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Manage billing group

Through billing group management, you can link projects by group and view their bills. Billing group management includes project linking/unlinking, email management, and payment method verification.
The following explains how to manage billing groups in the Billing service.

  • Only users with the Billing Admin role can access Billing > Manage billing group.
  • Projects not linked to a sub-billing group will automatically be linked to the main billing group.
  • A project can only belong to one billing group at a time.

Billing group

A billing group refers to the configuration that allows you to receive bills for individual or multiple projects within the domain. If there are two or more billing groups, the main billing group will remain while the others are classified as sub-billing groups. The main billing group manager can receive a unified bill for all billing groups and use it for budget and cost management.

Main billing group

The main billing group is automatically created by the system when a domain is generated and cannot be deleted. Billing role users within the main billing group can view all projects, and all projects are initially connected to the main billing group upon creation.
The payment method for the main billing group must be registered; otherwise, no additional billing groups can be created. If billing, revenue, or payment separation by group is not required, you can manage everything under the main billing group. Only one main billing group exists per domain.

Sub-billing group

Sub-billing groups allow for separate billing, revenue, and payment management by group. Billing role users in sub-billing groups can only view projects linked to that sub-billing group.
Sub-billing groups can only be created after the payment method is registered for the main billing group. If not registered, sub-billing groups cannot be created. A domain can have up to 30 sub-billing groups.

Create sub-billing group

  1. Select the Billing on KakaoCloud Console.
  2. On the Manage billing group menu, click the [Create group] button
  • The button be activated after the payment method for the main billing group is registered.
  1. In the pop-up, fill in the required information and click [Create].
  • A project can only be linked to one billing group at a time. It cannot belong to multiple billing groups simultaneously.
  • Each project must be connected to a billing group. If a project is unlinked from a sub-billing group, it will automatically be connected to the main billing group.
  • Projects cannot be unlinked from the main billing group. To unlink a project from the main billing group, it must first be linked to a sub-billing group. In that case, the project will automatically be unlinked from the main billing group.
  • Any changes to project connections within a billing group will take effect in the bill issued for the following month.
① Basic informationName: The name of the billing group
- Billing group names cannot be duplicated within the same domain
② EmailEmail recipients
- Billing email recipient email address, at least 1 required (up to 10)
- Invoice receipt email recipient email address, at least 1 required (up to 2)
③ Project managementLink or unlink projects to/from the sub-billing group
- Project name: The project to be linked or unlinked
- Your billing group: The billing group the project is currently connected to
- You can search for and select a project by name. The current billing group of each project is displayed in the dropdown list.
- Projects connected to other billing groups can be transferred, but this should be done after prior agreement between billing administrators.

Manage billing group

The billing group management menu in the billing service allows you to customize billing by separating invoices, revenue, and payments for each project. Here's how to manage billing groups in the billing service.

  • You can manage only the main billing group without creating sub-billing groups.
  • If only the main billing group exists, one bill will be issued per domain, and only one payment method will be managed.
  • If separate billing, revenue, or payment management is needed for different groups, you can create and manage sub-billing groups.

View billing group list

  1. Select the Billing on KakaoCloud Console.
  2. Check the currently created billing groups in the Manage billing group menu.
  • If any projects are not linked to a sub-billing group, their bills will be issued under the main billing group.
NameThe name of the billing group set by the user
Payment methodThe registered payment method
- This is the method used to pay the fees invoiced for each billing group, which can be a credit card or dedicated account.
- If the payment method is not registered, overdue interest may occur due to unpaid fees. Please make sure to register a payment method.
Connected projectsThe number of projects connected to the billing group
- Clicking will take you to the connected projects tab within the billing group details.
- The main billing group shows both the total number of projects and the number connected to the main billing group.
Last updatedThe date the billing group was last modified
Created atThe date the billing group was created
CreatorThe creator of the billing group

View billing group details

  1. Select the Billing on KakaoCloud Console.
  2. Select a billing group from the Billing menu.
  3. In the detailed page, you can view information about the billing group.
  4. You can modify or delete the billing group information.

Billing group by tab

You can check the billing group's domain, group type, payment method, and other details.

Billing group nameThe name of the billing group set by the user
Connected projectThe number of projects connected to the billing group
- Clicking will take you to the connected projects tab within the billing group details.
- The main billing group shows both the total number of projects and the number connected to the main billing group.
CreatorThe creator of the billing group
Created atThe date the billing group was created
Billing emailEmail address for receiving billing invoices
Invoice receipt emailEmail address for receiving tax invoices

Add permission

You can add users to the billing group.

  • Users who do not belong to a billing group will have restricted access to the billing menu.
  • Users must be registered to at least one billing group to access the billing menu. Ensure that each user is registered to at least one billing group.
  1. Click the billing group name in the Manage billing group menu.
  2. Select the Permissions tab to view registered users.
  3. Click the [Add permission] button.
  4. In the pop-up, register users.
  5. Click the [Add] button.

Remove permissions

You can remove users registered to a billing group.

  1. Click the billing group name in the Manage billing group menu.
  2. Select the Permissions tab to view registerㄴed users.
  3. Click the [More] icon.
  4. Enter the user ID you want to delete.
  5. After completion, click the [Delete] button.

Modify billing group

You can modify the name, billing email, tax invoice email, and connected projects of a billing group.
However, the main billing group name cannot be changed. The main billing group name is set to match the domain name.

  1. Click the billing group name in the Manage billing group menu.
  2. Click the [Modify group] button.
  3. In the pop-up, you can modify the information of billing groups.
    • The main billing group name cannot be changed.
  4. After making the changes, click the [Modify] button.

Delete billing group

  • If a billing group has connected projects, you must unlink them before deleting the billing group.
  • After deletion, any remaining free credits in the deleted billing group cannot be used.
  • Outstanding payments must be resolved before deleting a billing group. Pay the outstanding amount before proceeding with deletion.
  • Current usage must be billed and settled before deleting a billing group. You can delete the group after paying the bill for the current month's usage, or move the active projects to another billing group before deleting.
  • Paid credits must be refunded before deleting a billing group. Please request a refund through Helpdesk > Technical Inquiry.
  • Deleted billing groups cannot be recovered.
  1. Select the billing group to delete from the Manage billing group menu.
  2. Click the [Delete group] button.
    • The main billing group, which is essential, cannot be deleted.
    • If there are no connected projects, you can proceed with the billing group deletion.
  3. Enter the name of the billing group to delete.
  4. After completion, click the [Delete] button.