How-to Guides
Explore how to use KakaoCloud Bare Metal Server.
📄️ Create and connect instance
Describes how to create and connect a KakaoCloud Bare Metal Server instance.
📄️ Manage instance
Introduction to managing Bare Metal Server (BMS) instances on KakaoCloud.
📄️ Use instance by type
Describes how to use GPU-type KakaoCloud Bare Metal Server instances.
📄️ Create and manage key pair
This document guides you on how to create and manage key pairs for KakaoCloud Bare Metal Server.
📄️ Manage network
Explains how to connect and disassociate KakaoCloud Bare Metal Server public IP.
Introduction to KakaoCloud, Quick Start Guide, and Console Guide are provided in the Getting started category.
Please contact the Helpdesk for inquiries while using the service.