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Key Concepts

KakaoCloud's Alert Center is a service that allows you to set alert policies and notification channels to get notifications when events or resource failures occur in KakaoCloud services. By configuring alerts and receiving timely notifications, you can quickly identify and resolve issues in KakaoCloud services.

Manage IAM roles

Role management in the Alert Center service follows KakaoCloud’s IAM role-based access control (RBAC). Therefore, you can manage alert recipients in conjunction with the project roles in IAM. By default, project administrators and members can manage alert recipients. For more details on IAM roles, refer to IAM > Key Concepts.

IAM Role Management (Organization)

  • Organization administrators and Alert Center administrators can view, add, modify, and delete all organization users as recipients.
  • Organization administrators and Alert Center administrators can view organization alert registration and delivery history.
  • Organization readers (Readers) only have view permissions for organizations and projects (excluding resources) and cannot view Alert Center resources.
PermissionOrganization OwnerOrganization AdminAlert Center AdminOrganization Reader
Create, modify, delete, view alert policies✓         ✓        ✓                   
Create, modify, delete, view notification channels
View delivery history

IAM Role Management (Project)

  • Both project administrators and project members can view and add project users as recipients.
  • Both project administrators and members can modify and delete existing recipients.
  • Project readers (Readers) can only view alert policies, notification channels, and delivery history.
PermissionProject AdminProject MemberProject Reader
Create, modify, delete, view alert policies✓       ✓        △ (View only)
Create, modify, delete, view notification channels△ (View only)
View delivery history

You can check your IAM permissions for each role in KakaoCloud Console > Top-right Profile > Account Information.

Alert policies

An alert policy defines the situations and methods for receiving alerts, allowing you to set alerts based on service events in the Alert Center. Events can be set per service, and additional services that support alert settings will continue to be added. For more details, refer to Create and Manage Alert Policies.

Services supporting alert settings by event condition type
CategorySupported servicesDescription
Metric- Beyond Compute Service
ᄂ Virtual Machine
ᄂ Bare Metal Server
- MemStore
- Load Balancing
Configure metric-based alerts for overall system performance
Log- Beyond Compute Service
ᄂ Virtual Machine
ᄂ Bare Metal Server
Set log-based alerts
EventOrganization Events
- Billing

Project Events
- Virtual Machine
- Bare Metal Server
- Load Balancing
- Transit Gateway
- Kubernetes Engine
- Object Storage
- File Storage
- PostgreSQL
- MemStore
- Data Query
- Pub/Sub
- Advanced Managed Kafka
- Monitoring
- Alert Center
- Kubeflow
KakaoCloud service-specific specialized event notifications

Metric alert policies

Metric-based policies monitor the status and changes of computing resources, allowing you to respond to system-wide performance changes. You can set alerts for events based on various metrics such as CPU, memory, and disk I/O.


For more details on the provided metrics, refer to the Monitoring documentation.

Log alert policies

Log-based alert policies help efficiently resolve operational issues by monitoring logs generated by instances. You can set specific keywords, and alerts will be triggered whenever those keywords occur. In addition to simple keywords, Alert Center also supports various keyword types like instance names.

Log alert keyword types
KeywordSearch for specific strings without type distinction
Instance IDA specific instance ID installed on Beyond Compute Service (BCS)
HostThe hostname of an instance installed on Beyond Compute Service (BCS)
File PathThe path of the log file

Event alert policies

Event-based policies detect and respond to actions in real-time. The Alert Center service provides specialized event alert options for each KakaoCloud service.

For example, the Container Registry service offers event alerts for repository creation/deletion and garbage collection execution/completion. Additionally, detailed filters can be applied to receive more precise alerts for these event types.

Notification channels

You can configure notification channels and recipients for event alerts. Recipients can be set as IAM users within the project to receive notifications when service events occur. For more details, refer to Create and manage notification channels.

Available notification channels
EmailSend alert notifications to the user's registered email
SMSSend alert messages to the user's registered mobile number
Alim TalkKakaoTalk's BizMessage service
- Send alert notifications to the user's KakaoTalk messages
SlackSend alert messages to a chatbot in the user's configured Slack channel
WebhookSend alert messages to a user-configured webhook
- Currently, only Slack is supported
Pub/SubSend alert messages to the user's configured topic in KakaoCloud's Pub/Sub

Sent history

You can view the delivery results of messages per service. Delivery statuses include Success, Failure, and In Progress, and you can check the number of failed messages, error codes, and failure information. For more details, refer to View sent history.