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Create and manage subnet

Dividing a VPC into multiple subnets based on specific purposes and uses enhances network organization and efficiency. Below is a step-by-step guide to creating and managing subnets within the VPC.

  • Based on the role-based access control (RBAC) with IAM, only Project Admin can create and manage subnets. Other project members can only view the VPC.
  • You can check your IAM roles at KakaoCloud Console > Profile(Top Right) > IAM roles tab.

Create subnet

A new subnet can be created as follows.

  • When creating a VPC, one default subnet is automatically created.
  1. Go to Beyond Compute Service > VPC in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. Click the Subnet menu, then click the [Create subnet] button.

  3. Fill in the required information and click the [Create] button.

    vpc_htg_subnet_kr2_03.png Create subnet

    VPC informationSelect the VPC for which to create the subnet
    - VPC name: Select and display the VPC name for creating the subnet
    - VPC ID: Display the selected VPC's ID
    - VPC CIDR block: Display the IP CIDR block of the selected VPC
    Subnet settings- Subnet name: Enter the name of the subnet
    - Availability Zone: Select the Availability Zone
    - IP CIDR block: Enter the IP CIDR block for the subnet
      ᄂ Should not overlap with existing subnet IPs, choose a prefix length between 20 and 26

Manage subnet

Increase subnet quota

The maximum number of subnets that can be created is 30. If you wish to increase the quota, please contact the Helpdesk.

  1. Select the [Helpdesk] icon at the top right of the KakaoCloud Console.
  2. Go to Q&A, then click the [Ask a Question] button.
  3. Click [Technical Inquiry] and Ask a Question, then write your request for increasing the subnet quota and click the [Register] button. Choose Technical Inquiry for question type, and VPC for detailed type.

View subnet

To view a list of created subnets along with their details, proceed as follows.

  1. Go to Beyond Compute Service > VPC in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. Select the Subnet menu to see the created subnets list.

    SubnetName and ID of the created subnet
    StateState of the subnet
    IP CIDR blockIP CIDR block of the subnet
    AZInformation of the Availability Zone
    VPCName of VPC where the subnet is located
    Route tableRouting table connected to the subnet
    [More] icon- Rename subnet: Change the name of the subnet
    - Add subnet sharing: Share a subnet with other projects
    - Delete subnet: Delete the subnet
  3. Click on a subnet to view its details.

    vpc_htg_subnet_kr2_06.png View subnet details

    DetailsCheck the details of the subnet
    - Subnet name: Name of the subnet
    - Subnet ID: ID of the subnet
    - Availability Zone: Information of the Availability Zone displayed
    - Route table: Name of the routing table connected to the subnet
    - Route table ID: UUID of the routing table connected to the subnet

Rename subnet

Change the name of a subnet as follows.

  1. Go to Beyond Compute Service > VPC in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. On the Subnet menu, click the [More] icon > Rename subnet.

  3. In the pop-up window, enter the required information and click the [Change] button.

Share subnet

You can share a specific subnet with another project within the same domain.

The steps to share a subnet with another project are as follows:

  1. Go to the KakaoCloud Console > Beyond Networking Service > VPC > Subnets menu.

  2. Select the [More] icon of the subnet you want to share, then choose Add Subnet Share.

  3. In the Add Subnet Share popup window, enter the ID of the project with which you want to share the subnet, and click the [Apply] button.

Unshare subnet

To unshare a subnet that has been shared with another project, follow these steps:


When a shared subnet is unshared from the project, the resources in the subnet that were used by the receiving project may no longer be connected.

  1. Go to the KakaoCloud Console > Beyond Networking Service > VPC > Subnets menu.

  2. Click the currently shared subnet, then select the Shared Projects tab on the detailed view screen.

  3. In the list of shared projects, click the [More] icon of the project you want to unshare and select Unshare Subnet.

  4. In the Unshare Subnet popup window, click the [Unshare] button.

  • Participants can check and select the shared subnet by choosing Shared VPC when selecting a VPC while creating resources, such as instances, in the shared subnet.
  • Participants cannot view the routing table information of the shared subnet.
  • Participants cannot perform actions like Rename Subnet on the shared subnet.
  • You can share the subnet with projects that are not part of your project, but in such cases, only the ID of that project will be visible.

Delete subnet

Remove an unused subnet by following these steps:


A subnet with active resources cannot be deleted. Ensure all resources within the subnet are removed prior to deletion.

  1. Go to Beyond Compute Service > VPC in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. On the Subnet menu, click the [More] icon > Delete subnet.

  3. In the pop-up window, enter the name of the subnet to delete and click the [Delete] button.