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Create and manage route table


Only Project Admin can create and manage route tables.

Create route table

The following is to create a route table in the transit gateway:

  1. Go to Beyond Networking Service > Transit Gateway in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. In the Route table tab, check the list of currently created route tables and click the [Create route table] button.

  3. Enter the required information for the route table to create, and click the [Create] button.

    Routing table nameEnter the name of the routing table
    Transit GatewaySelect the Transit Gateway to connect
    - Owner: Transit Gateway created directly
    - Shared: Transit Gateway received through sharing

Manage route table

View route table list

You can check the list of transit gateways.

  1. Go to Beyond Networking Service > Transit Gateway in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. In the Route table tab, check the list of currently created route tables.

    Image View route table list

    Routing table nameThe name of the routing table
    Routing table IDThe unique ID of the routing table
    StatusThe status of the routing table
    - Creating: Routing table is being created
    - Updating: Routing table is being updated
    - Deleting: Routing table is being deleted
    - Active: Routing table provisioning successful
    - Error: Routing table error occurred
    Default associationIndicates whether there is a default association with the routing table
    Transit Gateway nameThe name of the Transit Gateway
    Transit Gateway IDThe unique ID of the Transit Gateway
    Created atThe date the route table was created
    [More] icon Provides the following functions
    - Rename: Rename the routing table
    - Delete: Delete the routing table

View basic information of route table

You can check the basic information of a route table.

  1. Go to Beyond Networking Service > Transit Gateway in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. In the Route table tab, select a route table to view its details.

  3. Check the detailed information of the route table.

    Image Route table details

    StateThe state of the route table
    - Creating: Route table is being created
    - Updating: Route table is being updated
    - Deleting: Route table is being deleted
    - Active: Route table provisioning successful
    - Error: Error occurred in route table
    Transit gatewayThe name of the connected transit gateway
    - Click the link moves to the transit gateway tab.

View detailed information of route table

You can view the detailed information of a route table.

  1. Go to Beyond Networking Service > Transit Gateway in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. In the Route table tab, select a route table.

  3. Check the detailed information in the Details tab.

    Image Route table details

    Route table nameThe name of the route table
    Route table IDThe unique ID of the route table
    Default associationWhether there is a default connection
    Created atThe creation date and time of the route table

Delete route table

The following is to delete a route table.


Please ensure to delete all associations before attempting to delete a route table.

  1. Go to Beyond Networking Service > Transit Gateway in the KakaoCloud Console.
  2. In the Route table tab, select [More] icon > Delete route table.
  3. In the popup window, enter the name of the route table and click the [Delete] button.

View association details

You can view the detailed information of an association.

  1. Go to Beyond Networking Service > Transit Gateway in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. In the Route table tab, select a route table.

  3. Check the information in the Association tab.

    Image Association details

    Attachment IDThe unique ID of the attachment
    Attachment owner project IDThe unique ID of the project that created the attachment
    - Owner: Displayed when the attachment is created directly
    - Shared: Displayed on the Transit Gateway owner's screen, indicating attachments from other participants connected to this Transit Gateway
    Resource nameThe name of the resource
    Resource IDThe unique ID of the resource
    Resource typeThe type of the resource
    Resource statusThe status of the resource
    Connection statusDisplays the connection status
    - Associating: Connection in progress
    - Disassociating: Disconnecting
    - Associated: Connection successful
    More optionsProvides the following functions
    - Delete: Deletes the routing table

    To ensure high security, the Transit Gateway owner cannot directly view the attachment information of participants. Therefore, the following details will be replaced with Participant resource or Shared project:

    • Attachment owner project ID: Shared project
    • Resource name: Participant resource
    • Resource ID: Participant resource
    • Resource status: Participant resource

Modify association

The following to set an association for a route table.

  1. Go to Beyond Networking Service > Transit Gateway in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. In the Route Table menu, select the route table list to set an association.

  3. In the Association tab, click the [Modify association] button.

  4. In the popup window, set the Attachment and click the [Apply] button.

Delete association

  1. Go to Beyond Networking Service > Transit Gateway in the KakaoCloud Console.
  2. In the Route table tab, select a route table list in the list.
  3. In the Association tab, select [More] icon > Delete association.
  4. In the popup window, click the [Delete] button.

Rename route table

  1. Go to Beyond Networking Service > Transit Gateway in the KakaoCloud Console.
  2. In the Route table tab, select [More] icon > Rename to modify.
  3. In the popup window, modify the name of the route table and click the [Change] button.

Add route

  1. Go to Beyond Networking Service > Transit Gateway in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. In the Route table tab, select a route table in the list.

  3. In the Route tab, click the [Add static route] button.

  4. In the popup window, set the destination and target, and click the [Add] button.

    Image Add route

Manage route

View route details

  1. Go to Beyond Networking Service > Transit Gateway in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. In the Route table tab, select a route table.

  3. Check the information in the Route tab.

    Image Route details

    IP CIDR blockInformation about the specified IP CIDR block range
    Attachment IDThe unique ID of the attachment
    Attachment owner project IDThe unique ID of the project that created the attachment
    - Owner: Displayed when the attachment is created directly
    - Shared: Displayed on the Transit Gateway owner's screen, indicating attachments from other participants connected to this Transit Gateway
    Resource nameThe name of the resource
    Resource IDThe unique ID of the resource
    Resource typeThe type of the resource
    Routing typeThe type of routing
    Resource statusThe status of the resource
    Routing table statusThe status of the routing table
    - Creating: Routing is being created
    - Deleting: Routing is being deleted
    - Active: Routing provisioning successful
    More optionsProvides the following functions
    - Modify: Modify the target specified for the routing
    - Delete: Delete the routing

    To ensure high security, the Transit Gateway owner cannot directly view the attachment information of participants. Therefore, the following details will be replaced with Participant resource or Shared project:

    • Attachment owner project ID: Shared project
    • Resource name: Participant resource
    • Resource ID: Participant resource
    • Resource status: Participant resource

Change route

  1. Go to Beyond Networking Service > Transit Gateway in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. In the Route Table menu, select the route table list to change a route.

  3. Select [More] icon > Change route.

  4. In the popup window, change the target and click the [Change] button.

    • If the target type is Local, you cannot change the route.

Delete route

  1. Go to Beyond Networking Service > Transit Gateway in the KakaoCloud Console.
  2. In the Route table tab, select the route table list from which you want to delete a route.
  3. Select [More] icon > Delete route.
  4. In the popup window, click the [Delete] button.
    • If the target type is Local, you cannot delete the route.