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API Overview

Object Storage API is an interface for managing resources in a code-based programmatic manner.
When utilizing the API provided by Object Storage, you can handle tasks that are difficult to perform with the console, such as controlling large amounts of buckets and objects or repetitive and automated tasks. You can use KakaoCloud's Object Storage as a code base through REST API and Openstack Swift Client.

  • Responses to API requests are provided in JSON format.
  • To use the API, an access key and authentication token (API authentication token) are required.
  • Before using the API, you must first create an access key and receive a authentication token (API authentication token) through it.
  • Examples of how to use the Object Storage API are written with the CURL client. For a details of Curl, please refer to the CURL Guide.

API preparations

Please refer to the API Preparation for the preparatory work required to call the API.

API model

Object Storage's API model consists of the following five elements.

Model - Bucket

project:String // Project ID | Used as project id value in S3 API
name:String // bucket name | Unique value in Object storage
type:String // bucket type | STANDARD
bytes:int // total usage | Unit: Byte
objectCount:int // Number of objects belonging to the bucket
createdAt:String // Creation date in RFC3339 format | Example) 2020-07-01T00:00:00Z
use_encryption:boolean // Whether to encrypt bucket
encryption_type // encryption type | managed
lastModified:String // Modified date in RFC3339 format | Example) 2020-07-01T00:00:00Z
storageClass // storage class | STANDARD
storagePolicy // zone of storage class
acl: [AccessControlList] // Access permissions to the bucket
acl: [Permission] // Access permission to bucket
publicAcl: String // Whether the bucket is public or not | deny (default): do not disclose, read-only: disclose read permission
accountStringProject ID
- Able to get this information when issuing a token
- Used as the account value in Swift API
nameStringBucket name
- Unique value in Object Storage
typeStringBucket type
- Standard
bytesIntTotal usage
- Unit: Byte
objectCountIntNumber of objects in bucket
policyCountIntNumber of policies to which the lifecycle of the bucket is applied
createdAtStringCreation date
- Format: RFC3339
- Example: 2020-07-01T00:00:00Z
lastModifiedStringModification date
- Format: RFC3339
- Example: 2020-07-01T00:00:00Z
ownerSimpleUserBucket creator
- The creator has Admin permissions on the bucket
aclAccessControlListAccess permission information
use_encryptionBooleanWhether to encrypt bucket
- false (default): Do not encrypt
- true: Encrypt

Model - Simple Bucket

project: String // Project ID | Used as project id value in S3 API
name: String // bucket name | Unique value in Object storage
type: String // bucket type | STANDARD
bytes: int // total usage | Unit: Byte
objectCount: int // Number of objects belonging to the bucket
createdAt: String // Creation date in RFC3339 format | Example) 2020-07-01T00:00:00Z
use_encryption: boolean // Whether to encrypt bucket
encryption_type // encryption type | managed
lastModified: String // Modification date in RFC3339 format | Example) 2020-07-01T00:00:00Z
storageClass // storage class | STANDARD
storagePolicy // zone of storage class
projectStringProject ID
- Able to get this information when issuing a token
- Used in S3 API
nameStringBucket name
- Unique value in Object Storage
typeStringBucket type
- STANDARD (default): standard bucket
bytesIntTotal usage
- Unit: Byte
objectCountIntNumber of objects in bucket
createdAtStringCreation date
- Format: RFC3339
- Example: 2020-07-01T00:00:00Z
use_encryptionBooleanWhether to encrypt bucket
- false (default): Do not encrypt
- true: Encrypt
encryption_typeStringBucket encryption type
lastModifiedStringModification date
- Format: RFC3339
- Example: 2020-07-01T00:00:00Z
storageClassStringStorage class
- STANDARD (default): standard bucket.
aclAccess Control ListBucket access management policy
- Model - Access Control List Reference

Model - Simple User

id: String // User ID. Example) a0cd4299ed99458f9679c89a27e1a52d
name: String // user name. Example)
idStringUnique ID of user
- Example: a0cd4299ed99458f9679c89a27e1a52d
- Example:

Model - Access Control List

acl[Permission]Access permission to bucket
- Can be written as a list
- Refer to Model - Permission
PublicAclStringWhether bucket is public
- Deny (default): Not public
- Read-Only: Read only

Model - Permission

userSimpleUserUsers who can access the bucket
- Refer to Model - Simple User
permissionStringBucket access permissions
- Read-Only: Read permission disclosed
- Read-Write: Read and write permission disclosed