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Release Notes

November 30, 2023

Feature improvement
▸ Updated event query
  • Added MySQL Restart event.
  • Applied to kr-central-2.

November 13, 2023

Feature improvement
▸ Updated event query
  • Added MySQL Backup, Transit Gateway Share, and Virtual Machine Migrate events.
  • Applied to kr-central-2.

September 4, 2023

Feature improvement
▸ Updated event query
  • Added File Storage events (kr-central-2).
  • Added VM, GPU, Bare Metal instance events (kr-central-1, kr-central-2).
  • Added IAM User access key events (kr-central-1, kr-central-2).

July 28, 2023

Official release
▸ Added log storage management feature *Applied to kr-central-1, 2
  • Allows querying events that occurred up to 90 days after their occurrence.
  • Domain and project events are loaded into the specified object storage bucket.

July 27, 2023

Feature improvement
▸ Updated event query
  • Added Redis events (Cluster, Shard, Node addition, deletion, Failover, Node Recovery).
  • Applied to kr-central-2.

July 24, 2023

Feature improvement
▸ Updated event query
  • Added Alert Center events (Channel, Alert Policy creation, deletion, update).
  • Applied to kr-central-2.

July 13, 2023

Feature improvement
▸ Updated event query
  • Added Hadoop Eco events (creation/deletion).
  • Applied to kr-central-2.

July 7, 2023

Feature improvement
▸ Updated event query
  • Added Kubeflow events (creation/deletion).
  • Fully applied to kr-central-2.

June 26, 2023

Feature improvement
▸ Updated event query
  • Added Kubeflow events (creation/deletion).
  • Applied to kr-central-1 only.

June 8, 2023

Feature improvement
▸ Updated event query
  • Added GPU, VM (Instance Shelve), IAM, and Monitoring events.
  • Changed service name from Load Balancer to Load Balancing.

May 31, 2023

Feature improvement
▸ Updated event query
  • Beyond the previously supported services in Cloud Trail, you can now query for services such as Transit Gateway provided by kr-central-2.
▸ Updated service category
  • Reflect changes in service categories due to the opening of the kr-central-2 region.

May 30, 2023

Feature improvement
▸ Updated event query
  • DevOps Pipeline service/certificate creation, deletion, etc.

May 25, 2023

Feature improvement
▸ Updated event query
  • CDN service/certificate creation, deletion, etc.

October 24, 2022

Feature improvement
▸ Updated organization event query
  • You can now query organization-wide events such as VPC creation, deletion, etc.
  • Organization events can be queried only by IAM roles with Org Owner, Org Admin, or Trail Viewer roles.
▸ Updated project event query
  • You can now query events such as object storage permission settings, file storage creation, deletion, etc.

August 17, 2022

Feature improvement
▸ Expanded dashboard query period
  • You can now view graphs of events from 1 week prior, 1 month, and 90 days prior.
▸ Updated organization event query
  • You can now query organization-wide events such as project creation, deletion, billing inquiry, etc.
  • Organization events can be queried only by IAM roles with Org Owner, Org Admin, or Trail Viewer roles.
▸ Updated project event query
  • You can now query events of Bare Metal Server.

June 15, 2022

Feature improvement
▸ Updated supported events and dashboard provision

May 12, 2022

Feature improvement
▸ Updated event support and usability improvements