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View bills

You can view the bills containing the confirmed billing amount for the previous month at the beginning of each month. The bills include the service fees, value-added tax (VAT, 10%), and discounts or surcharges related to operations.
Here's how to check the bills.

  • Only users with roles of Billing Admin and Billing Manager can access the Billing > Bills tab.
  • Even if a user has the billing role, users not belonging to a billing group will have restricted access to the Billing menu.
  • Users can only view bills for the billing groups they have access to.
  • Even if a specific project is not connected to a billing group based on the current month's bill issuance, you can still view the billing amount for that project based on previously issued bills.
  • (Example)
    When checking sub billing group A in July, you can view the billing amount for Project B. However, when checking for June, you can see the billing amounts for both Project A and B.
    • June:

      Billing groupProject
      Sub billing group AProject A, B
      Sub billing group BProject C
    • July:

      Billing groupProject
      Sub billing group AProject B
      Sub billing group BProject A, C

View final amount

The final amount includes the service fee plus VAT and is issued at the beginning of each month based on the previous month's usage. You can check the final amount, credit usage status, discount amount, and payment method through the bills.

  • If sub billing groups are created in addition to the main billing group, multiple bills will be issued for each billing group. You can check the bills for each billing group separately.
  • The 'ALL (total)' bills are not issued to the customer, but it allows users to view the total billing amount for the billing groups they have access to.
  • The value-added tax (VAT) is calculated as 10% of (Total confirmed amount - free/paid credits used).
  1. Select the Billing menu in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. Click on the Bills menu.

    billing_bill_final_new.png Final amount

    Payment methodCredit card or dedicated account information
    - Click Change to update payment method
    Payment date (or due date)Information displayed varies by payment method
    - For credit card, shows the automatic Payment date (10th of each month)
    - For dedicated account, shows due date (end of each month)
    Final billed amountConfirmed amount for the current month's usage fees
    Total usage amountTotal service usage fees for the current month
    Free credit usageAmount of free credit used
    Paid credit usageAmount of paid credit used
    VAT10% of the taxable amount (total usage amount - free/paid credit usage)
    Discount for amounts less than 100 KRWIf the total usage fee, including VAT, is less than 100 KRW, the discounted amount
    Overdue amountOutstanding amount + overdue fees
    - Outstanding amount: Unpaid invoice amount
    - Overdue fee: Taxable amount of unpaid invoice x 0.05% x number of months overdue
    Total billed amountFinal amount the customer needs to pay or settle
    - Final billed amount: (Total usage amount - free/paid credit usage) + VAT + overdue amount

View bills by service

You can view the bills for each service.

  1. Select the Billing menu in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. Choose the Bills menu.

  3. Select a service from the View by service tab.

    • Click the [Download as Excel] or [Download as PDF] button to check the entire bills. When you select a specific service, however, the entire details of the bills will be downloaded.

View bills by project

You can view the bills by project.

  1. Select the Billing menu in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. Click on the Bills menu, then go to the View by project.

    billing_bill_project.png View by project

View credit card sales statement

If you pay your usage fees with a credit card, you can confirm the credit card sales statement for verification purposes.

  1. Navigate to the Billing on KakaoCloud Console.

  2. Click on the Bills menu, then click the [View credit card sales slip] button.

    • The [View credit card sales slip] button is only activated when the payment status is Payment completed.

View proof for dedicated account

KakaoEnterprise issues tax invoices on the 15th of each month. If you have any further inquiries on dedicated account, please contact Helpdesk.

  1. Click on the [Helpdesk] icon in the upper right corner of KakaoCloud Console, then select Q&A.
  2. In the Q&A tab, click the [Ask a Question] button, then select [Technical inquiry].
  3. Enter your information in the Ask a question section, then click [Register].