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Release Notes

July 6, 2023

Feature addition and improvement
▸ Released Container Registry in kr-central-2 region
  • Container Registry is now available in the new region (kr-central-2).

April 11, 2023

Feature improvement
▸ Improved tag deletion feature
  • To improve the tag deletion function, only single tag deletion is temporarily supported.
  • Bulk deletion of tags will be supported after stabilization and verification of improved functions.

March 29, 2023

Feature addition and improvement
▸ Added outbound traffic usage information
  • Added information to track outbound traffic usage.
▸ Added batch delete function for tags
  • Implemented the batch deletion feature for tags.
▸ Changed image vulnerability scanner to Trivy
  • Switched the image vulnerability scanner to Trivy for enhanced security.

November 29, 2022

Service release
  • Launched the Container Registry service.