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Create and manage subscription

Create subscription

Messages published to a topic can be received through subscriptions. Subscriptions provide two types of message transmission methods: Pull and Push. Here's how to create a subscription in the Pub/Sub service.


You can create up to 5 subscriptions per project.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Analytics > Pub/Sub.

  2. Click the [Create subscription] button in the Subscription menu.

  3. After entering the information, click the [Create] button.

    Image Create subscription

    Basic settingsSubscription Name: Example: sub-01-test
    Select Topic: Select the topic to create the subscription for
    TypePull: The user requests to send a message
    Push: This is a type of message transmission from Pub/Sub. Endpoint URL input is required.

    When creating a Push type subscription
    (1) Inbound policy setting of the security group of the resource connected to the endpoint is required to allow Pub/Sub Push
       - Push subscription of Default-Topic
          - kr-central-1 Source IP range: ~
         - kr-central-2 Source IP:
       - Push subscription of User Topic
       ;    - kr-central-1 Source IP:,,,,
          - kr-central-2 Source IP:,,,,,
    (2) Message Push is possible only with the endpoint URL of each region using KakaoCloud public IP
    Subscription retention periodSet the message retention period of the subscription
    - Period range: Set within 10 minutes - 7 days
    - Must be equal to or less than the topic message retention period
    Response wait timeTime to wait for message confirmation response
    - Time range: Set within 10 - 600 seconds (10 minutes)
    Retry attemptsSpecify the number of times to reprocess a message if there is no response within the waiting time

For security reasons, Ports 22, 1433, 1521, 3306, 3389, 6379, 27017 cannot be set as Push endpoints.

Manage subscription

The following is how to manage subscriptions in the Pub/Sub service.

View subscription list

You can check the list of currently created subscriptions and basic information about the subscriptions.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Analytics > Pub/Sub menu.

  2. Check the subscription list in the Subscription menu.

    Image Subscription list

    NameName of subscription
    StatusSubscription status
    - Active: Active status
    - In Progress: Working
    - Error: Subscription is abnormal and cannot operate properly
    - Expired: There are no tasks for the created subscription and it is unavailable due to the Expiration Policy
    Internal resources are deleted, and only deletion is possible thereafter
    *Expiration Policy: The number of unprocessed subscriptions is maintained at 10,000 or more for 1 hour
    TypeTypes of subscriptions
    - Pull: User requests message transmission
    - Push: Sends message in Pub/Sub
    Topic nameName of the topic to which the subscription belongs
    Message retentionMessage retention period of the subscription
    Response wait timeTime to wait for message response
    CreatorUser who created the subscription
    [More] icon- Modify: Modify subscription settings
    - Delete: Delete the subscription
    - Rewind timestamp: Revert subscription time

View subscription details

You can check the detailed information of the subscription.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Analytics > Pub/Sub menu.

  2. Select a subscription from the Subscription menu.

  3. Check the information on the subscription details page.

    Image Subscription details

Modify subscription

You can modify the detailed settings of the subscription.


Currently, the subscription retention period can only be extended. The period reduction function will be updated in the future.

  1. Go to the KakaoCloud Console > Analytics > Pub/Sub menu.

  2. Click on the Subscription menu, then select the [More] icon > Modify.

  3. In the pop-up, change the subscription settings and click the [Modify] button.

    Image Modify subscription

Rewind timestamp

This function reverts a subscription to a specific time, allowing you to receive all messages after the reverted time. However, messages whose retention period has expired in the topic cannot be received again even if the time is reverted in the subscription.


You cannot roll back the time before the topic creation time to which the subscription belongs.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Analytics > Pub/Sub menu.

  2. In the Subscription menu, select the [More] icon > Rewind timestamp.

  3. In the pop-up window, set the time to roll back to, and then click the [Rewind timestamp] button.

    Image Rewind timestamp

Delete subscription

You can delete a subscription that is no longer in use.


Deleted subscriptions cannot be recovered.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Analytics > Pub/Sub menu.
  2. Click the Subscription menu, then select the [More] icon > Delete.
  3. Change the subscription settings and click the [Delete] button.

Monitor subscription

You can check the monitoring results of the selected subscription.


Subscription monitoring may take some time to aggregate unprocessed messages, and messages that have exceeded the retry count will be excluded from the aggregation.

  1. Select KakaoCloud Console > Pub/Sub menu

  2. Select the subscription to be monitored from the Subscription menu.

  3. Select the Monitoring tab.