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Monitoring Flow overview


Monitoring Flow service in KakaoCloud allows you to visually design and adjust workflows for automating business processes and monitoring. It monitors application endpoints by creating scenarios that utilize APIs and can be managed to run automatically through scheduling. This makes it easier to manage the application’s status.

Additionally, Monitoring Flow can integrate with KakaoCloud’s Alert Center. By setting threshold alerts for key metrics in Alert Center, notifications are sent to the relevant personnel immediately when thresholds are reached, enabling more efficient resource management.

  • Step: A step is a stage in the scenario. You can define and combine multiple steps to create various scenarios.
  • Scenario: A term used in KakaoCloud to refer to a workflow. It is a process where defined steps are automated according to a schedule to perform monitoring efficiently.

Purpose and use cases

Monitoring Flow is designed to automate complex workflows and manage them efficiently. Without this service, you would need to handle state transitions and error detection between tasks manually, which increases complexity and makes monitoring and management difficult. A considerable amount of time and effort may be required to manage dependencies between tasks.

KakaoCloud’s Monitoring Flow service allows you to combine and execute workflow steps in a detailed and varied manner, track the system’s status in real-time, and quickly detect and respond to issues. This increases operational efficiency, reduces manual intervention, and enhances system stability and availability.


Monitoring Flow service manages complex workflows more efficiently and reliably through the following features:

Workflow visualization

  • Workflows are visually represented based on user scenarios, allowing for parallel execution of multiple tasks to improve processing speed.

Process structuring and automation

  • Complex workflows are processed step by step, and the flow can be adjusted through various paths based on conditions at each stage.

Serverless architecture

  • Workflows are executed in a serverless environment without server management, and costs are incurred based on usage.

Integration with various services

  • Integrated with KakaoCloud’s various services, enabling tasks to be executed and results processed efficiently.

Real-time monitoring and quick response

  • Detailed real-time monitoring of workflow execution status and results is provided, enabling issues to be quickly identified and addressed through retry and error handling logic.

Intuitive workflow UI

  • The web-based console allows users to easily configure workflows without generating code and provides a clear overview of the workflow’s execution process.

Getting started

For detailed usage guides on Monitoring Flow, please refer to How-to Guides. If you are new to KakaoCloud, start with the Start section.