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Create and manage attachments

An attachment refers to the source/destination of packets in a transit gateway, and you can select Subnets in each AZ within a VPC to configure the system's Multi-AZ high availability. You can control traffic centrally by creating a transit gateway attachment and connecting (Associating) it to a route table.
To create and manage attachments, please follow these guidelines.


Only Project Admin can create and manage the attachments.

Create attachment

The following is to create a new attachment.

  1. Go to Beyond Networking Service > Transit Gateway in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. Check the current list of created attachments in the Attachment tab and click the [Create attachment] button.

  3. Enter the basic information for the attachment to create, and click the [Apply] button.

    Image Create attachment

    Transit GatewayThe target Transit Gateway for the resource to be attached
    - Owner: Transit Gateway created directly
    - Shared: Gateway received through sharing
    ResourceThe resource to be attached to the transit gateway
    - As of September 2023, only VPC can be selected.

Manage attachment

View list of attachments

You can view the list of created attachments.

  1. Go to Beyond Networking Service > Transit Gateway in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. Check the current list of created attachments in the Attachment tab.

    Image View list of attachments

    Attachment IDThe unique ID of the attachment
    StatusThe status of the attachment
    - Creating: Attachment is being created
    - Pending Approve: Waiting for approval
    - Updating: Attachment is being updated
    - Deleting: Attachment is being deleted
    - Active: Attachment provisioning successful
    - Error: Attachment error occurred
    Transit Gateway nameThe name of the Transit Gateway
    Transit Gateway IDThe unique ID of the Transit Gateway
    Resource nameThe name of the resource connected to the attachment
    Resource IDThe unique ID of the resource connected to the attachment
    Creation dateThe date the attachment was created
    Attachment owner project IDDisplays the project ID of the attachment owner and sharing status
    - Owner: When the attachment is created directly
    - Shared: When the attachment is viewed from a project that shares the Transit Gateway to which it is connected
    More optionsProvides the following functions
    - Modify
    - Approve
    - Delete

View basic information of attachment

You can check basic information such as the status and creation date of the attachment.

  1. Go to Beyond Networking Service > Transit Gateway in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. In the Attachment tab, select the attachment from the list to check detailed information.

  3. Check the basic information of the attachment.

    Image Attachment Details

    Status       The status of the attachment
    - Creating: Attachment is being created
    - Pending Approve: Waiting for approval
    - Updating: Attachment is being updated
    - Deleting: Attachment is being deleted
    - Active: Attachment provisioning successful
    - Error: Attachment error occurred
    Creation dateThe date the attachment was created
    Attachment owner project IDDisplays the project ID of the attachment owner and sharing status
    - Owner: When the attachment is created directly
    - Shared: When viewed from a project that shares the Transit Gateway to which the attachment is connected

View detailed information of attachment (By tab)

You can check the detailed information of the attachment in each tab.

  1. Go to Beyond Networking Service > Transit Gateway in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. In the Attachment tab, select the attachment from the list to check detailed information.

  3. Check the detailed information of the attachment in each tab.

    Image Details tab

    Attachment IDThe unique ID of the attachment
    Transit gateway nameThe name of the transit gateway
    Transit gateway IDThe unique ID of the transit gateway
    Transit Gateway owner project IDThe ID of the project that created the Transit Gateway
    Route table nameThe name of the route table
    Route table IDThe unique ID of the route table
    Resource typeThe type of the attachment resource
    Resource nameThe name of the attachment resource
    Resource IDThe unique ID of the attachment resource
    IP CIDR blockThe IP CIDR block of the attachment resource

Modify attachment

The following is to modify an attachment.

  1. Go to Beyond Networking Service > Transit Gateway in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. In the Attachment tab, select the [More] icon > Modify attachment.

  3. In the pupup window, set the subnets by AZ and click the [Apply] button.

    Image Modify attachment

Approve attachment

You can approve an attachment.


The [Approve] button is only displayed when the Sharing acceptance method option is manual and the attachment created in another project is in Pending Approve state.

  1. Go to Beyond Networking Service > Transit Gateway in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. In the Attachment tab, select the [More] icon > Approve.

  3. In the popup window, click the [Approve] button.

Delete attachment

The method for deleting an attachment is as follows.

  1. Go to Beyond Networking Service > Transit Gateway in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. In the Attachment tab, select the [More] icon > Delete attachment.

  3. In the popup window, enter Permanently delete and click the [Delete] button.