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Key Concepts


An instance is a virtualized hardware resource, including CPU and system memory.

  • You can select an instance type when creating an instance, and the minimum and maximum capacity that can be allocated for each type is different.
  • File Storage instances are subject to varying rates per allocated GB based on their types, with charges applied according to the allocated capacity.

Instance type

The performance of File Storage is determined by the instance type selected when creating an instance. Instances have different minimum and maximum capacities that can be allocated for each type. Additionally, there is a differential rate per allocated GB, so you are charged according to the allocated capacity.
As of January 2024, File Storage only supports the basic instance type. However, we have plans to introduce a range of instance types in the future. This will allow you to choose the most suitable instance type based on your specific use case and expected workload.

Basic instance of File Storage are the most general-purpose instances.

Instance typeDescription
Basic     Instances with the most general specifications

Instance lifecycle and state

Instance lifecycle refers to the various state transitions of an instance from startup to termination.
When you create a File Storage instance, it starts in the Creating state and is configured by assigning the volume you set to the specified instance type. When the instance is ready for use, it switches to the Active state, and at this time, the instance can be utilized in the console or mounted.
Deleting is the state when instance deletion is in progress. Deleting an instance terminates its operation and is completely terminated. Once the termination is complete, the instance disappears from the list and you are no longer billed for the resource.

CreatingAllocating resources for the instance and configuring it to the volume size you set
ActiveInstance is running normally and available.
RestoringThe instance is performing a restore operation.
Setting-upInstance is performing a restore and restart operation.
Backing-upThe instance is performing a backup operation.
UpdatingPerforming instance setup work, image change by administrator, and migration.
DeletingCleanly shutting down and returning the instance.
ErrorErrors occurring while changing instance state.

Depending on the situation, the instance state may fall to error. If you no longer need to use the instance, you can try deleting it.
If you need to normalize instances, please contact Helpdesk.

Instance size

Pricing and minimum/maximum allocable capacity are different for each instance type. Currently, it is allowed to allocate basic instances with a minimum of 1.0 TB to a maximum of 10 TB.

The capacity unit expressed in the KakaoCloud console is in TB units. However, the volume is created internally in the system by calculating in binary. This means that 1TB gives you a volume size of 1,024GB.

Instance typeDescription
Basic     Able to allocate 1.0~10TB
- Set in 0.5TB increments