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Pricing and Quotas

Load Balancing fees

For the specifications and pricing of Cloud Trail, please refer to the Pricing on the KakaoCloud website.


A quota represents the maximum number of resources or the maximum capacity of each resource that can be allocated within a single organization or project on KakaoCloud. Some quotas are eligible for an increase upon request via the Helpdesk.

The basic quota information for Load Balancing is as follows:

ItemQuotaBasisIncrease requestDescription
Load Balancer50 (units)ProjectNot possible   Maximum number of load balancers that can be created per organization
Listener150 (units)ProjectNot possibleMaximum number of listeners that can be created
L7 Policy (Action)5,000 (units)ProjectNot possibleMaximum number of L7 policies (Actions) that can be created
L7 Rules (Condition)25,000 (units)ProjectNot possibleMaximum number of L7 rules (Conditions) that can be created
SSL Certificates6 (units)ListenerNot possibleMaximum number of SSL certificates that can be created

Target group

ItemQuotaBasisIncrease requestDescription
Target group (Pool)750 (units)ProjectNot possible   Maximum number of target groups (Pools) that can be created
Health monitor750 (units)ProjectNot possibleMaximum number of health monitors that can be created
Associated resources
1,250 (units)ProjectNot possibleMaximum number of associated resources (Members) that can be created