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Create and manage snapshot/schedule

Create and manage snapshot

Create a new snapshot to capture the current state of the volume.


If you extended the size of a volume, perform a full backup even if there are previously created snapshots. When conducting incremental backups, there may be failures in creating snapshots or the created snapshots may not be usable.

Create snapshot by selecting a volume

  1. Go to Beyond Compute Service > Virtual Machine in KakaoCloud Console.

  2. Go to Volume menu > [More] icon and click the Create snapshot.

  3. Enter the required information and click the [Create] button.

    image. Snapshot creation Create snapshot

    Selected volumeVolume to create snapshot
    Snapshot typeHow to create a snapshot
    - Full: A full backup is to create a copy of all data at the time of backup execution, regardless of changes to the data.
      ᄂ e.g. When a full 50GB volume is backed up, a 50GB snapshot is created.
    - Incremental: Incremental backup is to back up only data that has changed since the previous backup.
      ᄂ e.g. If 1GB of data has been added since the last backup, an incremental backup generates an additional 1GB snapshot.
      ᄂ It can be executed after completing the first full backup.
    Snapshot nameIt is automatically set according to the volume name, but can be entered directly
    Description (optional)Snapshot description

Create snapshot from the snapshot tab

  1. Go to Beyond Compute Service > Virtual Machine in KakaoCloud Console.
  2. Click the Snapshot menu and select Create snapshot in the upper right corner.
  3. Enter the required information and click the [Create] button.

Even with a full backup via a snapshot schedule, if a snapshot is manually created, the initial full snapshot needs to be generated.

View snapshot list

Check the list of snapshots you have and basic information about each snapshot.

  1. Go to Beyond Compute Service > Virtual Machine in KakaoCloud Console.

  2. Check the list of created snapshots in the Snapshot menu.

    TypeSnapshot type
    - Full Full backup
    - Incremental: Incremental backup
    NameSnapshot name
    StateState of snapshot
    - Creating: Creating a snapshot
    - Available: Snapshot available
    - Restoring: Restoring
    - Deleting: Deleting
    - Error: Snapshot cannot be used
    Target volume IDName of the volume where the snapshot was created
    SizeSize of snapshot
    Snapshot scheduleSnapshots created directly by the user
    - Snapshot schedule name: Snapshots automatically created by policy
    CreatorUser who created the snapshot
    CreatedCreated date of snapshot
    - Check elapsed time when hovering created date
    MoreFunctions for each item
    - Modify snapshot: Set the name and description of the snapshot
    - Restore snapshot: Create a new volume with a snapshot
    - Delete snapshot: Delete the created snapshot

Restore volume from snapshot tab

Select a snapshot to restore the volume to that point in time.

  1. Go to Beyond Compute Service > Virtual Machine in KakaoCloud Console.
  2. In the Snapshot menu, select the [More] icon > Restore snapshot.
  3. Click the [Restore] button.

Restore volume from volume tab

  1. Go to Beyond Compute Service > Virtual Machine in KakaoCloud Console.
  2. In the Volume menu, select the volume.
  3. Click the Snapshot menu, select the [More] icon > Restore snapshot.
  4. Click the [Restore] button.

Delete snapshot

You can delete snapshots that are no longer in use.

  • If there are multiple incremental backup snapshots for one volume, only the last created incremental backup can be deleted.
  • If there is one or more incremental backup snapshots, the entire backup snapshot for that volume cannot be deleted.

Deleted snapshots cannot be recovered.

  1. Go to Beyond Compute Service > Virtual Machine in KakaoCloud Console.
  2. In the Snapshot menu, select the [More] icon > Delete snapshot.
  3. Enter the name of the snapshot to delete and click the [Delete] button.

Create and manage snapshot schedule

Here's how to automatically create and delete snapshots of the current status of the volume in Virtual Machine at the set cycle.

Create snapshot schedule

Create a new snapshot schedule.

  1. Go to Beyond Compute Service > Virtual Machine in KakaoCloud Console.

  2. Select the Snapshot Schedule menu and click the [Create snapshot schedule] button located in the upper right.

  3. Enter the required information and click the [Create] button.

    image. Create snapshot schedule Create snapshot schedule

    Basic informationSnapshot schedule nameEnter snapshot schedule name
    Snapshot Schedule
    Description (Optional)
    Enter Description
    Backup typeFullExecuting a full backup every cycle
    - A method of creating a copy of all data at the time of backup execution, regardless of data changes
    IncrementalExecutes incremental backup every cycle
    - Backs up only data that has changed since the previous backup
    - Requires one full backup for the first time
    Snapshot creation cycleSet the cycle to automatically Create snapshots
    Deletion scheduleSnapshots are automatically deleted according to the elapsed time you set.
    - Max no. of snapshots: If the no. of snapshots exceeds the set number, the oldest snapshots are deleted first.
    - Elapsed time: Snapshots are automatically deleted when they reach the set elapsed time.

View snapshot schedule list

Check the list of snapshot schedules and basic information about each snapshot schedule.

  1. Go to Beyond Compute Service > Virtual Machine in KakaoCloud Console.

  2. Check the list of currently running snapshot schedules in the Snapshot Schedule menu.

    NameThe name of the user-specified snapshot schedule
    DescriptionDescription of the snapshot schedule
    Creation frequencySnapshot automatic creation cycle of the snapshot schedule set by the user
    Deletion scheduleMethod and cycle of automatically deleting snapshots automatically created by the snapshot schedule set by the user
    Attached volumeList of volumes associated with a snapshot schedule
    CreatedSnapshot schedule Created
    - Check detailed units by hovering the mouse cursor
    MoreExecute functions for each item
    - Modify snapshot schedule: Change the settings of the snapshot schedule
    - Attach volume: Connect a volume to the snapshot schedule
    - Detach volume: Disconnect a volume connected to a snapshot schedule
    - Delete snapshot schedule: Delete a created snapshot schedule

Attach volume to snapshot schedule

Attach a snapshot schedule to a volume.

  1. Go to Beyond Compute Service > Virtual Machine in KakaoCloud Console.
  2. In the Snapshot Schedule menu, select the [More] icon and click Attach volume.
  3. Select the volume to attach to the snapshot schedule and click the [Save] button.

Detach snapshot schedule

Detach a volume attached to a snapshot schedule.

  1. Go to Beyond Compute Service > Virtual Machine in KakaoCloud Console.
  2. In the Snapshot Schedule menu, select the [More] icon and click Detach volume.
  3. Select the volume to detach from the snapshot schedule and click the [Detach] button.

Delete snapshot schedule

Delete snapshot schedules that are no longer in use.

  1. Go to Beyond Compute Service > Virtual Machine in KakaoCloud Console.
  2. In the Snapshot Schedule menu, select the [More] icon and click the Delete snapshot schedule.
  3. Enter the name of the snapshot schedule to be deleted and click the [Delete] button.