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Create and manage service

Create service

CDN services are used as an application unit for deployment settings to provide web content quickly and reliably. Here's how to create a service in the CDN:

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Beyond Compute Service > CDN

  2. In the Service menu, click the [Create service] button.

  3. Enter the information in Step 1: Service and origin server, and click the [Next] button.

    Image Step 1: Service and origin server

    Service nameEnter CDN service name
    - Duplicate service names cannot be used within the same project
    Service description (Optional)Description of CDN service
    Host serverSelect host server
    - KakaoCloud CDN: Automatically generate and use the domain of KakaoCloud CDN
    - Custom domain: Use the host server owned by the user
      ᄂ Up to 10 settings can be set within a project
      ᄂ Enter the domain or IP address of the host server
      ᄂ Select a certificate for the host server
    * If you want to use the HTTPS protocol with your domain, please issue a certificate in advance in the Certificate menu.
    Origin serverSelect origin server
    - KakaoCloud Object Storage: Select the bucket created in KakaoCloud Console > Object Storage and set it as the origin server
      * When linking with Object Storage, you must set Allow public access in Object Storage > Details page of selected bucket > Permission tab
      ᄂ Refer to Bucket access settings
      ᄂ Bucket creation and management can be used in KakaoCloud Console > Object Storage
    - Custom domain: The server owned by the user is the origin server.
      ᄂ Enter the domain or IP address of the origin server (but excluding the port number)
      ᄂ Disallowed IP bands: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    Origin server protocolSelect origin server protocol
    - HTTP: Not supported when KakaoCloud Object Storage is selected on the origin server
      ᄂ Port number: 80 (default)
    - HTTPS
      ᄂ Port number: 443 (default)
    Port number of origin serverEnter origin server port number
    - Only positive integers can be entered
    Origin server path (Optional)Enter the origin server path
    - Register a subpath to omit the origin server path and request
    - Enter the origin server path in the format {URL} /{path}
      ᄂ Only directory path can be entered
    Gzip compressionChoose whether to use Gzip compression

  1. Enter the information in Step 2: Cache and click the [Next] button.

    Image Step 2: Cache

    Expiration policySelect a cache expiration policy
    - Refer to the origin server: Refer to the Cache-Control header of the origin server first
    - Custom: Caching for a retention period set by the user
    Retention periodEnter the cache retention period
    - Up to 30 days
    URL query stringSelect whether to include URL query string
    Image(JPG) optimizationSelect whether to use image (jpg) file optimization

  2. Enter the information in Step 3: Access control (Optional) and click the [Next] button.

    Image Step 3: Access control

    Viewer protocol policySelect whether to set viewer protocol policy
    Referer headerSelect whether to set the referer header
    - If not set, access requests are allowed if the request does not have a referer header
    ᄂ Asterisks (*) cannot be entered consecutively
    ᄂ Referer header example < br/> Possible values ​​
    - *
    - **

    Impossible value
    - **
    - www.*.com
    -* → You can use an asterisk (*) after specifying a path slash (/)
    Root pathSelect whether to set the root path
    - When setting redirect access control, enter the source path
  3. Review the information in Step 4: Review and click the [Create] button.

Manage service

Here's how to manage services in a CDN service:

View service list

You can view the list of currently created services and their basic information.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Beyond Compute Service > CDN

  2. Click the Service menu and check the service list.

    Image Service list

    NameName of service
    Service domainDomain of service using CDN
    StateService status
    - Running, Failed to deploy, Stopped, Provisioning
    - For detailed descriptions of each status value, see CDN status
    Last deployment dateLast deployment date of the service
    CreatorUser who first requested service creation
    - Not to be displayed if the user is deleted from IAM
    [More] IconMore features
    - Refer to More features

View service details

You can check detailed information such as service information and purge logs.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Beyond Compute Service > CDN

  2. Select a service from the Service menu.

  3. Check the information on the service detailed page.

    Image Service details page

  4. You can check CDN service, cache, and access control information in the Service information tab.

    CDN serviceFull information about services
    CacheCache information such as cache policy, cache retention period, etc.
    Access controlAccess control settings information such as viewer protocol policy, referer header, and root path

  1. You can check the purge log in the Purge request log tab.

    • You can check purge logs that have occurred over the past 30 days. The log is deleted every midnight.

    Image Purge request log tab

    PathThe path of the target requested for purging
    StateState of purge request
    Applied atDate the purge was requested and applied
    OperatorUser who requested the purge

Delete service

You can delete services you no longer use.


Deleted services cannot be restored.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Beyond Compute Service > CDN
  2. Click the Service menu and select the [More] icon > Delete .
  3. Enter the name of the service in the pop-up window and click the [Delete] button.

More features

You can execute the more features by selecting the [More] icon.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Beyond Compute Service > CDN

  2. Click the [More] icon in the Service menu, and then execute the functions.

    Start or restartSwitch to deploying or redistributing service
    StopTerminate a service
    - To stop the distribution of that service, rendering it inactive and unable to respond to requests for content
    DeleteDelete a service
    - Deleted services cannot be restored
    Request purgeRun a pop-up window to request purge
    - Available only in Running state
    Revert to previous settingsRun a pop-up window to restore the previous settings
    - Only available in Running state and services that have already been deployed
    Configure origin serverRun a pop-up window to set up the origin server
    Set cacheRun a pop-up window to set cache
    Set viewer protocol policyRun a pop-up window to set viewer protocol policy
    Set referer headerRun a pop-up window to set the referer header
    Set root pathRun a pop-up window to configure root path access management

Request purge

Purge is a function that deletes and redistributes content stored in the cache server. Purge can be requested when the service status is Running. Requesting a purge removes cached content from the host server and refreshes it with the latest content from the origin server.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Beyond Compute Service > CDN

  2. Click the Service menu and select [Service actions] > Request purge in the upper right corner of the screen.

  3. Enter the destination path for the purge to request.

    Image Purge request

    Bulk registration editorUse when you want to enter a large amount of purge targets
    Simple editorUse when you want to enter purge targets individually

Revert to previous deployment settings

If the service status is 'Running' and the service has already been deployed, you can revert to the previous deployment settings.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Beyond Compute Service > CDN
  2. Click the Service menu and select [Service actions] > Revert to previous settings in the upper right corner.
  3. Check the final deployment date of the selected service in the pop-up window and click the [Revert] button.

Configure origin server

An origin server stores original content to be distributed via CDN. You can set up an origin server for your CDN service.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Beyond Compute Service > CDN

  2. Click the Service menu and select [Service actions] > Configure origin server in the upper right corner.

  3. Enter the changes and click the [Save] button.

    Service description (Optional)Enter a description of your CDN service
    Origin server protocolSelect origin server protocol
    - HTTP: Not supported when KakaoCloud Object Storage is selected on the origin server
      ᄂ Port number: 80 (default)
    - HTTPS
      ᄂ Port number: 443 (default)
    Origin server port numberEnter origin server port number
    - Only positive integers can be entered
    Origin server path (Optional)Enter the origin server path
    - Enter the origin server path in the format {URL}/{path}
    * To link with Object Storage, go to Object Storage > Bucket menu > Click a bucket and
    go to Permission tab > Access control tab > Set Public access to be Allowed(Read-only)
      ᄂ Refer to Configure bucket access settings
      ᄂ To manage bucket, go to KakaoCloud Console > Object Storage
    Gzip compressionChoose whether to use Gzip compression

Set cache

In CDN services, original content stored on origin servers is copied to separate cache servers for distributed storage. Here's how to configure cache policies in a CDN service:


If you change the Image(JPG) file optimization item to Disabled and then save, it will not be reflected immediately, but will respond to existing objects up to the TTL and then respond to the released object.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Beyond Compute Service > CDN

  2. Click the Service menu and select [Service actions] > Set cache in the upper right corner.

  3. Enter the changes and click the [Save] button.

    Image Set cache

    Expiration policySelect a cache expiration policy
    - Refer to origin server: Refer to the origin server's Cache-Control header first
    - User-specific: Caching for a retention period set by the user
    Retention periodEnter the cache retention period
    - set up to 30 days
    URL query stringSelect whether to include URL Query String
    Image(JPG) optimizationSelect whether to use image (jpg) file optimization
    - Image original file size: Up to 10MB
    - Provided file format: jpg, jpeg, png, gif
    * For png files, After optimization, the capacity may increase compared to the original file size.

Modify viewer protocol policy

You can reset the viewer protocol policy of your CDN service.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Beyond Compute Service > CDN
  2. Click the Service menu and select [Service actions] > Set viewer protocol policy in the upper right corner.
  3. Enter the changes and click the [Save] button.

Set referer header

You can reset the referer header of your CDN service.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Beyond Compute Service > CDN
  2. Click the Service menu and select [Service actions] > Set referer header in the upper right corner.
  3. Enter the changes and click the [Save] button.

Set root path

You can reset the root path of the CDN service.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Beyond Compute Service > CDN
  2. Click the Service menu and select [Service actions] > Set root path in the upper right corner.
  3. Enter the changes and click the [Save] button.