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Release Notes

August 27, 2024

Feature addition
▸ Added option to delete the volume upon instance deletion
  • An option has been added to delete connected volumes when deleting an instance.

August 13, 2024

Image update
▸ Added new image
  • New images have been added to the Virtual Machine and GPU services to provide the latest kernel versions. The list of added images is as follows:
    • Ubuntu 24.04 (Kernel 6.8.0-39)
    • Ubuntu 22.04 (Kernel 5.15.0-117)
    • Ubuntu 20.04 (Kernel 5.4.0-190)
▸ Deleted existing images
  • Due to the provision of the latest kernel versions, images using older kernel versions have been removed from the Virtual Machine and GPU services. Instances that have already been created can continue to be used as before. The list of deleted images is as follows:
    • Ubuntu 22.04 (Kernel 5.15.0-100)
    • Ubuntu 20.04 (Kernel 5.4.0-173)

July 24, 2024

Image update
▸ Added new image
  • Due to an issue with DNS queries failing on some operating system images, new images have been added to the Virtual Machine and GPU services to resolve this issue and provide the latest versions. The list of added images is as follows:
    • CentOS Stream 9
    • Rocky Linux 9.4
    • Rocky Linux 8.10
    • AlmaLinux 9.4
    • AlmaLinux 8.10
▸ Deleted existing images
  • Images where the above issue occurred and images that have reached their end-of-life (EOL) have been removed from the Virtual Machine and GPU services to prevent the creation of new instances. Instances that have already been created can still be used as before. The list of deleted images is as follows:
    • AlmaLinux 9 - 5.14.0-284
    • Rocky Linux 9 - 5.14.0-284
    • Rocky Linux 8 - 4.18.0-477
    • CentOS Stream 8 - 4.18.0-516

January 25, 2024

Updated instance type
▸ Burst capability added to t1i instances
  • Burstable instance type t1i now supports a standard mode for bursting. You can burst the instance above the baseline CPU usage using the remaining instance credits.

December 4, 2023

Updated instance type
▸ AZ added for m3az
  • In addition to the kr-central-2-a region, the m3az general-purpose instance family service is now available in the kr-central-2-b region.

November 24, 2023

Updated instance type
▸ General-purpose instance family m3az added
  • The m3az general-purpose instance family service is now available in the kr-central-2-a region.
  • Services for kr-central-2-b AZ will be supported in the future.

November 19, 2023

Updated image
▸ Changed name of default image
  • For Linux/Unix-based operating systems, the kernel version is added to the name, and for Windows operating systems, the edition name is included.
▸ Changed some default images
  • Instances created from service-terminated images can still be used as before, but no further creation of such images is allowed.

September 25, 2023

Discontinued instance type
▸ Discontinued instances: r1i instance family, m1i instance family, m2a.baremetal instances, some p2i instance family
  • Discontinuation date: September 25, 2023, at 10 AM.
  • If you are utilizing the above instance families and sizes, please use instances of similar specifications instead.

Instances with similar specifications

  • r1i instance family → r2a instance family
  • m1i instance family → m2a instance family
  • m2a.baremetal → r2a.baremetal
  • p2i.8xlarge, p2i.16xlarge, p2i.32xlarge → p2i.6xlarge, p2i.12xlarge, p2i.24xlarge

September 22, 2023

Updated instance type
▸ New instance type vt1a opened in kr-central-2 region
  • You can now use 'video transcoding instance types' in the kr-central-2 region.

September 12, 2023

Updated instance type
▸ New general-purpose instance type (t1i) opened in kr-central-2 region
  • General-purpose instance t1i family service is now available in the kr-central-2 region.

September 12, 2023

Updated instance type
▸ New instance type (c2a) opened in kr-central-2 region
  • 'Compute-optimized instance types' are now available in the kr-central-2 region.

June 1, 2023

Discontinued instance type
▸ Discontinued instance: Ubuntu 20.04 image
  • Ubuntu 20.04 (NPU) image to be consolidated with Ubuntu 20.04 image applied with kernel 5.15.
  • Ubuntu 22.04 image also to be provided.

May 31, 2023

Feature improvements and additions
▸ Separation of Virtual Machine / GPU
  • Instances including accelerators (GPU, NPU, Video Transcoding) are separated and provided as specialized services.
▸ Definition of flavor / property
  • Standard instance family and types optimized for hardware specs are provided.
  • Instance performance can be checked through Flavor Property.
▸ Improvement of image / property
  • Reinforced the foundation of the image service by reorganizing properties related to images.
▸ Improvement of BCS console UI for BCS
  • Improved to easily and quickly find various instances through condition search.
  • Improved UI to easily find and set security groups.

March 13, 2023

Feature improvements and additions
▸ Addition of gn1i group instance type to GPU
  • Added gn1i instance type to GPU services.
▸ Improved instance creation
  • Improved to search by detailed specs such as vCPU, RAM, etc., when selecting instance type.

January 16, 2023

Feature improvements and additions
▸ Changed instance hostname policy
  • The hostname of existing instances is maintained, and new instances are automatically set with a hostname in Private IP format (e.g. host-100-100-17-22).
▸ Allowed duplicate instance names
  • Due to the change in hostname policy, setting duplicate instance names is possible.
▸ Allowed creation of instance names up to 63 characters when creating an instance with a Windows image
  • Unified to allow creation of names from 4 to 63 characters, previously only up to 15 characters.
▸ Allowed certain special characters when setting instance names
  • Changed to allow _ in the name.
▸ Added displaying instance ID along with instance name in the list
  • Improved to present both the instance name and instance ID (UUID) together.
▸ Improved image creation feature
  • Made 'Create image' feature executable when the instance is in stopped state for data consistency.
  • Recommended to execute in stopped state from a data consistency perspective.
▸ Added Windows 2022 OS image
  • Patch update for existing Windows 2019 OS image.

December 1, 2022

Feature improvements and additions
▸ Improved 'Create instance' page
  • 'Create instance', previously structured as a 4-step page movement, has been changed to a single page.
  • Spec selection/setting and instance creation are possible on a single page.
  • 'Summary Information' at the top right corner allows checking the selected/set specs.
▸ Addition of 'Terminate' function and reorganization of function buttons
  • The existing 'shelve' has been divided and changed to 'stop' and 'terminate'.
  • Changing the instance type is possible only when the instance is in the 'stopped' state.
  • When instance function buttons are disabled, the cause can be checked through tooltips by hovering over them.
  • For A1 type group instances, billing continues even when 'stop' is executed, and should 'terminate' to stop billing.
  • For GPU type group instances, billing continues from the moment of creation until deletion, regardless of 'stop' or 'terminate' functions.
▸ Updated instance lifecycle (LifeCycle)
  • Includes all cases of instance function execution and instance state values.
  • Added descriptions for each instance function (command) and state value.

August 8, 2022

Feature addition
▸ Added custom image sharing feature
  • Added the feature to share 'My Images'.
  • You can specify a project to share the image with or to revoke the sharing.
▸ Added OS images
  • Basic images for VM use have been expanded to include OS images (Rocky Linux 8, Alma Linux 9, CentOS Stream 8).

August 25, 2022

Feature addition
▸ Update on the addition of the Public DNS feature

December 30, 2021

Feature addition
▸ Improvements made to the control actions of instance states and updates on instance listing functionalities for convenience.

November 26, 2021

Feature addition
▸ Various instance types added and features like image creation and public IP attachment/detachment updated.

September 29, 2021

Feature addition
▸ Updates made on instance state control functionality and user script functionality.

August 31, 2021

Feature addition
▸ Updates included snapshot functionality for backing up and managing crucial data, volume management, and other convenience features.