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Create and manage instance

Create instance

To use File Storage, you need to create an instance, which is a virtual server allocated for storage space. Here's how to create an instance in File Storage.


The capacity of basic type instance can be allocated from a minimum of 1.0TB to a maximum of 10TB, in increments of 0.5TB.

  1. Go to Beyond Storage Service > File Storage in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. Click the [Create instance] button on the Instance menu.

  3. Enter the required information and click the [Create] button.

    Image Create instance

    Instance infoInstance name: Name of the instance to create
    - Example: fsinstance-01
    - Cannot use duplicate instance names within the same project.
    Description (Optional): Description of the instance to create
    ProtocolChoose the protocol for the OS of the server to be mounted.
    - Currently only NFS protocol for Linux servers is provided.
    - NFS protocol supports Ubuntu, CentOS, etc.
    - File Storage supports only NFS v4 and uses port 2049.
    TypeCurrently only Basic type is provided.
    - Continuously expanding types to allow selection according to user environment.
    - Refer to Instance type for details.
    SizeSet the instance size.
    - Enter an appropriate size for the instance allocation.
    - Minimum and maximum instance sizes available vary by type.
      ㄴ Currently, the available sizes for basic type instances are from 1.0TB to 10TB, in increments of 0.5TB.
      ㄴ Example for Basic type: "1.5TB" can be entered.
    Network settingsVPC: Select the VPC to configure the instance.
    Subnet: Partial network divided from IP address.
    Configure access controlConfigure resources accessible to File Storage instance.
    - Allow any private IP address that can communicate with the VPC.: Accessible from resources within the communicating VPC without separate access control settings.
    - Restrict to allowed private IP addresses that can communicate with the VPC.: Only allows access from private IPs of specific resources created (up to 30).

    * Note
      - When selecting a VPC shared with another project, resources from the shared VPC of the other project can also be mounted.
      - If inter-subnet access is not supported, even if access settings are configured by entering IP addresses, access cannot be made.
    Mount information settingsSet the file sharing name: Set the file sharing name to be used as the mount point.
    - Example: fileshare-01
    - Refer to unavailable shared directory names below.

Unavailable shared directory names


Manage instance

Here's how to manage instances in File Storage.

View instance list

You can view the current list of instances and their basic information.

  1. Go to Beyond Storage Service > File Storage in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. On the Instance menu, check the currently created instances and basic information.

    NameName of the instance entered when created.
    StateState of the instance
    - Refer to instance lifecycle and state For details.
    Private IPPrivate IP address assigned when the instance is created
    SizeSize of the instance
    Mount informationMount point
    - A directory address that combines the private IP and file share name
    - Utilized when mounting on Virtual Machine instances
    Available zoneAvailability zone where the instance is created
    Created atDate when the detailed information of the instance was last modified
    [More] icon- Configure access control: Check the deployed VPC and Subnet and configure access control settings
    - Modify instance settings: Modify instance description
    - Delete: Delete the instance

Change instance size

Here's how to set the instance size in File Storage.

  1. Go to Beyond Storage Service > File Storage in the KakaoCloud Console.
  2. On the Instance menu, Click the [More] icon and select Modify instance settings.
  3. Change the size and click the [Save] icon. You can only enter a larger value than the current instance size. Decreasing the instance size is not allowed.

Resizing the instance may result in downtime due to instance reboot.

View instance details

You can view detailed information, network, and backup information, etc.

  1. Go to Beyond Storage Service > File Storage in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. In the Instance menu, click the instance to view details.

  3. Click the Details tab and check the information.

    Image. Instance Detail Information Instance details

    NameName of the created instance
    StateCurrent state of the instance:
    - Creating: Allocating resources for the instance and configuring it with the specified volume size.
    - Active: Instance is running normally and available for use.
    - Restoring: Instance is performing restoration tasks.
    - Setting-up: Instance is performing post-restoration reboot tasks.
    - Backing-up: Instance is performing backup tasks.
    - Updating: Instance is undergoing configuration changes, image changes by administrators, or migrations.
    - Deleting: Instance is being terminated and returned.
    - Error: Instance is in an unusable state due to an error.
    SizeSize allocated to the instance
    CreatorAccount ID (email address) of the user who created the instance
    Last modifiedDate and time when the instance details were last modified
    IDInstance ID
    TypeType of instance configured
    Mount informationMount point:
    - Directory address combined with private IP and file share name
    - Utilized when mounted on Virtual Machine instances
    Created atDate of instance creation
    File share nameShared directory name

View network information

You can check the network information of File Storage instances.

  1. Go to Beyond Storage Service > File Storage in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. Click the Instance menu and choose an instance.

  3. On the Network tab, check the detailed network information of the instance.

    Image. Instance Network Information Instance network

    VPCVPC to configure the instance
    Private IPPrivate IP address assigned when the instance is created
    Allowed IP ListList of IPs that can access the instance and access control settings
    SubnetSubnet created in the VPC
    Availability zoneAvailability zone where the instance is created

Configure access control

You can configure resources accessible to File Storage instance.

  1. Go to Beyond Storage Service > File Storage in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. Click the Instance menu and choose an instance.

  3. On the Network tab, click the Configure access control button on the top right.

    Image. Configure access control Configure access control

    Network settingsConfigure VPC and Subnet resources
    - VPC: Select the VPC to configure the instance.
    - Subnet: Select one of the subnets created in VPC
    Configure access controlConfigure resources accessible to File Storage instance
    - Allow any private IP address that can communicate with the VPC.: Accessible from resources within the communicating VPC without separate access control settings.
    - Restrict to allowed private IP addresses that can communicate with the VPC.: Only allows access from private IPs of specific resources created (up to 30).

    💡 Note
    - When selecting a VPC shared with another project, resources from the shared VPC of the other project can also be mounted.
    - If inter-subnet access is not supported, configuring access based on IP addresses will still not enable access.

Delete instance

When deleting a File Storage instance, the instance operation is terminated and returned completely. Once returned, it will disappear from the instance list, and no longer be billed for resources. You can only delete the instance if the instance status is Active.


Deleted instance resources are completely returned after shutdown and cannot be recovered.

  1. Go to Beyond Storage Service > File Storage in the KakaoCloud Console.
  2. On the Instance menu, click the [More] icon of the instance and Delete.
  3. In the pop-up window, enter the name of File Storage instance to delete, and click the [Delete] button.