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Create and manage project

Project in KakaoCloud is for owning services and using their resources. The project creation and management described in this document are only available to users assigned the following IAM roles.

Project Management by IAM role

FunctionOrg OwnerOrg AdminOrg ReaderProject AdminProject MemberProject Reader
View all projects     ✓    ✓                    
Create project
Edit project details
Set default project
Request project deletion

Create project

To use resources in KakaoCloud, you must first create a project within the organization. Only Org Admin can create projects.


Before creating a project, a Payment method must be registered. For information on how to register a Payment method, refer to Manage Payment method.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Management > IAM.

  2. In the Project menu, click the [Create project] button.

  3. Enter the necessary information and click the [Create] button.

    Image: Create Project Create project

    Organization nameAutomatically filled with the organization name registered by the Org Owner at the time of initial sign-up
    Project nicknameName of the project to be created
    Project nameA unique identifier for the project in the API
    - Cannot be changed later
    Description (optional)Description of the project

Manage project

View all projects

Org Admin can view all projects within the organization. Project Admin and Project Member can only view projects they are part of.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Management > IAM.

  2. In the Project menu, view all projects of the organization.

Modify project information

Org Admin can edit project information, such as the project name and description.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Management > IAM.

  2. In the Project menu, click the [More] icon > Modify project.

    • Project information can only be modified within the organization to which the project belongs. Therefore, you must select the organization to which the project belongs before modifying its information.
  3. In the popup, modify the Project nickname or Description, then click the [Save] button.

    Image: Edit Project Information Modify project

Set default project

When logging into the KakaoCloud Console, if there's no recent project information, you are redirected to the dashboard of the default project. Only one default project can be set, and it can be freely changed.
Org Admin can set a user's default project.


Org Admin or Org Owner can set a default project, but users can change it themselves. For instructions on how to set your own default project, refer to Set default project.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Management > IAM.
  2. In the User menu, select a user.
  3. Click the IAM roles tab and click Set default project.
  4. In the pop-up window, select a project and click the [Apply] button.

Delete project

Users with the Org Admin role can request the deletion of a project by leaving an inquiry at the Helpdesk.
The feature to directly delete projects from the console is planned for future support.


When a project is deleted, all resources created within that project are also deleted and cannot be recovered.

  1. Click the [Ask a Question] button located at the top right of the Helpdesk.

  2. Click the [Technical Inquiry] button, enter the required information, and click the [Register] button.

    Question TypeChoose between General or Technical Inquiry
    - For project deletion, select Technical Inquiry
    Type DetailThe detailed type of question
    - For project deletion, select Service > Delete Project
    Project NameThe name of the project to delete
    TitleThe title of your question
    QuestionThe detailed content of your question
    - Enable secret post if necessary
    Attach FileAttach a file if necessary

Manage service account

Service account is not actual IAM user accounts but an account used to access or control resources within a project. It can be used instead of IAM user accounts to issue API tokens for project-level use. The management of service account described in this document is only available to users assigned the following IAM roles.

Service Account Management by IAM role


As of November 15, 2024, the permissions for Project Member and Project Reader have been partially reduced.

FunctionOrg OwnerOrg AdminOrg ReaderProject AdminProject MemberProject Reader
View service account            ✓               
Create service account
Change service account status
Delete service account
Add and delete service access key
View service account

View service account

Service account is used by project members to call APIs with API authentication tokens of the service account to access or control resources in KakaoCloud services. The method to view service accounts is as follows.


You can issue an API authentication token using the Access key of service account. At this time, you cannot add an access key with the service account's API authentication token, nor can you delete the corresponding service account and its access keys.
- You also cannot create new service accounts or delete other service accounts and access keys.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Management > IAM.

  2. In the Service account menu, view the service accounts created for the project.

    • For service accounts, the [Add access key] button is displayed next to the ID.
    StateService account status
    - 🟢 Active: State of service account being available
    - ⚪️ Inactive: State of service account being not available
    NameName of the service account
    - Name entered by the user
    IDService account ID
    - Format: {user input}-project unique
    [Add Access key] buttonOnly clickable for service accounts

Create service account

Service account is not actual IAM user accounts but are used by project members to call APIs with API authentication tokens of the service account to access or control resources in KakaoCloud services. The method to create a service account is as follows.


You can create up to 100 service accounts per project, including inactive accounts.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Management > IAM.

  2. In the Service account menu, click the [Create service account] button.

  3. In the popup window, enter the required information and click the [Create] button.

    Image: Create Service Account Create service account

    ProjectAutomatically filled with the name of the project to which the service account belongs
    Service account- Name: Name of the service account
    - Email format ({user input}-project unique is automatically generated
    Project roleAutomatically filled with the project member role

Change service account state

You can change a service account to an active or inactive status. Be careful when deactivating a service account as the issued access key and API authentication token are immediately expired, and some resources may not be usable temporarily.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Management > IAM.
  2. In the Service account menu, select the [More] icon > Service account info.
  3. In the popup window, change the state and click the [Save] button.

Delete service account

You can delete service accounts that are no longer in use.


Please note that when you delete a service account, the Access keys and API authentication tokens issued by that account will expire immediately.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Management > IAM.
  2. In the Service account menu, select a service account and click the [Delete service account] button.
  3. In the popup, enter Delete service account and click the [Delete] button.

Get access key for service account

To use KakaoCloud API, you must issue API authentication token, Access key (Access key ID and Secret access key).

  • Once issued, the secret access key generated during the creation of an access key cannot be viewed again.
  • You cannot temporarily suspend the use of an access key or specify an expiration date.
  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Management > IAM.

  2. In the Service account menu, click the [Add Access key] button.

  3. In the popup window, enter the required information and click the [Add] button.

    Image: Add Service Account Access key Add Access key for service account

    Service accountThe ID format {user input}-project unique, automatically filled
    Project-level info- Project nickname (Project Name): Automatically filled with the name of the belonging project
    - Project role: Automatically filled with the project member role
    Access key nameName for the service account Access key
    - Cannot use duplicate names within the project
    Description (Optional)Cannot be modified after the Access key is created
  4. Confirm the issued access key ID and secret access key, and click the [Copy] button to copy the secret access key.

    • Since the secret access key cannot be viewed again after creation, be sure to copy it to your clipboard and keep it safely stored.
  5. Click the [Ok] button to complete the creation of the Access key.

Delete Access key for service account

You can delete Access key (Access key ID and secret access key) that is no longer in use.


Please note that the API authentication token issued with that Access key is immediately expired when an access key is deleted.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Management > IAM.
  2. In the Service account menu, select the service account to delete an access key.
  3. Select the Access key to delete and click the [Delete Access key] button.
  4. In the popup window, confirm the Access key and click the [Delete] button.

View service account

Service account is used by KakaoCloud services in the background to access resources directly or perform user requests. These accounts are automatically created when using certain KakaoCloud services and cannot be deleted or modified by users. The method to view service accounts is as follows.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Management > IAM.

  2. In the Service account menu, view the service accounts and service agents created for the project.

    State     Service account status
    - 🟢 Active: State of service account being available
    - ⚪️ Inactive: State of service account being not available
    NameName of the service agent
    - Automatically generated with the name of the KakaoCloud service being used
    IDService agent ID
    - Format: project unique ID@service

Appendix. Check Project ID

When you create a project in the KakaoCloud environment, a unique project ID is generated for the project.
The project ID can be found at the top of the Your Project section on the KakaoCloud Console main screen or in the IAM > Projects list.