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Key Concepts

Service name

This is the name you set to manage the CDN service. Changes can be made even after the CDN service is created.

Service domain

This refers to the domain exposed when web content is transmitted in a service using CDN. KakaoCloud CDN automatically generates and provides a service domain in the format {UUID} Additionally, customers can also register their own user domains in the console and use them in the CDN service. Up to 10 user domains owned by the customer are supported.

Origin server

An origin server is a server that stores original content to be distributed via CDN. You can set KakaoCloud's Object Storage or your own server as the origin server. If you want to use KakaoCloud's Object Storage as an origin server, you must create an Object Storage bucket in advance. For detailed instructions on creating and managing buckets, see Create and manage bucket.


In order to quickly and reliably deliver content to users, the original content stored on the origin server is copied to a separate cache server and stored in a distributed manner. To help cache servers efficiently manage content, you can set cache policies for each domain of your CDN service. It supports settings for storage time on the cache server, whether to include URL Query String, and whether to use optimization for large image (jpg) files.


Purge is a function that deletes and redistributes content stored in the cache server. Content copied from the origin server and stored on the cache server is maintained until the cache server retention time expires according to the cache settings policy. If you change and distribute files on the origin server before the cache server retention time expires, use the Purge function. By using the Purge function, you can delete old versions of content stored in the cache server, receive newly changed content from the origin server, and update the cache server with the latest content.

CDN certificate

To apply CDN using the HTTPS protocol using the customer's user domain, CDN certificate settings are required. CDN certificates can be applied by registering the customer's own certificate to the KakaoCloud CDN service. CDN certificates can be registered in the Certificate menu of the KakaoCloud Console.

CDN status

The status information of the CDN created in the KakaoCloud console is as follows.

RunningThe CDN service has been successfully created and deployed has been completed
Failed to deployCDN service failed deployment
StoppedDisabled status due to user stopping CDN service
ProvisioningDeployment in progress status immediately after the user creates the service