Manage credit
Credits can be managed in the Billing service of the KakaoCloud console.
Credits are divided into paid credits and free credits, and users can use these credits to pay for service fees.
- The Billing > Credits tab can only be accessed by users with the Billing Manager role.
- Billing service users must be registered in at least one billing group; otherwise, access to the Billing menu will be restricted. Additionally, users can only view credits for the billing groups to which they have been granted access.
Credit usage order
Credits can be used by billing group, starting with free credits, followed by paid credits. If you hold multiple credits, the usage order is as follows:
Order | Credit Type | Credit Condition |
1 | Free Credit | Credit with the earliest expiration date |
2 | Free Credit | Credit applied to specific services only |
3 | Paid Credit | Credit with the earliest expiration date |
If you have both free and paid credits, the usage amount for services that can be paid with free credits will be deducted first, and then the remaining amount will be deducted from paid credits.
Free credits
Free credits are provided through promotions, events, and rewards, and will be automatically deducted from the total usage amount for services applicable to free credits at the time of invoicing. Free credits can be used for service fee payments, excluding marketplace and OS images.
Apply for free credits
Free credits can be requested through the portal’s 1:1 Inquiry or the console's Helpdesk. As a basic principle, credits are used by billing group; however, some promotional free credits, such as welcome credits, are granted once per domain to the main billing group.
Check free credit status
You can check the status of your free credits in the Billing service of the KakaoCloud console. However, credits with a status of used up, expired, or recovered, which have a remaining amount of '0', can be checked in the Free Credits tab for up to three months from that point.
Go to KakaoCloud console > Billing menu.
Click on the Credits menu, then check the status in the Free Credits tab. The table below provides descriptions of each item.
Item Description Billing Group Dropdown Select the billing group to view Credit Name Name of the credit Usage Period Credits will be deducted for the service fees incurred during the usage period
- The remaining balance cannot be used after the usage periodAccumulated Amount Amount credited at the time of the initial accumulation request Used Amount Amount deducted reflected in the service fees
- Expired amounts may also be included at the expiration of the credit usage periodRemaining Amount Remaining amount calculated by deducting used amount from the accumulated amount Applicable Services Click [View] button to see applicable services
- Only the usage fees for the services listed can be paid with creditsUsage History Click [View] button to check the history of accumulation, use, and transfer of free credits Status Check the status of the credit
- Only credits with the status of Available will be deducted when billing service fees
Transfer free credits
Free credits can be transferred to other billing groups within the same domain. You can check the transfer history of free credits by clicking the [View] button in the usage history section of the Credits menu in the KakaoCloud console Billing service.
Item | Type | Description |
Transaction Type | Transfer Accumulation | Amount credited by receiving transferred free credits |
Transfer Deduction | Amount deducted by transferring free credits | |
Transfer Group | Target group to which free credits have been transferred | |
Transfer Amount | Amount accumulated or used during the transfer of free credits |
Paid credits
Paid credits are credits issued through purchase, automatically deducted from the total service fees during invoicing.
Purchase paid credits
Paid credits can be used within the billing group in which they were purchased. Paid credits cannot be transferred between billing groups, even within the same domain, so please ensure that you confirm the billing group you intend to purchase paid credits for before proceeding. If you wish to purchase paid credits, please contact the Helpdesk.
Check paid credit status
You can check the status of your paid credits in the Billing service of the KakaoCloud console. However, credits with a status of used up, expired, or refunded, which have a remaining amount of '0', can be checked in the Paid Credits tab for up to three months from that point.
Go to KakaoCloud console > Billing menu.
Click on the Credits menu, then click on the Paid Credits tab to check the status of paid credits. The table below provides descriptions of each item.
Item Description Billing Group Dropdown Select the billing group to view Credit Name Name of the credit Purchase Date Date of paid credit purchase
- Validity period: 5 years from the date of purchasePurchase Amount Amount credited at the time of the initial purchase request Used Amount Amount deducted reflected in the service fees Remaining Amount Remaining amount calculated by deducting used amount from the purchase amount Usage History Click [View] button to check the history of accumulation and usage of paid credits Status Check the status of the credit
- Only credits with the status of Available will be deducted when billing service fees