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DNS Resolver

Domain Name System (DNS) serves as the cornerstone for managing and operating domain names on the Internet, storing and retrieving information about IP addresses and their associated domain names.

Upon creating an instance within a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), it is automatically assigned a unique DNS host name by the DNS Resolver, and the IP address information associated with this host name is automatically stored. By assigning a public IP, instances can also communicate with external internet resources.

DNS Resolver fundamentals

DNS Resolver is a built-in DNS service automatically included in each Availability Zone (AZ) of a region. This service is accessible via the endpoint, providing private DNS hostnames for instances created in VPC Subnets.

For instance, a host possessing the IP address would be assigned a hostname following this format:

  • host-10-0-16-53
  • Effective as of February 21, 2024, the designated DNS Resolver endpoint for KakaoCloud VPC is For VPCs established prior to this change, the DNS resolver endpoint maintains the format of VPC's network IPv4 CIDR + 2. This will be migrated gradually.
  • The default security group settings permit DNS queries to and from the KakaoCloud DNS Resolver. Should you opt exclusively for custom security groups over the default, ensure to configure outbound policies that allow DNS queries to the DNS Resolver.