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Manage image

Here's how to manage images pushed to the repository in Container Registry.

View image details

You can check the detailed information of the image pushed to the repository.

  1. Go to Container Pack > Container Registry in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. From the Repository menu, select the repository that contains your image.

  3. Select an image on the Image tab.

  4. Check the detailed information of the image.

    Image details

Modify image

You can modify image information such as image name, description, and label.

  1. Go to Container Pack > Container Registry in the KakaoCloud Console.
  2. In the Repository menu, click on the repository.
  3. Select the checkbox of the image to edit in the Image tab.
  4. Click the [More] icon on the right and select Edit.
  5. Modify the information and click the [Save] button.

View image Push/Pull command (Docker)

You can check the commands that can push/pull images to the repository through Docker.

  1. Go to Container Pack > Container Registry in the KakaoCloud Console.
  2. Select a repository in the Repository menu, and then select the image to check the command in the Image tab.
  3. Click the [View command] button at the top right of the screen.
  4. Check the command in the pop-up window.

Change image expiration date

You can change the expiration date of an image.

  1. Go to Container Pack > Container Registry in the KakaoCloud Console.
  2. Click a repository in the Repository menu, then select an image in the Image tab.
  3. Click the [Change expiration date] button at the top right of the screen.
  4. Set the expiration period in the pop-up window and click the [Save] button.

Scan image (vulnerability analysis)

Image scanning can identify software vulnerabilities in images.
Container Registry uses Trivy's Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) database. Once the image scan is complete, we provide a list of CVEs from the scan results, providing insight into security vulnerabilities in the images being deployed.

For a detailed description of Trivy, please refer to Trivy on GitHub.


The image scan type is a value set automatically or manually when creating a repository, and you can change the image scan type even for an already created repository.
For detailed instructions on changing the image scan type, please refer to Edit repository.

Auto-scan image

If you select Automatically for Image Scan when creating a repository, image scanning will be performed automatically when an image is pushed to the repository.

Manually scan image

If you selected Manual for Scan images when creating your repository, you can scan images manually.

  1. Go to Container Pack > Container Registry in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. Click a repository in the Repository menu, then select an image in the Image tab.

  3. Go to Image tag tab and click the [Scan] button.

    • Scanning is possible once a day. If a scan has already been run, the scan button will be disabled and manual scanning will not be possible.

    Manual scan Manual scanning

View scan results

You can view automatic/manual scan results as follows.

  1. Go to Container Pack > Container Registry in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. Click a repository in the Repository menu.

  3. Select an image in Image tab.

  4. Go to Image tag tab and click a tag in the Tag name column.

  5. Check the detailed scan results in the Vulnerabilities tab.

    Vulnerability Image scan result

Delete image

You can delete images you no longer need.

  1. Go to Container Pack > Container Registry in the KakaoCloud Console.
  2. In the Repository menu, click on the repository.
  3. Select the checkbox of the image to delete in the Image tab.
  4. Click the [More] icon on the right and select Delete.
  5. In the popup, enter the image name and click the [Delete] button.

Push/Pull image

Users with IAM permissions can use the Docker CLI to push or pull their images.

Pushing image may require Container Registry Admin and Project Member permissions. Members who do not belong to the project, however, can also push images if they are granted a Repository Member role in the repository.

Any member of the project can pull an image. If you are granted member and viewer roles in the repository, you can pull images. If the repository is set to public, however, any user who knows the URI can pull the image regardless of permissions.


Before pushing an image, you must create a repository in the registry. For detailed instructions on creating a repository, please refer to Create repository.

Push image

You can push images to the repository.

  1. Run registry authentication from the Docker CLI.

  2. After authenticating the registry, tag the image using the following command in Docker CLI to push the image from the user's local repository.

    Tagging command
    docker tag {source image} {project name}.{region name}{repository name}/{image name}:{tag name}
  3. Execute the command to push the tagged image to the repository.

    Push command example
    docker push {project name}.{region name}{repository name}/{image name}:{tag name}

Image name is only available under the following conditions.

  • Write within 4 to 100 characters using lowercase English letters/numbers/hyphens (-)/underbars (_)/periods (.) without spaces
  • The starting character can only be a lowercase English letter/number and cannot end with a hyphen (-)

Pull image

Users who authenticate their account can run a command to pull a specific image from the repository.

Pull command example
docker pull {project name}.{region name}{repository name}/{image name}:{tag name}

Manage tag

Here's how to manage tags for images in Container Registry:

View tag details

You can check the detailed information of the image tag.

  1. Go to Container Pack > Container Registry in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. Click a repository in the Repository menu.

  3. Select an image in the Image tab.

  4. Click the Image tag tab and then select a tag.

  5. Check the details of the tag in the Layer or Vulnerabilities tab.

    • Layer tab displays layer information (image ID, command, history, Manifest V1, V2 download, etc.) of the image.
    • Vulnerabilities tab shows the scan results of the image.

    Image tag details

View tag Pull command

You can check the command that can pull a specific tag.

  1. Go to Container Pack > Container Registry in the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. Select a repository in the Repository menu.

  3. Select an image on the Image tab.

  4. Click the Image tag tab, then select the [More] icon > View Pull command.

    View Image Pull command View image pull command

  5. Check the Pull command in the pop-up window.

Add tag

You can add new tags.
If tag overwriting is allowed in the repository when you add a tag, tags with duplicate names will be overwritten. If tag overwriting is disabled, however, tags cannot be added with the same tag name.

To allow the tag overwriting is set when you create the repository, and you can change the setting if necessary. For details about modifying the tag overwriting setting, please refer to Edit repository.

  1. Go to Container Pack > Container Registry in the KakaoCloud Console.
  2. Select a repository in the Repository menu.
  3. Select an image on the Image tab.
  4. On the Image tag tab, click the [More] icon > Add tag.
  5. In the pop-up window, enter the tag name to add and click the [Add] button.

View tag history

You can check the history of tag addition, deletion, recovery, etc.

  1. Go to Container Pack > Container Registry in the KakaoCloud Console.
  2. Select a repository in the Repository menu.
  3. Select an image on the Image tab.
  4. Click the Tag history tab and check the information.

Recover tag

If a tag has been moved (overwritten), the last history of tags with the same name can be restored. However, the recovery function can be performed when the [Recovery] button is activated.

  1. Go to Container Pack > Container Registry in the KakaoCloud Console.
  2. Select a repository in the Repository menu.
  3. Select an image on the Image tab.
  4. Click the Tag history tab, and then click the [Recover] button.

Delete tag

You can delete tags that you no longer use. When you delete a tag, tags that use the same digest as that tag are also deleted. Deleted tags cannot be recovered.

If the image format is v2 or higher, it includes a content-addressable identifier called the Digest. The digest will not change unless the content used to generate the image changes.

  1. Go to Container Pack > Container Registry in the KakaoCloud Console.
  2. Select a repository in the Repository menu.
  3. Select an image on the Image tab.
  4. Click the Image tag tab, then select the [More] icon > Delete tag.
  5. In the pop-up window, enter the tag name to delete and click the [Delete] button.