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Monitoring and Cloud Trail of KakaoCloud monitor Virtual Machine (VM) and analyze the traffic patterns to solve resource issues.


For monitoring, install the Monitoring Agent in advance.


KakaoCloud collects metrics, events, and logs of virtual machines through the monitoring service. With this service, you can configure time-series dashboards for these metric elements. By monitoring specified metrics and sending notifications if the metrics exceed the allowable range, you can ensure the system is performing as expected.

Metric NameDescriptionUnit
cpu_usageMeasures the usage of the entire CPU%
cpu_usage_iowaitCPU usage rate, CPU state: iowait%
cpu_usage_systemCPU usage rate, CPU state: system%
cpu_usage_userCPU usage rate, CPU state: user%
cpu_usage_for_coreMeasures CPU usage per core%
mem_bufferedMemory usage, memory state: bufferedbytes(IEC)
mem_cachedMemory usage, memory state: cachedbytes(IEC)
mem_usedMemory usagebytes(IEC)
mem_usageMemory usage rate%
disk_usedDisk usagebytes(IEC)
disk_used_percentDisk usage rate%
disk_inodes_usageDisk inode usage rate%
disk_read_bytes_persecBytes read per second from diskbytes/s(IEC)
disk_write_bytes_persecBytes written per second to diskbytes/s(IEC)
disk_read_iopsNumber of read operations completed per secondcount/s
disk_write_iopsNumber of write operations completed per secondcount/s
network_rx_bytes_persecBytes received per second by the network interfacebytes/s(IEC)
network_tx_bytes_persecBytes transmitted per second by the network interfacebytes/s(IEC)
network_rx_packets_persecNumber of packets received per second by the network interfacepackets/s
network_tx_packets_persecNumber of packets transmitted per second by the network interfacepackets/s
nvidia_smi_memory_freeFree memory per GPU coreMiB(IEC)
nvidia_smi_memory_totalTotal memory per GPU coreMiB(IEC)
nvidia_smi_memory_usedUsed memory per GPU coreMiB(IEC)
nvidia_smi_power_drawPower consumption per GPU corewatt
nvidia_smi_utilization_gpuGPU utilization rate per core%
cpu_credit_usageCPU credit usage (kr-central-2 region)count
cpu_credit_balanceRemaining CPU credits (kr-central-2 region only)count

Cloud Trail

KakaoCloud Cloud Trail automatically collects and records user activities. It tracks user activities such as logins and resource creation, modification, and deletion on an event basis, allowing you to manage activity information. You can audit whether security policies are being complied with by viewing events from the past 90 days in the console. Additionally, you can check for recent activities in the project, and whether unauthorized users have accessed or worked on the project.

Resource typeEvent name
Instance       Instance Create
Instance Stop
Instance Start
Instance Reboot
Instance Delete
Instance Resize
Instance Volume Attach
Instance Volume Detach
Key pairKeypair Create
Keypair Delete
Block StorageVolume Create
Volume Delete
Volume Resizing
SnapshotSnapshot Create
Snapshot Delete
Snapshot Restore
ImageImage Create
Image Update
Image Delete