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Describe monitoring flow process

Monitoring Flow process

Explains how to set up and manage flow connections for internal resource access and scenario creation.


Before creating a flow connection in Monitoring Flow, you must add the IP address of the VPC you intend to use to the inbound rules of the security group.

Image Full process of Monitoring Flow service

Create scenario after connecting flow connection

To access internal resources, you must connect a flow connection and create a scenario.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Beyond Networking Service > VPC.

  2. In the VPC service, proceed with Create VPC and then Create subnet.

  3. Among the created VPCs, register the IP of the VPC to use in the inbound policy of the security group.

    • If you use an unregistered VPC in the security group, the scenario steps will not function properly.
  4. Go to Monitoring Flow > Flow Connection and click the [Create flow connection] button in the top right.

  5. Select the Active VPC and choose the subnet of the selected VPC.

    • Only active subnets connected to the parent VPC can be selected.
  6. After completing the flow connection creation, you can link a scenario.

    • You can link scenarios from the flow connection details or scenario menu.
  7. Go to the Scenario menu and click the [Create scenario] button in the top right.

  8. In the Flow connection (optional) field, select the flow connection.

  9. Set the schedule to run the scenario.

  10. From the scenario list, click the created scenario and click the [Add scenario step] button.

    • Users can configure and combine steps that make up the scenario.
  11. Test the completed scenario steps to ensure proper operation. If necessary, check the test results and error details to modify or save.

Create scenario without flow connection

If internal resource access is not required, you can create a scenario without a flow connection.


If no flow connection is created, external communication is possible via public IP, but access to private IP within the KakaoCloud VPC subnet is not available.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Management > Monitoring Flow.
  2. Go to the Scenario menu and click the [Create scenario] button in the top right.
  3. In the Flow connection (optional) field, uncheck Use KakaoCloud VPC.
    • In this case, access to internal resources within KakaoCloud will be restricted.
  4. Set the schedule to run the scenario. The scenario steps will run according to the set schedule.
  5. From the scenario list, click the created scenario and click the [Add scenario step] button.
    • Users can configure and combine steps that make up the scenario.
  6. Test the completed scenario steps to ensure proper operation. If necessary, check the test results and error details to modify or save.