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Key Concepts

Cloud Trail in KakaoCloud automatically collects and records user activities. It tracks user activities such as logins, resource creations, modifications, and deletions at the event level, allowing you to manage activity information.

Key Concepts

The key concepts of Cloud Trail are as follows.

Key ConceptDescription
EventUnit for recording user activities
- Classified into organization/project events
- Provides information such as occurrence date, event name, user, service, and log
Organization eventEvents occurring in organization-wide services
- Queryable only by IAM roles with Org Owner, Org Admin, Trail Viewer, or Project Reader permissions
- Examples: Project creation and deletion, billing queries
Project eventEvents occurring in project-wide services
- Queryable by all members of the project
- Examples: Creation and deletion of a resource
UserAccount recorded in the event activity
- Identifies the initiator of the activity, such as the creator during resource creation or the operator during specification changes
ServiceService where the event occurred
Resource typeType of service resource where the event occurred
Resource nameName of the service resource where the event occurred
Event logJSON-formatted event log

For details on IAM role types in the KakaoCloud Console, refer to the IAM role.

Organization events

The organization events that can be queried in Cloud Trail are as follows.


ServiceResource typeOrganization event name
IAM    Domain   Console Login
IAMDomainConsole Logout
IAMDomainProject Update
IAMDomainUser Add
IAMDomainUser Delete
IAMDomainGroup Create
IAMDomainGroup Delete
IAMDomainDomain Role Assign
IAMDomainDomain Role Unassign
IAMDomainProject Group Assign
IAMDomainDomain Group Assign
IAMDomainGroup Unassign
IAMDomainGroup Member Add
IAMDomainGroup Member Remove


Service nameResource typeOrganization event nameDescription
BillingBilling GroupBilling Group Detail ViewView billing group details
BillingBilling GroupBilling Group UpdateUpdate billing group
BillingBilling GroupBilling Group DeleteDelete billing group
BillingBilling GroupBilling Group CreateCreate billing group
BillingBilling GroupBilling Group User ViewView billing group user permissions
BillingBilling GroupBilling Group User UpdateUpdate billing group user permissions
BillingBilling GroupBilling Group ViewView billing group list
BillingBilling GroupBilling Group Of User ViewView billing group user list
BillingBilling GroupBilling Group Project ViewView billing group project list
BillingBilling GroupBilling Group User DeleteDelete billing group permissions
BillingCost ReportCost Report Project ViewView estimated charges project list
BillingCost ReportCost Report Monthly ViewView estimated charges (monthly)
BillingCost ReportCost Report Daily ViewView estimated charges (daily)
BillingCost ReportCost Report Project Detail ViewView estimated charges project details
BillingInvoiceInvoice Project ViewView invoice by project
BillingInvoiceInvoice Service ViewView invoice by service
BillingInvoiceInvoice Service Document ViewDownload invoice by service (Excel)
BillingInvoiceInvoice Project Detail ViewView invoice by project
BillingInvoiceInvoice Project Document ViewDownload invoice by project (Excel)
BillingInvoiceInvoice Start Month ViewView invoice
BillingInvoiceInvoice Credit ViewView invoice top summary credit items
BillingCreditCredit ViewView credit list
BillingCreditCredit Service ViewView services applied with credit
BillingCreditCredit History ViewView credit usage history
BillingPaymentPayment CreateRegister or modify payment method
BillingPaymentPayment Receipt ViewView credit card sales slip
BillingPaymentPayment CheckCheck payment method
BillingPaymentPayment ViewView payment method list

Project events

The project events that can be queried in Cloud Trail are as follows.

Virtual Machine

ServiceResource typeProject event name
Virtual MachineInstanceInstance Create
Virtual MachineInstanceInstance Stop
Virtual MachineInstanceInstance Shelve
Virtual MachineInstanceInstance Start
Virtual MachineInstanceInstance Reboot
Virtual MachineInstanceInstance Delete
Virtual MachineInstanceInstance Resize
Virtual MachineInstanceInstance Volume Attach
Virtual MachineInstanceInstance Volume Detach
Virtual MachineInstanceInstance Error
Virtual MachineKeypairKeypair Create
Virtual MachineKeypairKeypair Delete
Virtual MachineBlock StorageVolume Create
Virtual MachineBlock StorageVolume Delete
Virtual MachineBlock StorageVolume Resize
Virtual MachineSnapshotSnapshot Create
Virtual MachineSnapshotSnapshot Delete
Virtual MachineSnapshotSnapshot Restore
Virtual MachineImageImage Create
Virtual MachineImageImage Update
Virtual MachineImageImage Delete
Virtual MachineInstanceInstance Migrate Start
Virtual MachineInstanceInstance Evacuate Start
Virtual MachineInstanceInstance Migrate Finished
Virtual MachineInstanceInstance Evacuate Finished

Bare Metal Server

ServiceResource typeProject event name
Bare Metal ServerInstanceInstance Create
Bare Metal ServerInstanceInstance Stop
Bare Metal ServerInstanceInstance Start
Bare Metal ServerInstanceInstance Reboot
Bare Metal ServerInstanceInstance Delete
Bare Metal ServerInstanceInstance Rebuild
Bare Metal ServerInstanceInstance Error


ServiceResource typeProject event name
GPU InstanceInstanceInstance Create
GPU InstanceInstanceInstance Stop
GPU InstanceInstanceInstance Shelve
GPU InstanceInstanceInstance Start
GPU InstanceInstanceInstance Reboot
GPU InstanceInstanceInstance Delete
GPU InstanceInstanceInstance Volume Attach
GPU InstanceInstanceInstance Volume Detach
GPU InstanceInstanceInstance Error


ServiceResource typeProject event name
VPCSecurity GroupSecurity Group Create
VPCSecurity GroupSecurity Group Delete
VPCSecurity GroupSecurity Group Rule Create
VPCSecurity GroupSecurity Group Rule Delete
VPCSecurity GroupConnection Resource Management
VPCPublic IPPublic IP Create
VPCPublic IPPublic IP Delete
VPCPublic IPPublic IP Update
VPCSubnetSubnet Create
VPCSubnetSubnet Delete
VPCRouting TableRouting Table Create
VPCRouting TableRouting Table Delete
VPCRouteRoute Create
VPCRouteRoute Delete
VPCRouteRoute Update

Load Balancing

ServiceResource typeProject event name
Load BalancingLoad BalancerLoad Balancer Create
Load BalancingLoad BalancerLoad Balancer Delete
Load BalancingListenerListener Create
Load BalancingListenerListener Delete
Load BalancingListenerListener Update
Load BalancingTarget GroupTarget Group Create
Load BalancingTarget GroupTarget Group Delete
Load BalancingTarget GroupTarget Group Update
Load BalancingHealth CheckHeath Check Create
Load BalancingHealth CheckHealth Check Delete
Load BalancingHealth CheckHealth Check Update


ServiceResource typeProject event name
CDN     ServiceService Create
CDNServiceService Stop
CDNServiceService Start or Reboot
CDNServiceService Delete
CDNServiceRequest Purge
CDNServiceUpdate Origin Server
CDNServiceUpdate Cache
CDNServiceUpdate Viewer Protocol
CDNServiceUpdate Referer Header
CDNServiceUpdate Root Path
CDNServiceService Redeploy
CDNServicePurge Success
CDNServicePurge Fail
CDNServiceDeploy Success
CDNServiceDeploy Fail
CDNCertificateCertificate Create
CDNCertificateCertificate Delete
CDNCertificateCertificate Associate
CDNCertificateCertificate Remove
CDNCertificateCertificate Expire Alarm

Transit Gateway

ServiceResource typeProject event name
Transit GatewayTransit GatewayTransit Gateway Create
Transit GatewayTransit GatewayTransit Gateway Delete
Transit GatewayTransit GatewayTransit Gateway Update
Transit GatewayTransit GatewayTransit Gateway Share
Transit GatewayTransit GatewayTransit Gateway Unshare
Transit GatewayAttachmentVPC Attachment Create
Transit GatewayAttachmentVPC Attachment Delete
Transit GatewayAttachmentVPC Attachment Approve
Transit GatewayRoute TableRoute Table Create
Transit GatewayRoute TableRoute Table Delete
Transit GatewayRoute TableRoute Table Update
Transit GatewayRoute TableRoute Table Association Create
Transit GatewayRoute TableRoute Table Association Delete
Transit GatewayRouteStatic Route Create
Transit GatewayRouteStatic Route Delete

Kubernetes Engine

ServiceResource typeProject event name
Kubernetes EngineClusterCreate cluster Request
Kubernetes EngineClusterUpdate Cluster Request
Kubernetes EngineClusterDelete Cluster Request
Kubernetes EngineNodepoolCreate Nodepool Request
Kubernetes EngineNodepoolUpdate Nodepool Request
Kubernetes EngineNodepoolDelete nodepool Request
Kubernetes EngineNodepoolCordon Nodepool Request
Kubernetes EngineNodepoolUncordon Nodepool Request
Kubernetes EngineNodeCordon Node Request
Kubernetes EngineNodeUncordon Node Request

Container Registry

ServiceResource typeProject event name
Container RegistryProjectGarbage Collection Run
Container RegistryProjectGarbage Collection Done
Container RegistryRepositoryRepository Create
Container RegistryRepositoryRepository Update
Container RegistryRepositoryRepository Role Update
Container RegistryRepositoryRepository Delete
Container RegistryImageImage Update
Container RegistryImageImage Expires Update
Container RegistryImageImage Delete
Container RegistryTagImage Push
Container RegistryTagImage Scan Done
Container RegistryTagTag Add
Container RegistryTagTag Restore
Container RegistryTagTag Delete

Object Storage

ServiceResource typeProject event name
Object StorageBucketBucket Create
Object StorageBucketBucket Delete
Object StorageBucketBucket Life Cycle Create
Object StorageBucketBucket Life Cycle Delete
Object StorageBucketBucket Permissions Setting
Object StorageBucket AssignmentAssignment Create
Object StorageBucket AssignmentAssignment Update
Object StorageBucket AssignmentAssignment Delete
Object StorageBucketBucket CORS Policy Update

File Storage

ServiceResource typeProject event name
File StorageInstanceInstance Create
File StorageInstanceInstance Update
File StorageInstanceInstance Delete
File StorageInstanceInstance Restore
File StorageBackupBackup Start
File StorageBackupBackup Finished
File StorageBackupBackup Update
File StorageBackupBackup Delete
File StorageBackupBackup Restore Start
File StorageBackupBackup Restore Finished


ServiceResource typeProject event name
MySQLInstance GroupInstance Group Error
MySQLInstance GroupInstance Group Create
MySQLInstance GroupInstance Group Delete
MySQLInstance GroupInstance Group Switchover Error
MySQLInstance GroupInstance Group Start Switchover
MySQLInstance GroupInstance Group End Switchover
MySQLInstance GroupInstance Group Start Failover
MySQLInstance GroupInstance Group End Failover
MySQLInstance GroupInstance Group Update Backup Schedule
MySQLInstance GroupInstance Group Update Parameter Group Start
MySQLInstance GroupInstance Group Update Parameter Group End
MySQLInstance GroupInstance Group Update Parameter Group Error
MySQLInstance GroupInstance Group Retry Parameter Group Start
MySQLInstance GroupInstance Group Retry Parameter Group End
MySQLInstance GroupInstance Group Retry Parameter Group Error
MySQLInstanceInstance Error
MySQLInstanceInstance Restart Error
MySQLInstanceInstance Start Restart
MySQLInstanceInstance End Restart
MySQLInstanceInstance Volume Extend Error
MySQLInstanceInstance Start Volume Extend
MySQLInstanceInstance End Volume Extend
MySQLBackupBackup Error
MySQLBackupBackup Delete
MySQLBackupBackup Start
MySQLBackupBackup End
MySQLBackupScheduled Backup Error
MySQLBackupScheduled Backup Delete
MySQLBackupScheduled Backup Start
MySQLBackupScheduled Backup End
MySQLParameter GroupParameter Group Create
MySQLParameter GroupParameter Group Delete
MySQLParameter GroupParameter Group Update
MySQLParameter GroupParameter Group Update Start
MySQLParameter GroupParameter Group Update End
MySQLParameter GroupParameter Group Update Error
MySQLParameter GroupParameter Group Reset
MySQLParameter GroupParameter Group Reset Start
MySQLParameter GroupParameter Group Reset End
MySQLParameter GroupParameter Group Reset Error
MySQLParameter GroupParameter Group Rollback
MySQLParameter GroupParameter Group Rollback Start
MySQLParameter GroupParameter Group Rollback End
MySQLParameter GroupParameter Group Rollback Error


ServiceResource typeProject event name
MemStoreClusterCluster Create
MemStoreClusterCluster Delete
MemStoreClusterCluster Shard Add
MemStoreClusterCluster Shard Delete
MemStoreClusterCluster Node Add
MemStoreClusterCluster Node Delete
MemStoreClusterCluster Failover
MemStoreClusterCluster Switchover
MemStoreClusterCluster Node Down
MemStoreClusterNode Recovery
MemStoreClusterCluster Failover Complete
MemStoreClusterCluster Create Failed
MemStoreClusterCluster Recovery Complete
MemStoreClusterCluster Backup Schedule Update
MemStoreBackupBackup Create Complete
MemStoreBackupBackup Create
MemStoreBackupBackup Create Failed
MemStoreBackupScheduled Backup Create
MemStoreBackupScheduled Backup Create Complete
MemStoreBackupScheduled Backup Create Failed
MemStoreBackupBackup Delete
MemStoreBackupBackup Delete Complete
MemStoreBackupScheduled Backup Delete
MemStoreBackupScheduled Backup Delete Complete
MemStoreBackupBackup Copy
MemStoreBackupBackup Copy Complete
MemStoreBackupBackup Export
MemStoreBackupBackup Export Complete
MemStoreBackupBackup Export Failed

Hadoop Eco

ServiceResource typeProject event name
Hadoop EcoHadoop HDE, Hbase HDE, Trino HDE, Dataflow HDEHadoop Eco Initialize
Hadoop EcoHadoop HDE, Hbase HDE, Trino HDE, Dataflow HDEHadoop Eco VM Create
Hadoop EcoHadoop HDE, Hbase HDE, Trino HDE, Dataflow HDEHadoop Eco Install
Hadoop EcoHadoop HDE, Hbase HDE, Trino HDE, Dataflow HDEHadoop Eco Start
Hadoop EcoHadoop HDE, Hbase HDE, Trino HDE, Dataflow HDEHadoop Eco Terminate(User)

Event-specific Resource type versions are as follows:

Resource typeVersions
Hadoop HDE1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.1.1, 2.0.0, 1.0.1, 1.1.2, 2.0.1
Hbase HDE1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.1.1, 2.0.0, 1.0.1, 1.1.2, 2.0.1
Trino HDE1.1.2, 2.0.1
Dataflow HDE1.1.2, 2.0.1

Data Catalog

ServiceResource typeProject event name
Data CatalogDataCatalogCreate Data Catalog
Data CatalogCatalogCreate Catalog
Data CatalogCatalogDelete catalog
Data CatalogDatabaseCreate Database
Data CatalogDatabaseAlter Database
Data CatalogDatabaseDrop Database
Data CatalogDatabaseCleanup Inactive Database
Data CatalogTableCreate Table
Data CatalogTableAlter Table
Data CatalogTableDrop Table
Data CatalogTableCleanup Inactive Table
Data CatalogTableCreate Column
Data CatalogTableAlter Column
Data CatalogTableDrop Column
Data CatalogTableAdd Table Param
Data CatalogTableUpdate Table Param
Data CatalogTableDelete Table Param
Data CatalogTableAdd Serde Param
Data CatalogTableUpdate Serde Param

Data Query

Service NameResource TypeProject Event NameDescription
Data QueryData SourceData Source CreateData source creation
Data QueryData SourceData Source DeleteData source deletion
Data QueryData SourceData Source Create FailedData source creation failed
Data QueryQuery Result LocationQuery Result Location CreateSet query result storage location
Data QueryQuery Result LocationQuery Result Location UpdateModify query result storage location
Data QueryQueryQuery Execution SucceedQuery execution succeeded
Data QueryQueryQuery Execution FailedQuery execution failed
Data QueryQueryQuery Execution AbortedQuery execution aborted
Data QueryQuery ResultQuery Result Upload SucceedQuery result upload succeeded
Data QueryQuery ResultQuery Result Upload FailedQuery result upload failed


Service NameResource TypeProject Event NameDescription
Pub/SubTopicTopic CreateCreate topic
Pub/SubTopicTopic UpdateUpdate topic
Pub/SubTopicTopic DeleteDelete topic
Pub/SubSubscriptionSubscription CreateCreate subscription
Pub/SubSubscriptionSubscription UpdateUpdate subscription
Pub/SubSubscriptionSubscription DeleteDelete subscription
Pub/SubSubscriptionSubscription SeekRoll back subscription timestamp
Pub/SubSubscriptionSubscription StartEnable subscription export
Pub/SubSubscriptionSubscription StopDisable subscription export
Pub/SubSubscriptionSubscription InactiveChange subscription status (Error, Expired, Invalid bucket, Unauthorized)


ServiceResource typeProject event name
IAMProjectChoose Project
IAMProject MemberProject Member Assign
IAMProject MemberProject Member Unassign
IAMService AccountService Account Create
IAMService AccountService Account Delete
IAMService AccountService Account Update
IAMService AccountService Account Access Key Create
IAMService AccountService Account Access Key Delete
IAMUser Access KeyUser Access Key Create
IAMUser Access KeyUser Access Key Delete


ServiceResource typeProject event name
MonitoringCustom DashboardCustom Dashboard Create
MonitoringCustom DashboardCustom Dashboard Delete
MonitoringCustom DashboardCustom Dashboard Update
MonitoringCustom DashboardCustom Dashboard Copy

Alert Center

ServiceResource typeProject event name
Alert CenterChannelChannel Create
Alert CenterChannelChannel Update
Alert CenterChannelChannel Delete
Alert CenterAlert PolicyAlert Policy Create
Alert CenterAlert PolicyAlert Policy Update
Alert CenterAlert PolicyAlert Policy Delete


ServiceResource typeProject event name
KubeflowEssential+HPT+ServingAPI 1.0.0Kubeflow Create
KubeflowEssential+HPT+ServingAPI 1.0.0Kubeflow Delete
KubeflowEssential+HPT+ServingAPI 1.0.0Failed to send email
KubeflowEssential+HPT+ServingAPI 1.0.0Kubeflow Undisplay
KubeflowUserKubeflow User Create
KubeflowUserKubeflow User Update
KubeflowUserKubeflow User Delete
KubeflowUserKubeflow User Password Reset
KubeflowGroupKubeflow Group Create
KubeflowGroupKubeflow Group Update
KubeflowGroupKubeflow Group Delete
KubeflowGroupUserKubeflow Group User Delete


ServiceResource typeProject event name
DNSZoneZone Create
DNSZoneZone Delete
DNSRecordRecord Create
DNSRecordRecord Update
DNSRecordRecord Delete