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Key Concepts

KakaoCloud Pub/Sub is a non-installation message queue service for large-volume events and data analysis. You can classify and manage message data using topics and subscriptions.


A message is data and properties delivered to a subscription.


A topic is an element that distinguishes a specific message or event type, and multiple subscriptions can be added to a single topic.


Default-Topic is a topic provided by default in Pub/Sub, and provides event data generated in KakaoCloud, such as Cloud Trail.


Messages published to a topic can be received through subscription. Subscriptions are provided in two types: Pull and Push.

Pull   The way a user requests message transmission
- Message transmission request and confirmation response
PushThe way messages are transmitted in Pub/Sub
- Requires an endpoint (HTTP/HTTPS) server to receive messages


A subject (subscriber) that receives and processes messages for a specific topic. A subscriber subscribes to a specific topic and receives notifications and processes messages whenever a new message is published to the topic.


A subject (publisher) that creates data or events and publishes them to the Pub/Sub system. A publisher creates or collects messages on a specific topic and sends them to all subscribers who have subscribed to that topic.