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Create cluster

A cluster is an object composed of multiple nodes, allowing users to perform management operations such as viewing, monitoring, and deleting. Below is how to manage a cluster.


It is recommended to monitor and manage the system periodically to ensure that memory usage does not exceed 50% of the system's available memory.
The KakaoCloud MemStore service currently sets the maxmemory configuration to approximately 65% of the system's available memory. When maximum memory is reached, the allkeys-lru policy will delete the least recently used keys.

View cluster list

You can view the list of clusters created within a project.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Data Store > MemStore menu.

  2. In the Cluster menu, check the list of currently created clusters.

    Cluster nameName assigned by the user during cluster creation
    - Click the cluster name to view detailed information about the cluster
    StatusCurrent status of the cluster
    - For more details on status values, refer to Cluster lifecycle and status values
    Engine versionRedis OSS engine version running on the node
    Node typeNode type selected by the user during cluster creation
    - Hover over the node type value to view vCPU and Memory information for that type
    - For types of node types, refer to Node type
    Cluster modeIndicates whether cluster mode is enabled
    High availabilityIndicates whether automatic failover is enabled for node failures
    Automated backups retention periodCurrent automated backup retention period set for the cluster
    - Hover over the value to view the automated backup start time
    Number of shardsNumber of shards within the cluster
    - If cluster mode is not enabled, the number of shards is displayed as a hyphen (-).
    Number of nodesNumber of nodes created within the cluster
    UptimeUptime of the cluster since the creation start time
    - Hover over the value to view the cluster creation date
    CreatorUser who initially requested the cluster creation

View cluster information

You can view the information of the clusters created within a project.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Data Store > MemStore menu.

  2. Select the cluster to view detailed information from the Cluster menu.

  3. Check the information from the tabs.

    Details tab

    Top informationOperational statusCurrent operational status of the cluster
    Cluster modeIndicates whether cluster mode is enabled
    High availabilityIndicates whether automatic failover is enabled for node failures
    Endpoint - Primary endpointRead/Write-enabled endpoint
    Endpoint - Read endpointRead-only endpoint
    - Read endpoints are not provided when cluster mode is enabled
    Details - ClusterCluster nameName assigned by the user during cluster creation
    CreatorUser who initially requested the cluster creation
    Cluster modeIndicates whether cluster mode is enabled
    High availabilityIndicates whether automatic failover is enabled for node failures
    Node typeNode type selected by the user during cluster creation. Refer to Node type for details.
    vCPU per nodeNumber of Virtual CPUs allocated to the node type selected by the user during cluster creation
    Memory per nodeMemory size allocated to the node type selected by the user during cluster creation
    Number of shardsNumber of shards configured in the cluster
    Number of nodesNumber of nodes created within the cluster
    - You can view the list and status of shards and nodes in the cluster in the Shard/Node List tab
    Creation date and timeTime when the cluster creation was requested
    Cluster IDObject ID of the cluster
    NetworkVPCUser VPC selected by the user during cluster creation
    Availability zoneAvailability zone distribution type of the cluster
    - Multi: The cluster is configured across 2 or more AZs
    - Single: The cluster is configured in 1 AZ
    Primary endpointRead/Write-enabled endpoint
    Read endpointRead-only endpoint
    - Read endpoints are not provided when cluster mode is enabled
    PortConnection port for the node, default is 6379
    BackupNumber of backupsNumber of all created backups
    Backup retention periodAutomated backups retention period, selectable from a minimum of 1 day to a maximum of 35 days
    Automated backups start timeAutomated backups start time, backups start within 15 minutes of the selected time
    Redis compatibility settingsEngine versionRedis engine version running on the node
    LicenseLicense information for the Redis OSS engine
    User authenticationIndicates whether user authentication was enabled during cluster creation
    IDAdministrator ID entered when user authentication is enabled
    - If user authentication is not enabled, the ID is not displayed
    Parameter groupDisplays the applied parameter group and the status of parameter application.
    For more details, refer to Parameter application status

    Shard/Node list tab

    Refer to How-to Guides > Manage shard and node

    Security tab

    Refer to How-to Guides > Create cluster > View security group

    Monitoring tab

    Refer to How-to Guides > Create cluster > Cluster monitoring

Cluster monitoring

The Monitoring tab allows you to check the status of nodes in detail within the cluster, enabling flexible and efficient node management while minimizing the resources required for management.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Data Store > MemStore menu.

  2. Select the cluster to be monitored in the Cluster menu.

  3. Click the Monitoring tab and check the information.

    Image Monitoring tab

    ① Monitoring nodeSelect the node to be monitored
    ② Data periodPeriod of data to be displayed in the monitoring graph
    - 1 hour (default) / 3 hours / 12 hours / 1 day / 7 days
    ③ View itemsSelect items to view for monitoring
    - MemStore / CPU / Memory / Network
    - All items are selected by default
    - Multiple items can be selected
    ④ View modeSet the monitoring graph view mode
    - 1 column, 2 columns, 3 columns provided
    ⑤ Auto-refresh intervalSet the auto-refresh interval
    - No auto-refresh (default) / 10 seconds / 30 seconds / 1 minute / 5 minutes
    ⑥ Manual refreshClick to manually refresh the monitoring results

    Provided monitoring data
    CategoryMonitoring dataDescription
    MemStoreCommand calls (Count/sec)Number of command calls per second over time
    MemStoreConnections (Count)Number of connections over time
    - Max connections: Maximum number of clients that can be connected
    - Active connections: Number of currently connected clients
    MemStoreCache hit ratio (%)Redis hit ratio over time
    MemStoreExpired and evicted keys (Count)Number of expired and evicted keys over time
    CPUTotal usage (%)Total CPU usage over time
    MemoryTotal usage (%)Total memory usage over time
    MemoryUsage by type (Bytes)Memory usage by type over time
    NetworkRX by interface (Bytes/sec)Network RX usage per second over time
    NetworkTX by interface (Bytes/sec)Network TX usage per second over time
    NetworkRX by interface (PPS)Network RX packet usage per second over time
    NetworkTX by interface (PPS)Network TX packet usage per second over time

Configure High availability

The MemStore service provides high availability features to ensure convenience and stable operation for users.
When high availability is enabled, the service automatically takes action in the event of a node failure. High availability can be enabled without a separate service interruption. However, the cluster must be in Running status and have at least 1 Replica node to enable high availability.


When cluster mode is enabled, the cluster uses high availability by default, and settings cannot be changed.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Data Store > MemStore menu.
  2. In the Cluster menu, select the [More] icon for the cluster to enable high availability, and select Configure HA.
  3. Configure the high availability settings and click the [Save] button.
  4. Check the high availability status on the cluster's detail page to confirm that it has been updated correctly.

Delete cluster

You can delete clusters that are no longer needed.


Resources of the deleted cluster will be completely returned after termination and cannot be restored, so proceed with caution.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Data Store > MemStore menu.
  2. In the Cluster menu, select the [More] icon for the cluster group to be deleted, and select Delete cluster.
  3. In the popup, enter the name of the cluster to be deleted and click the [Delete] button.

MemStore user account

The MemStore service provides a user authentication option for users. When user authentication is enabled, users can access resources using the ID and password they set. If not enabled, access to resources is allowed using the default account without a password.


User authentication is not supported for Redis OSS engine versions 5 or lower.

Command restrictions

To ensure smooth service operation and management, the following commands are restricted. Attempting to use them will return a NOPERM error.


If there are many keys stored in the instance, using the keys, flushall, or flushdb commands may cause the instance to crash.

ACLACL-related commands
BGSAVEBackground save
CLIENT PAUSEPause client
CLUSTER BUMPEPOCHIncrement cluster epoch
CLUSTER FAILOVERCluster failover
CLUSTER FORGETDisconnect nodes
CLUSTER MEETConnect cluster nodes
CLUSTER REPLICATEReplicate cluster node
CLUSTER RESETReset cluster
CLUSTER SAVECONFIGSave cluster configuration
CLUSTER SET-CONFIG-EPOCHSet cluster configuration epoch
CLUSTER SETSLOTChange slot configuration
CONFIGConfigure Redis OSS
DEBUGDebugging commands
FAILOVERFailover commands
MIGRATEData migration
MODULEModule-related commands
PSYNCCheck replication status
REPLCONFChange replication settings
RESTORE-ASKINGRequest data restore
SAVESave data
SHUTDOWNShutdown Redis
SLAVEOFSet master
SORTSort commands
SYNCSynchronization commands

View security group

In the Security tab of the cluster's details, you can view the Security Group and detailed policies applied to the cluster.
To access the cluster, the security group must allow port 6379 or the user-specified port. Click on the name of the connected Security Group in the list to navigate to the VPC > Security Group details page for policy management.


Security Group connection information management and Inbound/Outbound policy management within the Security tab of the detailed information will be provided in the future.

Access MemStore cluster

There are several methods to access the cluster from an instance in the MemStore service.
After completing the cluster creation and configuration, you need to connect the instances created along with the cluster using a Redis Client.


To connect to the cluster, you need a Virtual Machine instance (node) using the same network as the cluster to connect and an accessible connection environment for the cluster's endpoint.
To do this, you must allow TCP 6379 (default cluster port number) in the Outbound policy of the Virtual Machine instance's Security Group.

Connect to cluster

You can access the cluster from the instance.

  1. Refer to Virtual Machine > Create and connect instance for details on accessing the instance and preparing the Redis Client. If Redis commands are not recognized, you need to install a separate Redis Client.

  2. Go to the MemStore menu on the KakaoCloud Console.

  3. Select the cluster to connect to from the Cluster menu.

  4. Check the Endpoint in the Details tab. This information is required for executing Redis commands. Copy it to your clipboard or save it for reference.

  5. Run the Redis connection command from the instance to access the cluster.

    Redis instance connection command
    redis-cli -h {ENDPOINT} -p {PORT_NUMBER} {COMMAND}
    {ENDPOINT}Endpoint information obtained from the Details tab
    {PORT_NUMBER}Port number for Redis connection: default is 6379 or the user-specified port number.

For more details on the roles and types of instances, refer to Instance.

Change parameter group

You can change the parameter group associated with the cluster.
The parameter group corresponding to the cluster's engine version and cluster mode can be selected. If changing the parameter group affects the values of parameters already set, it may impact the operational MemStore service, so it is recommended to review the parameter values of the parameter group to be changed in advance. If a parameter group change is already in progress, the change request may fail.
Refer to Create and Manage Parameter Groups for more details.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Data Store > MemStore menu.
  2. In the Cluster menu, select the [More] icon for the cluster to change the parameter group, and select Change parameter group.
  3. In the popup, select the parameter group to be changed and click the [OK] button.