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View estimated cost

You can check the monthly and daily estimated cost, as well as the project-wise estimated cost as follows:

  • Only users with roles of Billing Admin, Billing Manager, Billing Viewer can access the View estimated cost menu.
  • Even billing role users will have restricted access to the billing menu if they are not part of a billing group.
  • Users can only view invoices for the billing groups they have access to.
  • Even if a specific project is not connected to a billing group based on the current month's bill issuance, you can still view the billing amount for that project based on previously issued bills.
  • (Example)
    When checking sub billing group A in July, you can view the billing amount for Project B. However, when checking for June, you can see the billing amounts for both Project A and B.
    • June:

      Billing groupProject
      Sub billing group AProject A, B
      Sub billing group BProject C
    • July:

      Billing groupProject
      Sub billing group AProject B
      Sub billing group BProject A, C

View estimated monthly cost

You can check the estimated monthly cost and the difference in cost compared to the previous month. The estimated cost for this month is calculated as the cumulative sum of the estimated amount used until the previous day.


The estimated cost shown in the View estimated cost (Monthly) menu may differ from the final billing amount and do not reflect value-added tax (VAT, 10%) or credit discounts or surcharges. You can check the final grand total in the Bills menu.

  1. Select the Billing on KakaoCloud Console.

  2. Navigate to the View estimated cost (Monthly) menu.

    이미지 View estimated monthly cost

    ⓵ Year/MonthSelect the year and month to view estimated costs.
    ⓶ Detailed feesDisplays the period of estimated usage fees and service-specific estimated usage fees.
    - Displays in descending order of usage fees, with other services marked as etc.
    - If network usage fees are not included in the usage fees, they are combined with other services and can be viewed in the total usage fees.
      ㄴ Network fees can only be viewed in View estimated cost (Monthly).
    ⓷ Total usage feesTotal estimated usage fees for the month.
    - Hover over the chart to see service-specific fees.

View estimated daily cost

You can check the estimated daily costs and the difference in costs compared to specific periods. The estimated cost for this month is calculated as the cumulative sum of the estimated amount used until the previous day.


The estimated costs shown in the View estimated cost (Daily) menu are similar to those in the View estimated monthly cost menu when viewed over the same period. However, please be aware that these estimates may differ from the final billed amount.

  1. Select the Billing on KakaoCloud Console.

  2. Navigate to the View estimated cost (Daily) menu to review the usage fees.

    이미지 View estimated daily cost

    ⓵ PeriodSelect the period to view The estimated cost.
    - Up to 6 months (183 days) can be viewed.
    ⓶ Detailed feesDisplays the period of estimated usage fees and service-specific estimated usage fees.
    - Displayed in descending order of usage fees, with other services marked as etc.
    - View usage and estimated fees for specific dates or periods.
    ⓷ Total usage feesTotal estimated usage fees for the selected period.
    - Hover over the chart to see service-specific fees.

View estimated cost by project

You can check the estimated billing amount for a specific project using the project filter.


The estimated billing amount may differ from the final billing amount and does not include value-added tax (VAT, 10%) or credit discounts or surcharges.

  1. Select the Billing on KakaoCloud Console.

  2. Navigate to the View estimated cost menu to review the project-specific estimated fees.

    ProjectProject nickname/name.
    ProductProducts used in the project.
    Subscription typeType of subscription of the service.
    Usage timeService usage time.
    Usage amountService usage amount.
    Usage feeDaily closing usage fees without discounts.
    Discount amountDiscount amount (contract discount, basic discount, etc.).
    Estimated grand totalEstimated billing amount for the service or project, which may differ from the actual billing amount.
    - Estimated grand total: Usage fees - discount amount