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Create and manage key pair


This guide contains information about GPU and NPU instances.
Video transcoding instances are provided in Virtual Machine, for more details refer to Virtual Machine > Manage key pair.

Key pair is a key used to prove credentials when connecting to an instance, consisting of a public key and a private key. Key pairs can be registered and managed to protect instance access information.
The public key is stored in the instance, while the private key is stored and managed by the user. Anyone with the private key can connect to the instance, so it is important to keep the private key in a secure location.
The method of managing key pairs in GPU services is as follows:

Public and Private Keys

Public keyA publicly managed key registered and managed in the instance for access security
- Check on GPU > Key Pair menu > [More] icon > View public key
Private keyA key stored and managed by the user to connect to the instance
- Required for instance connection (SSH access)
- Downloadable only once at creation
- Anyone owning the private key can connect to the instance, so be cautious with its security and management

Create key pair

Create new key pair

Create a new key pair.

  1. Go to Beyond Compute Service > GPU in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. Click the [Create key pair] button in the Key Pair menu.

  3. Select Create new key pair and enter the required information, then click [Create].

    이미지 Create new key pair

  4. Once the key pair is created, the {key pair name}.pem private key file will be automatically downloaded.

    Name    Enter key pair name
    - e.g. instance-01_01
    - Duplicate Key Pair names within the same project are not allowed.
    TypeBoth types consist of a pair of public and private keys
    - SSH: Authentication key used in systems employing the SSH protocol
    - X509: Digital certificates used in SSL/TLS protocols, a public key encryption technology (support planned)

Upload existing key

Create a key pair using existing key information.

  1. Go to Beyond Compute Service > GPU in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. Click the [Create key pair] button in the Key Pair menu.

  3. Select Upload existing key for the creation method.

  4. Enter the Key information directly in the registration information or upload the Key file by clicking the [Upload file] button.

    Name     Key pair name
    - e.g. instance-01_01
    - Duplicate key pair names within the same project are not allowed
    TypeBoth types consist of a pair of public and private keys
    - SSH: Authentication key used in systems employing the SSH protocol
    - X509: Digital certificates used in SSL/TLS protocols, a public key encryption technology (coming soon)
    RegistrationUpload file: Register the downloaded key file
    - Supported extensions: pub, crt, cer, der, pem, p7b, p7c, pfx, p12
    - Enter the content of the key file directly in the Enter directly box.

Manage key pair

View key pair list

View the list and basic information of key pairs in use.

  1. Go to Beyond Compute Service > GPU in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. Check the currently used key pairs in the Key Pair menu.

    Key Pair NameName of the key pair
    TypeKey pair type
    - SSH: Authentication key used in systems employing the SSH protocol
    - X509: Digital certificates used in SSL/TLS protocols, a public key encryption technology (support planned)
    Associated ResourceVM instances connected to the key pair within the current project
    CreatedDate the key pair was created
    MoreExecute item-specific functions
    - View fingerprint: View the fingerprint of the key pair
    - View public key: View the public key of the key pair
    - Delete key pair: Only the user who registered the key pair can delete it