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Manage backup

Backups are managed at the PostgreSQL instance group level and can be performed without stopping the instance group.

View backup list

You can check the list of backups created in the PostgreSQL instance group of the project.

  1. Go to the KakaoCloud Console > Data Store > PostgreSQL menu.

  2. Click the Backup menu.

    NameName of the backup
    Instance group nameName of the instance group associated with the backup
    StatusCurrent backup status
    - See Backup lifecycle and status values for details
    Engine versionPostgreSQL engine version that can be restored from the backup
    Backup sizeSize of the backup
    Default storage sizeDefault storage size for restoration
    Created atDate the backup was created
    [More]Restore, Delete

Create manual backup

You can create backups manually in the PostgreSQL service.


Backups can only be created when the instance group status is Available, Primary-Available, or Error, and the instance status is Running.
- See Backup lifecycle and status values for details.

  1. Go to the KakaoCloud Console > Data Store > PostgreSQL menu.

  2. Select the PostgreSQL instance group to back up from the Instance Group menu.

  3. Click the Backup menu and then click the [Create backup] button.

    NameName of the backup entered during creation
    StatusBackup status
    - See Backup lifecycle and status values for details
    TypeCurrently, only manual backup is available
    - Automated backup support is planned
    Backup sizeSize of the backup
    Creation timeTime the backup was created
    Created byUser who created the backup
  4. Enter the required information in the Create backup popup and click the [Create] button.

  5. Verify the backup file in the Backup menu.

Delete backup

You can delete backups that are no longer needed.


When a backup is deleted, it is permanently removed, and the deletion cannot be undone.

  1. Go to the KakaoCloud Console > Data Store > PostgreSQL menu.
  2. Select the PostgreSQL instance group to delete the backup from the Instance Group menu.
  3. In the Backup tab, click the [More] icon for the backup to delete and select Delete.
  4. Enter the required information in the Delete backup popup and click the [Delete] button.


The restore function in the PostgreSQL service allows you to create a new instance group using a backup. A backup must already exist for the instance group to be restored.

  • A new instance group can be created through restoration only if the backup status is Available.
  • The instance type of the new instance group must be the same as or higher than the type of the backed-up instance group.
  • The storage size of the new instance group must be the same as or larger than the storage size of the backed-up instance group.
  1. Go to the KakaoCloud Console > Data Store > PostgreSQL menu.

  2. Select the PostgreSQL instance group to use the backup from the Instance Group menu.

  3. In the Backup tab, click the [More] icon for the backup to restore and select Restore.

  4. Enter the required information in the popup and click the [Create] button.

    Restoration infoInstance group nameBasic information of the selected backup file
    - Includes the instance group name, backup file name, instance group storage size, and backup creation date.
    Basic settingsInstance group nameName of the PostgreSQL instance group
    - Must be unique within the same project
    Description (optional)Additional description for the instance group (up to 100 characters)
    Instance availabilityHigh availabilityCreate primary and multiple standby instances
    - Single AZ or Multi-AZ
    SingleCreate only a single primary instance
    - Single AZ only
    PostgreSQL settingsEngine versionAutomatically selected PostgreSQL database version
    14.14 available
    Primary portPort for communicating with the PostgreSQL primary instance (range: 1024–65535, default: 5432)
    Standby portPort for communicating with the PostgreSQL standby instance (required for high availability, range: 1024–65535, default: 5433)
    IDID of the PostgreSQL database user account
    * Cannot change the ID during restoration
    * Reserved account names (root, postgres, rewind, replication, orafce_set_umask, plprofiler) are not allowed
    * For details about permissions, refer to Instance group user accounts
    PasswordInitial password for the PostgreSQL database user account
    - Format: 8–16 characters, no spaces, /, ', ", @ characters
    ⚠️ Passwords can be changed after the database is running. Modified passwords cannot be retrieved.
    Instance typeSelect the instance type for configuring database computing resources
    - See Instance types for details
    Default storageSSDConfigure volume type and size for the database
    - Volume type: Only SSD is supported for now. More types will be supported in the future.
    - Volume size: 100 GB–16,384 GB
    * Minimum size may vary by instance type.
    Log storageSSDStorage used for database logs (cannot be changed after creation)
    - Volume type: Only SSD is supported for now. More types will be supported in the future.
    - Volume size: 100 GB–16,384 GB
    * Minimum size may vary by instance type.
    Network settingsMulti-AZ optionsOptions available for high availability; specify subnets and the number of instances to create in each AZ.
    VPCSelect the network where the PostgreSQL instance database will be deployed
    Subnet and instance countSelect the subnets for creating primary and standby instances, and specify the number of instances to create
    - Maximum 6 instances per instance group
    - At least two instances are recommended for redundancy in the primary subnet.
    Security groupCreate a new security group or select an existing one to apply to the instance group
    - Multiple selections allowed

For more details about instance groups, see Instance groups.