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Create and manage flow connections


Before creating a flow connection in Monitoring Flow, you must add the IP address of the VPC to the inbound rules of the security group. If the VPC's IP is not registered in the inbound rules, the scenario steps will not function properly.

For more details, refer to Create security group.

Create flow connection

In Monitoring Flow, flow connection is created to connect internal KakaoCloud resources.

  • Only one VPC can be selected per flow connection.
  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Management > Monitoring Flow > Flow connection.

  2. Click the [Create flow connection] button.

  3. In the pop-up window, enter the basic information for the flow connection and click the [Create] button.

    NameThe flow connection name must be unique within the same project.
    VPCSelect one active subnet connected to the parent VPC.
    - VPCs already registered with flow connections cannot be selected.
    - The selected VPC range must be pre-registered in the security group (if not registered, the scenario steps will not function properly).
    - If no VPC is created, you will need to Create VPC.
    SubnetMultiple subnets connected to the selected VPC can be selected
    - Only subnets in the 'Active' state can be selected.

Manage flow connections

Monitoring Flow allows access to internal KakaoCloud resources through flow connections.
Here’s how to manage flow connections in Monitoring Flow.

View flow connection list

You can view the list of flow connections and their basic information.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Management > Monitoring Flow.

  2. In the Flow connection menu, check the list of flow connections created.

    NameThe name of the flow connection set by the user
    IDID of the flow connection
    Connection statusStatus of the connection between the subnet and the flow connection
    - Statuses include Active, Error, Pending, and the count of Active connections is displayed.
    - For more details, refer to Flow connection status.
    VPCVPC connected to the flow connection
    Number of scenariosNumber of scenarios connected to the flow connection
    Last updatedLast modification date of the flow connection

View flow connection details

Check detailed information of flow connection, connected subnet channels, and linked scenarios.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Management > Monitoring Flow.

  2. Select a flow connection to view.

  3. View detailed information on the flow connection page.

    Flow connection IDUnique ID of the flow connection
    Connection statusStatus of the connection between the subnet and the flow connection
    VPCVPC connected to the flow connection
  4. Check more detailed information in the corresponding tabs.

    You can check detailed information such as the subnet channel name, ID, availability zone, and connection status.

    Subnet channel nameName of the subnet registered in the VPC
    Availability ZoneA physically isolated space within a region where the VPC and subnets belong to a specific availability zone
    Connection statusStatus of the connection between the subnet and the flow connection
    DisconnectRemove subnet connected to the flow connection
    - Only subnets in Active or Error state can be deleted
    Connect subnetAdd subnet to the flow connection
    - Only subnets in Active state can be added
    Subnet channel status
    PendingSubnet channel is in progress of creation/modification/deletionGrey
    ActiveSubnet channel is in normal stateGreen
    ErrorSubnet channel creation/deletion failed or operation failed due to unexpected errorRed

Rename flow connection name

You can modify the name of an existing flow connection.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Management > Monitoring Flow.
  2. In the Flow Connection menu, click the [Modify] button in the top right.
  3. Modify the flow connection name.

Manage subnet connections

You can add or remove subnets connected to the flow connection.

  • When adding or removing subnets, the selected VPC cannot be modified. If VPC modification is required, Delete flow connection and then proceed.
  • Depending on the connection status, adding or removing subnets may be temporarily unavailable.
  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Management > Monitoring Flow.

  2. In the Flow Connection menu, click the flow connection name.

  3. In the Subnet channels tab, check the connected subnets.

  4. Click the [Connect subnet] button in the top right and configure the required fields for the subnet connection.

    NameName of the flow connection set by the user
    VPCVPC connected to the flow connection
    - If editing is needed, proceed after Delete flow connection
    SubnetSubnet connected to the selected VPC
    - Already-selected subnets cannot be reselected
    - Subnets that are inactive cannot be selected
    - To remove a selected subnet, click [More] icon > Disconnect.
  5. Click the [Create] button.

Delete flow connection

  • If there are any scenarios connected to the flow connection, you must disconnect the scenario before deleting the flow connection.
  • Deleted flow connections cannot be recovered.
  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Management > Monitoring Flow.

  2. In the Flow connection menu, click the [Delete] button in the top right.

    • For smooth deletion of the flow connection, disconnect the scenarios and subnets first.
  3. Enter the name of the flow connection you want to delete and click the [Delete] button.