Create parameter group
Creates a new parameter group based on the default parameter group.
curl -X POST "" \
-H "X-Auth-Token: {token-id}" \
-d '{Body}'
Type | Parameter | Data Type | Description |
Header | {token-id} * | String | Refer to API authentication token |
Body | parameterGroupId* | String | ID of the parameter group to be used as a base |
name* | String | Name of the new parameter group | |
description | String | Description of the new parameter group |
"parameterGroupId": "qwerqwer-7347-4d87-a49f-e705e91db2fb",
"name": "test-parameter-group",
"description": "test parameter group"
Status Code | Description |
200 | Successful response to resource retrieval/deletion request |
400 | The user's request is invalid, and the operation cannot proceed |
401 | Request made by an unauthorized user |
403 | Request made by a user without permission |
404 | The requested resource does not exist |
500 | Operation cannot proceed due to an internal error |
Field | Data Type | Description |
objectId | String | Parameter group ID |
201 Created
content-length: 52
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
"objectId": "12341234-1234-1234-1234-e705e91db2fb"
Get parameter group list
Retrieves a list of parameter groups. By passing the query parameter engineVersion={engine-version}
, you can retrieve parameter groups for the specified engine version. By passing the query parameter parameterGroupType={parameter-group-type}
, you can retrieve either default or custom parameter groups.
curl -X GET "{engine-version}¶meterGroupType={parameter-group-type}&clusterMode={clusterMode}" \
-H "X-Auth-Token: {token-id}"
Type | Parameter | Data Type | Description |
Header | {token-id} * | String | Refer to API authentication token |
Query | {engine-version} | String | Specifies the engine version |
Query | {parameter-group-type} | String | Specifies the parameter group type - default, custom |
Query | {clusterMode} | String | Allowed values - enabled, disabled - If empty or not provided, both are selected |
Status Code | Description |
200 | Successful response to resource retrieval/deletion request |
400 | The user's request is invalid, and the operation cannot proceed |
401 | Request made by an unauthorized user |
403 | Request made by a user without permission |
404 | The requested resource does not exist |
500 | Operation cannot proceed due to an internal error |
Field | Data Type | Description |
parameterGroups[] | Object Array | List of parameter groups |
parameterGroups[].id | String | Parameter group ID |
parameterGroups[].engineVersion | String | Redis engine version of the parameter group |
parameterGroups[].name | String | Name of the parameter group |
parameterGroups[].description | String | Description of the parameter group |
parameterGroups[].isDefault | Boolean | Indicates if it is a default parameter group |
parameterGroups[].defaultParameterGroupId | String | ID of the default parameter group referenced by the custom parameter group - If it's a default parameter group, this value is empty |
parameterGroups[].rollbackAvailable | Boolean | Indicates if the parameters of the group can be rolled back |
parameterGroups[].clusterModeEnabled | Boolean | Indicates if cluster mode is enabled for the parameter group |
parameterGroups[].existErrorSync | Boolean | Indicates if any clusters using this parameter group have sync failures |
parameterGroups[].clusterSize | Integer | Number of clusters using this parameter group |
parameterGroups[].createdAt | String | Date when the parameter group was created |
200 OK
content-length: ...
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
"parameterGroups": [
"id": "12341234-1234-1234-a49f-e705e91db2fb",
"engineVersion": "5.0.6",
"name": "test-parameter-group-1",
"description": "test param group 1",
"isDefault": false,
"defaultParameterGroupId": "12341234-1234-1234-1234-e705e91db2fb",
"rollbackAvailable": false,
"clusterModeEnabled": true,
"existErrorSync": false,
"clusterSize": 5,
"createdAt": "2024-03-06T02:35:13Z"
"id": "56785678-5678-5678-a49f-e705e91db2fb",
"engineVersion": "6.2.5",
"name": "test-parameter-group-2",
"description": "test param group 2",
"isDefault": false,
"defaultParameterGroupId": "56785678-5678-5678-5678-e705e91db2fb",
"rollbackAvailable": true,
"clusterModeEnabled": true,
"existErrorSync": true,
"clusterSize": 3,
"createdAt": "2024-03-06T02:35:13Z"
Get parameter group details
Retrieves detailed information about the specified parameter group.
curl -X GET "{parameter-group-id or parameter-group-name}" \
-H "X-Auth-Token: {token-id}"
Type | Parameter | Data Type | Description |
URL | {parameter-group-id or parameter-group-name} * | String | ID or name of the parameter group |
Header | {token-id} * | String | Refer to API authentication token |
Status Code | Description |
200 | Successful response to resource retrieval/deletion request |
400 | The user's request is invalid, and the operation cannot proceed |
401 | Request made by an unauthorized user |
403 | Request made by a user without permission |
404 | The requested resource does not exist |
500 | Operation cannot proceed due to an internal error |
Field | Data Type | Description |
id | String | Parameter group ID |
name | String | Name of the parameter group |
description | String | Description of the parameter group |
engineVersion | String | Redis engine version of the parameter group |
isDefault | Boolean | Indicates if it is a default parameter group |
defaultParameterGroupId | String | ID of the default parameter group |
clusterModeEnabled | Boolean | Indicates if cluster mode is enabled for the parameter group |
existErrorSync | Boolean | Indicates if any clusters using this parameter group have sync failures |
clusterSize | Integer | Number of clusters using this parameter group |
rollbackAvailable | Boolean | Indicates if the parameters of the group can be rolled back |
parameters[] | Object Array | List of parameters |
parameters[].parameterType | String | Parameter type - STATIC, DYNAMIC, etc. |
parameters[].parameterKey | String | Parameter key |
parameters[].parameterValue | String | Parameter value |
parameters[].defaultParameterValue | String | Default value of the parameter |
parameters[].dataType | String | Data type of the parameter value - ENUM, STRING, INTEGER |
parameters[].editable | Boolean | Indicates if the parameter value is editable - STRING: regex - NUMBER: value range or | for multiple values ex) 5|10|11~100 - ENUM: separated by | ex) string|string|string |
parameters[].validationValueFormat | String | Validity format for the parameter value |
createdAt | String | Date when the parameter group was created |
200 Created
content-length: ...
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
"id": "12341234-1234-1234-a49f-e705e91db2fb",
"name": "test-parameter-group",
"description": "test description",
"engineVersion": "6.2.5",
"isDefault": false,
"defaultParameterGroupId": "qwerqwer-7347-4d87-a49f-e705e91db2fb",
"clusterModeEnabled": false,
"existErrorSync": false,
"clusterSize": 5,
"parameters": [
"parameterType": "DYNAMIC",
"parameterKey": "param-key1",
"parameterValue": "param-val1",
"defaultParameterValue": "init-param-val1",
"dataType": "STRING",
"editable": true,
"validationValueFormat": "param-val1|param-val2|param-val3",
"parameterType": "DYNAMIC",
"parameterKey": "param-key2",
"parameterValue": "1",
"defaultParameterValue": "0",
"dataType": "NUMBER",
"editable": true,
"validationValueFormat": "0~10",
"rollbackAvailable": false,
"createdAt": "2024-03-06T02:35:13Z"
Delete parameter group
Deletes a parameter group. There must be no clusters using the specified parameter group.
curl -X DELETE "{parameter-group-id or parameter-group-name}" \
-H "X-Auth-Token: {token-id}"
Type | Parameter | Data Type | Description |
URL | {parameter-group-id or parameter-group-name} * | String | ID or name of the parameter group |
Header | {token-id} * | String | Refer to API authentication token |
Status Code | Description |
200 | Successful response to resource retrieval/deletion request |
400 | The user's request is invalid, and the operation cannot proceed |
401 | Request made by an unauthorized user |
403 | Request made by a user without permission |
404 | The requested resource does not exist |
500 | Operation cannot proceed due to an internal error |
Field | Data Type | Description |
objectId | String | Parameter group ID |
200 OK
content-length: ...
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
"objectId": "qwerqwer-7347-4d87-a49f-e705e91db2fb"
Modify parameters
Modifies the parameter values of a parameter group.
curl -X PATCH "{parameter-group-id or parameter-group-name}" \
-H "X-Auth-Token: {token-id}"
-d '{Body}'
Type | Parameter | Data Type | Description |
URL | {parameter-group-id or parameter-group-name} * | String | ID or name of the parameter group |
Header | {token-id} * | String | Refer to API authentication token |
Body | description | String | Description of the parameter group |
parameters[] | Object Array | List of parameters to be modified | |
parameters[].parameterKey | String | Key of the parameter to be modified | |
parameters[].parameterValue | String | Value of the parameter to be modified | |
applyMode | String | Select whether to apply changes sequentially or in parallel to connected clusters - Choose when modifying parameters • Sequential: sequential • Parallel: parallel |
"description": "test description",
"parameters: [
"parameterKey": "param-key1",
"parameterValue": "param-val1",
"parameterKey": "param-key2"
"parameterValue": "param-val2",
"parameterKey": "param-key3",
"parameterValue": "param-val3",
"applyMode": "sequential"
Status Code | Description |
200 | Successful response to resource retrieval/deletion request |
400 | The user's request is invalid, and the operation cannot proceed |
401 | Request made by an unauthorized user |
403 | Request made by a user without permission |
404 | The requested resource does not exist |
500 | Operation cannot proceed due to an internal error |
Field | Data Type | Description |
objectId | String | Parameter group ID |
200 OK
content-length: ...
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
"objectId": "qwerqwer-7347-4d87-a49f-e705e91db2fb"
Rollback parameter group
Reverts the parameter values of a parameter group to their previously used values.
curl -X POST "{parameter-group-id or parameter-group-name}/rollback" \
-H "X-Auth-Token: {token-id}"
Type | Parameter | Data Type | Description |
URL | {parameter-group-id or parameter-group-name} * | String | ID or name of the parameter group |
Header | {token-id} * | String | Refer to API authentication token |
"applyMode": "sequential"
Status Code | Description |
200 | Successful response to resource retrieval/deletion request |
400 | The user's request is invalid, and the operation cannot proceed |
401 | Request made by an unauthorized user |
403 | Request made by a user without permission |
404 | The requested resource does not exist |
500 | Operation cannot proceed due to an internal error |
Field | Data Type | Description |
objectId | String | Parameter group ID |
200 OK
content-length: ...
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
"objectId": "qwerqwer-7347-4d87-a49f-e705e91db2fb"
Reset parameter group
Resets the parameters of a parameter group to the values of the default parameter group.
curl -X POST "{parameter-group-id or parameter-group-name}/reset" \
-H "X-Auth-Token: {token-id}"
-d '{Body}'
Type | Parameter | Data Type | Description |
URL | {parameter-group-id or parameter-group-name} * | String | ID or name of the parameter group |
Header | {token-id} * | String | Refer to API authentication token |
Body | applyMode* | String | Select whether to apply changes sequentially or in parallel to connected clusters • Sequential: sequential • Parallel: parallel |
"applyMode": "sequential"
Status Code | Description |
200 | Successful response to resource retrieval/deletion request |
400 | The user's request is invalid, and the operation cannot proceed |
401 | Request made by an unauthorized user |
403 | Request made by a user without permission |
404 | The requested resource does not exist |
500 | Operation cannot proceed due to an internal error |
Field | Data Type | Description |
objectId | String | Parameter group ID |
200 OK
content-length: ...
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
"objectId": "qwerqwer-7347-4d87-a49f-e705e91db2fb"
Get recent parameter group events
Retrieves events related to the parameter group from the last 7 days.
curl -X GET "{parameter-group-id or parameter-group-name}/events" \
-H "X-Auth-Token: {token-id}"
Type | Parameter | Data Type | Description |
URL | {parameter-group-id or parameter-group-name} * | String | ID or name of the parameter group |
Header | {token-id} * | String | Refer to API authentication token |
Status Code | Description |
200 | Successful response to resource retrieval/deletion request |
400 | The user's request is invalid, and the operation cannot proceed |
401 | Request made by an unauthorized user |
403 | Request made by a user without permission |
404 | The requested resource does not exist |
500 | Operation cannot proceed due to an internal error |
Field | Data Type | Description |
events[] | Object Array | List of events |
events[].eventName | String | Event name |
events[].message | String | Event message |
events[].createdAt | String | Creation date (RFC3339 format) |
200 OK
content-length: ...
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
"events": [
"eventName": "Apply Parameter",
"message": "",
"createdAt": "2024-05-07T12:00:01.123456Z",
"eventName": "Update Parameter",
"message": "",
"createdAt": "2024-05-07T12:00:00.000000Z",