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Manage instance

To manage instances in Bare Metal Server, follow these guidelines.

View instance list

You can check the list of running instances and their basic information.

  1. Go to Beyond Compute Service > Bare Metal Server in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. View the created instances under the Instance menu.

    Image Instance menu

    NameName of the instance
    IDUnique instance ID
    StateState of the instance
    - For details, refer to Instance lifecycle.
    TypeServer type of the instance
    ImageThe operating system installed on the instance
    Private IPThe internal network IP address automatically assigned to the instance
    Public IPThe public IP address directly assigned and accessible by the user
    AZAvailability zone where the instance is located
    CreatedThe date of the instance was created
    [More]Access additional functions specific to the instance
    - For details, refer to More features.

More features

You can perform various functions by clicking the [More] icon of the instance.

  1. Go to Beyond Compute Service > Bare Metal Server in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. Click the [More] icon of the instance to manage under the Instance menu.

    Image More features

    StartActivate a stopped instance
    StopTemporarily cease the instance
    RestartRestart the instance after terminating running processes
    - Restart may not proceed if processes fail to terminate.
    Hard rebootRestart the instance after shutting down its power
    Rename instanceModify the instance's name and description
    Rebuild instanceReinstall the OS image or reset the key pair
    Associate public IPAssign a public IP to the instance
    - Only available to Project Admin
    Disassociate public IPRemove the instance's public IP
    - Only available to Project Admin
    Use SSH to connectAccess the instance via SSH
    - Available for Linux-based instances
    - For details, refer to Connect with SSH to Linux instance
    Delete instancePermanently remove and return the instance

When changing the instance state via the command line, please keep the followings in mind:

  • When you shut down the server using the shutdown command in OS, it is set to reboot automatically.
  • To fully shut down the server, please use the KakaoCloud Console instead.

View instance details

You can check detailed information of the instance by tab.

  1. Go to Beyond Compute Service > Bare Metal Server in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. Select the instance in the Instance menu.

  3. Check the details of the selected instance by tab.

    Instance nameThe name of the instance set by the user
    Instance stateFor more details, refer to Instance lifecycle.
    Host nameThe host name automatically generated in the form of a private IP
    - Assigned in the form of host-{PRIVATE_IP}
    ImageThe name of the instance's Image
    Key pairThe key pair of the instance
    CreatorThe user who created the instance
    Created atThe creation date and time of the instance (time elapsed since creation)
    Instance IDThe unique ID (UUID) of the instance
    Availability ZoneAvailability zone where the instance is located
    Instance typeThe type of instance selected during creation
    vCPUThe number of CPUs according to the instance type
    MemoryThe size of Memory according to the instance type
    VolumeThe applied disk capacity of the instance

Hard reboot instance

Restarting an instance is akin to rebooting an operating system. This process usually finishes within 10-15 minutes, retaining all prior configurations, including Public DNS, Public and private IP addresses, and data stored on connected volumes. Notably, performing a hard reboot does not initiate a new billing period for the instance.

  1. Go to Beyond Compute Service > Bare Metal Server in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. In the Instance menu, select [More] icon > Hard reboot.

    Hard Reboot instance Hard reboot instance

  3. In the pop-up window, confirm the instance and click the [OK] button.

Delete instance

If an instance is no longer needed, it can be safely deleted.


Upon deletion of instances, they will be completely returned after termination and cannot be recovered.

  1. Go to Beyond Compute Service > Bare Metal Server in the KakaoCloud Console.
  2. In the Instance menu, select [More] icon > Delete.
  3. In the pop-up window, enter the name of the instance and click the [Delete] button.

Set time reference

Consistent and accurate time references are crucial for many server operations and processes. The images provided by KakaoCloud use time synchronization services like Network Time Protocol (NTP), Chrony, and systemd-timesyncd provided by the operating system.

These time synchronization services allow multiple servers to operate based on the same time reference and ensure consistent time references. However, these external services can only be used when the server has internet access.
In a local network environment, you can synchronize time using KakaoCloud's NTP service. For Linux environments, you can use the Chrony client to utilize KakaoCloud's NTP service within the instance.

  • Synchronization of KakaoCloud is provided at the IPv4 address
  1. Install the Chrony package.

    sudo yum install chrony
  2. Open the /etc/chrony.conf file and add the following line.

    server prefer iburst minpoll 4 maxpoll 4
  3. Restart the chronyd daemon to apply the changes.

    sudo service chronyd restart
  4. Configure Chrony to start at boot using the following command.

    sudo chkconfig chronyd on
  5. Check if Chrony is using the IP for time synchronization. Also, verify that the default time source marked with ^* is set to

    $ chronyc sources
    MS Name/IP address Stratum Poll Reach LastRx Last sample
    ^- 2 6 17 9 -8932us[-8909us] +/- 4550us
    ^- ec2-13-209-84-50.ap-nort> 2 6 17 9 -8534us[-8512us] +/- 5038us
    ^* 2 4 17 9 +11us[ +34us] +/- 39ms
  6. Verify Chrony's time synchronization status.

    $ chronyc tracking
    Reference ID : A9FEA97B (
    Stratum : 3
    Ref time (UTC) : Wed Jun 28 08:14:40 2023
    System time : 0.000019450 seconds fast of NTP time
    Last offset : +0.000022669 seconds
    RMS offset : 0.000022669 seconds
    Frequency : 1.352 ppm slow
    Residual freq : +2.810 ppm
    Skew : 0.061 ppm
    Root delay : 0.076084495 seconds
    Root dispersion : 0.000831026 seconds
    Update interval : 2.0 seconds
    Leap status : Normal