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Create and manage transit gateway

  • Only Project Admin can create and manage transit gateways.
  • In the case of a shared transit gateway, some features are restricted. For more details, please refer to the Share transit gateway.

Create transit gateway

Transit Gateway is a high-availability service that allows for easy and flexible connections between multiple Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) and on-premises networks. To create a transit gateway is as follow.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Beyond Networking Service > Transit Gateway.

  2. Select the [Create transit gateway] button.

  3. Enter the basic information for the transit gateway and click the [OK] button.

    Image Create transit gateway

    Transit gateway nameEnter the transit gateway name.
    Default associationChoose whether to enable the default association
    Sharing acceptance methodChoose whether to automatically accept the addition of attachments created by other projects

Manage transit gateway

To manage your Transit Gateway, including tasks like listing all your Transit Gateways and updating their information, follow these guidelines.

View transit gateway list

You can easily check all the transit gateways you’ve created in the KakaoCloud Console. To view the list of created transit gateways.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Beyond Networking Service > Transit Gateway.

  2. In the Transit Gateway menu, check the current list of transit gateways.

    NameThe name of the Transit Gateway
    IDThe UUID of the Transit Gateway
    Status    The status of the Transit Gateway
    - Creating: Transit Gateway is being created
    - Updating: Transit Gateway is being updated
    - Deleting: Transit Gateway is being deleted
    - Active: Transit Gateway provisioning successful
    AttachmentInformation about the attachments connected to the Transit Gateway
    Transit Gateway owner project IDDisplays the project ID of the Transit Gateway owner and whether it is shared
    - Owner: Indicates the Transit Gateway was created directly
    - Shared: Indicates the Transit Gateway was received through sharing
    Created atThe date the Transit Gateway was created
    [More] iconProvides the following functions
    - Modify
    - Share
    - Unshare
    - Delete

View basic information of transit gateway

To view default information about a Transit Gateway.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Beyond Networking Service > Transit Gateway.

  2. In the Transit Gateway menu, select a transit gateway.

  3. Check the information on the detail page of the transit gateway.

    Status     The status of the Transit Gateway
    - Creating: Transit Gateway is being created
    - Updating: Transit Gateway is being updated
    - Deleting: Transit Gateway is being deleted
    - Active: Transit Gateway provisioning successful
    Created atThe date the Transit Gateway was created
    Transit Gateway owner project IDDisplays the UUID of the project that created the Transit Gateway and whether it is shared

View transit gateway details (Details tab)

To view detailed information about a transit gateway on the Details tab.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Beyond Networking Service > Transit Gateway.

  2. In the Transit Gateway menu, select a transit gateway.

  3. In the Details tab, check the information.


    Transit gateway nameThe name of the transit gateway
    Transit gateway IDThe unique ID of the transit gateway
    Default associationWhether the default association is activated
    Default associated route tableName of the association Route Table when the default association is activated
    Sharing acceptance methodWhether to automatically accept the addition of attachments created by other projects

View attachment information

This tap allows you to inspect the connections between your Transit Gateway and other network resources. To check the attachment information of a transit gateway is as follow.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Beyond Networking Service > Transit Gateway.

  2. In the Transit Gateway menu, select a transit gateway.

  3. Check the information in the Attachment tab, .


    Attachment IDUnique ID of the attachment ID
    TypeType of resource
    ResourceName and unique ID of the resource type
    SubnetSubnet information by Availability Zone (AZ)
    Attachment stateState of the attachment
    - Attaching: attachment is being connected
    - Updating: attachment is being updated
    - Deleting: attachment is being deleted
    - Active: attachment provisioning successful
    SharingInformation on attachments created by other projects (Displayed as Shared if created by another project)

View route table information

You can view the Route Table information associated with a Transit Gateway.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Beyond Networking Service > Transit Gateway.

  2. In the Transit Gateway menu, select a transit gateway.

  3. In the Route table tab, check the information.

    Image Details of transit gateway

    Route tableName and unique ID of the route table associated with the transit gateway
    StateState of the route table associated with the transit gateway
    - Creating: Route Table is being created
    - Updating: Route Table is being updated
    - Deleting: Route Table is being deleted
    - Active: Route Table provisioning successful
    - Error: Error occurred in Route Table
    Default associationWhether the default association is activated

View shared project information

You can view the information of projects shared with the Transit Gateway.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Beyond Networking Service > Transit Gateway.

  2. Select the Transit Gateway you want to view from the Transit Gateway menu on the left.

  3. Check the information in the Shared Project tab.

    Shared project nameThe name of the project the Transit Gateway is shared with
    Shared project IDThe ID of the project the Transit Gateway is shared with
    - Can be found at the top of the Your Project section on the KakaoCloud Console main screen.
    Project descriptionThe description of the project

Rename transit gateway

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Beyond Networking Service > Transit Gateway.
  2. In the transit gateway list, select [More] icon > Rename transit gateway.
  3. In the popup window, modify the name of the transit gateway and click the [Change] button.

Modify transit gateway

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Beyond Networking Service > Transit Gateway.
  2. In the Transit Gateway menu, select the [More] icon > Modify transit gateway.
  3. In the popup window, modify the information and click the [Change] button.

Share transit gateway

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Beyond Networking Service > Transit Gateway.

  2. In the Transit Gateway menu, select the [More] icon > Share transit gateway.

  3. In the popup, enter the project ID to share, and then click the [Apply] button.

    Checking project ID

    The project ID can be found at the top of the Your Project section on the KakaoCloud Console main screen.

Unshare transit gateway


Please ensure that all attachments created in the project to unshare are deleted before proceeding.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Beyond Networking Service > Transit Gateway.
  2. In the Transit gateway menu, select the [More] icon > Unshare transit gateway.
  3. In the popup window, enter the project ID of the project, and then click the [Unshare] button.
    • The project ID can be found at the top of the Your Project section on the KakaoCloud Console main screen.

Delete transit gateway


Please ensure all attachments are deleted before attempting to delete the transit gateway.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Beyond Networking Service > Transit Gateway.
  2. In the Transit gateway menu, select the [More] icon > Delete transit gateway.
  3. In the popup window, enter the name of the transit gateway and click the [Delete] button.

Manage attachment

Modify attachment

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Beyond Networking Service > Transit Gateway.
  2. In the Transit gateway menu, select a transit gateway.
  3. Select the Attachment tab.
  4. Select the [More] icon > Modify attachment.
  5. In the popup window, set the subnets by Availability Zone (AZ) and click the [Apply] button.

Delete attachment

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Beyond Networking Service > Transit Gateway.
  2. In the Transit Gateway menu, select the transit gateway to delete an attachment.
  3. On the Attachment tab, click the [More] icon > Delete attachment.
  4. In the popup window, enter permanently delete and click the [Delete] button.

Manage project sharing

Unshare project


Please ensure all attachments created in the project to unshare are deleted before proceeding.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Beyond Networking Service > Transit Gateway.
  2. In the Transit Gateway menu, click the [More] icon > Unshare transit gateway.
  3. In the popup window, enter the name of transit gateway to unshare and click the [OK] button.
    • The project ID can be found at the top of the Your Project section on the KakaoCloud Console main screen.