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Modify account information

You can view or modify user information for your KakaoCloud account.

  1. Select Account info from the profile located at the top right of the KakaoCloud Console.

  2. Enter your password and click the [Confirm password] button.

  3. In the Account info tab, you can view or modify your account information.

    Image. Account Info Account info

    Account infoOrganizationName of the organization the user belongs to
    Name (optional)User's name
    Nickname (optional)If using a nickname in the organization, it can be specified
    User IDID required for console login (unchangeable)
    Unique user IDA unique value for user identification
    Contact infoEmail

    Enter and verify the email address for receiving user information

    • After entering the email address, click [Send Verification Code]
    • Enter the verification code received in the email and save

    Enter and verify the user's mobile number

    • After entering the mobile number, click [Send Verification Code]
    • Enter the verification code received in the mobile message and save
    Registered at-Date and time when IAM permissions were registered