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Register and manage certificate

Register certificate

Here's how to register a certificate to connect to the CDN service:

  1. Go to Beyond Networking Service > CDN in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. Click the [Create certificate] button in the Certificate menu.

  3. Enter the information in Step 1: Certificate and click the [Next] button.

    Image Step 1: Certificate

    NameEnter the certificate name to link with the CDN service
    - Duplicate certificate names cannot be used within the same project
    CertificateEnter the certificate to be registered
    - Upload file: Upload the file to be registered, only pem type files can be registered
    - Enter manually: Enter the certificate directly as text
    Private keyEnter the private key to register
    - Upload file: Upload the file to register, only pem type files can be registered
    - Enter manually: Enter the private key directly as text. Written by
    Chain certificateSelect Use and enter the chain certificate to register (* If the issued certificate includes a chain certificate, the chain certificate is required to be entered)
    - Upload file: Upload the file to register, Only pem type files can be registered
    - Enter manually: Enter the certificate directly as text
  4. Review the certificate information in Step 2: Review and click the [Register] button.

Manage certificate

Overwrite certificate

You cannot register multiple certificates using the same domain. If you need to change the certificate for the same domain, you can do so by overwriting the certificate.

When registering a new certificate in the Certificate menu, you can check whether a certificate that is the same as the domain of the certificate you want to register is registered. If a certificate with the same domain already exists, a pop-up will appear to check whether to apply certificate overwriting.

  • If you allow certificate overwriting, the certificate existing for that domain will be updated with the information of the new certificate you wish to register.
  • If there is a CDN service linked to an existing registered certificate, the CDN service linkage will remain the same even after the certificate is overwritten.

  1. Go to Beyond Networking Service > CDN in the KakaoCloud Console.
  2. Click the [Create certificate] button in the certificate list in the Certificate menu.
  3. Enter the information in Step 1: Certificate and click the [Next] button.
  4. If a certificate using the domain of the new certificate to register has already been registered, you can check it through the label in the certificate details in Step 2: Review.
  5. When you click the [Register] button, a certificate overwrite pop-up will appear. If you want to replace the existing certificate using the domain with the new certificate you want to register, execute certificate overwrite.
  6. Review the changes and click the [Overwrite] button.

View certificate list

You can view the list of certificates connected to the service.

  1. Go to Beyond Networking Service > CDN in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. Check the list of certificates in the Certificate menu.

    Image Certificate list

    NameName of the certificate
    Primary domainPrimary domain of service linked with certificate
    Associated CDN serviceCDN service linked to the corresponding certificate
    StateStatus of the certificate
    - Running: The certificate is valid.
    - Stopped: The certificate is expired
    Certificate expiry dateExpiration date of certificate
    CreatorThe user who first registered the certificate
    - may not be displayed if the user is deleted from IAM

View certificate details

You can check detailed information about the certificate and subdomain information.

  1. Go to Beyond Networking Service > CDN in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. From the certificate list in the Certificate menu, select the [More] icon > View details.

  3. Check information about the selected certificate in the pop-up window.

    Image Certificate details

Connect to CDN service

You can connect CDN to a certificate.

  1. Go to Beyond Networking Service > CDN in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. From the certificate list in the Certificate menu, select the [More] icon > Connect to CDN service.

  3. Check the information and click the [Connect] button.

    NameName of the certificate
    Primary domainPrimary domain of service connected with certificate
    TypeTypes of certificates
    - Single: Applicable to only one domain
    - Multi: Applicable to multiple pre-approved domains
    - Wildcard : Applicable to all domains regardless of the number of hosts
    ㄴ However, the default domain is fixed (example: *
    Search filterSearch for the name of the service to be connected with the certificate
    Service nameServices that can be connected with certificates

Disconnect from CDN service

You can disconnect the certificate from the CDN service.

  1. Go to Beyond Networking Service > CDN in the KakaoCloud Console.
  2. From the certificate list in the Certificate menu, select the [More] icon > Disconnect from CDN.
  3. Check the information and click the [Detach] button.

Change certificate

If you need to change the certificate of a specific domain, you can change the existing registered certificate that uses that domain.

If you change a previously registered certificate, it will be updated with the information of the newly registered certificate to change the certificate. If there is a CDN service connected to the existing certificate, the CDN service connection will remain the same even after changing the certificate.


Changed certificates cannot be reverted.

  1. Go to Beyond Networking Service > CDN in the KakaoCloud Console.
  2. From the certificate list in the Certificate menu, select the [More] icon > Change certificate.
  3. In the pop-up window, enter the certificate information to change.
  4. Click the [Save] button.

Delete certificate

You can delete certificates that are no longer in use.


Deleted certificates cannot be recovered.

  1. Go to Beyond Networking Service > CDN in the KakaoCloud Console.
  2. From the certificate list in the Certificate menu, select the [More] > Delete certificate.
  3. Enter the name of the certificate in the pop-up window and click the [Delete] button.

Set up alerts

You can set up alerts about the expiration date of registered certificates by condition in KakaoCloud Alert Center.