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Release Notes

May 13, 2024

Feature addition
▸ Added Source IP Hash algorithm
  • The Load Balancer now supports the Source IP Hash algorithm for determining and routing requests to targets within a target group. This algorithm ensures that clients with the same IP header are always directed to the same target.

March 6, 2024

Feature addition
▸ Added encryption option for access log storage buckets
  • You can now enable encryption for the bucket where Access Logs are stored. This enhances the security of stored data.
▸ Expanded packet processing options for Application Load Balancer (ALB)
  • The packet setting feature for ALB listeners has been expanded, allowing you to configure the X-Forwarded-For header with options such as Attach, Preserve, or Remove.

December 14, 2023

Feature addition
▸ Added Direct Server Return Network Load Balancer (DSRNLB) type
  • The DSRNLB type operates at OSI L4 and can be used when the client IP needs to be preserved during transmission.

November 2, 2023

Feature addition
▸ Enabled access log for Application Load Balancer and Network Load Balancer

October 23, 2023

Feature addition
▸ Added TLS listener to Network Load Balancer options
Bug fixes
▸ Fixed issue where Load Balancer occasionally displayed as offline despite normal operation

June 23, 2023

Feature improvements
▸ Provided health check IP per subnet in target group details
▸ Changed target group creation process: Removed 'Port' field in step 1
▸ Enabled Load Balancer creation even without available VPCs

May 31, 2023

Feature improvements
▸ Menu separation
  • The Load Balancer and Target Group menus have been separated, allowing resource lists to be viewed in each menu individually.
▸ Type distinction
  • Application Load Balancer (ALB): ALB listeners can select HTTP or HTTPS protocols. Additional L7 rules can be added for routing based on these rules.
  • Network Load Balancer (NLB): NLB listeners can select TCP or UDP protocols. All incoming traffic is routed to the default target group.

November 30, 2022

Feature improvement
▸ Added SSL certificate deletion function
  • Added the ability to delete SSL certificates in the listener creation and SSL settings.
▸ Improved target group features and UI
  • Added instance lookup and registration by subnet during target group resource registration.
  • Improved display of resource status in target group lists.
  • Enhanced UI for traffic weight settings in target groups.

October 27, 2022

Feature improvement
▸ Improved SSL certificate registration UI
  • Enhanced error messages during SSL certificate registration.
  • Improved display of the SSL certificate selection list.
▸ Improved Load Balancer creation UI
  • Added CIDR notation to subnet selection lists.
▸ Added sorting feature to target group list
▸ Corrected Y-axis data values in monitoring charts

September 15, 2022

Feature addition
▸ Added proxy protocol to target group
▸ Added HTTP header policy settings for HTTPS listeners
  • HTTP header policy settings menu is now available for HTTPS listeners.

August 29, 2022

Feature addition
▸ SSL offloading feature
  • ALB (Application Load Balancer) can now offload TLS encryption and decryption tasks to the Load Balancer using HTTPS listeners.

June 20, 2022

Feature improvement
▸ Enhanced monitoring chart library
  • Fixed issue where charts did not display values of 0.
▸ Enhanced sticky session settings
  • Enhanced sticky session settings for better session persistence options, including stickiness duration and sticky IP-netmask.

May 23, 2022

Feature improvement
▸ Various updates including monitoring and detail enhancements

November 30, 2021

Feature addition
▸ Added support for Public IPs in Load Balancers

October 16, 2021

Service release