster
Step-by-step instructions for creating a cluster in the Hadoop Eco service.
📄️ Manage cluster
Describes how to manage clusters in the Hadoop Eco service.
📄️ Restart cluster
Describes how to restart a cluster in Hadoop, HBase, and Trino.
🗃️ Using components
4 items
📄️ Check Hadoop Eco information from CLI
Introduces how to check hadoop eco information from the cli.
📄️ Configure scheduling
Introduces YARN scheduling configuration methods and job examples.
📄️ Configure security features
Introduces how to apply security features in Hadoop Eco.
📄️ Reset Hue password
Describes how to reset the Hue admin password.
📄️ Connect client server
Explains how to connect a client server to the Hadoop Eco cluster.
📄️ Connect components with public IP
Introduces how to connect components using public IP on an instance.
📄️ Access instance
Explains how to access an instance using the public IP.
📄️ Integrate with Object Storage
A step-by-step guide on how to create a cluster in the Hadoop Eco service.
📄️ Increase data node volume
Introduces how to increase data node volume.