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Resource classification

KakaoCloud offers a wide array of services across its interconnected data centers worldwide, enabling seamless access to various resources. These resources are classified into 'Global resources', 'Region resources', and 'Availability zone resources'.

  • Global resources are accessible globally, without restrictions by region or Availability Zone.
  • Region resources are confined to a specific geographical region.
  • Availability zone resources care designated for use within a particular data center or Availability Zone.

This structure ensures that organizations of any size, anywhere, can find services and resources that fit their needs.

Resource TypeDescription
Global resources  - Resources that are not part of a region, a higher-level concept
- Resources like images that can be used regardless of location
- DNS, IAM, etc.
Region resources- Resources in different locations within a specific region
- Designed to provide shorter latency and higher performance to users in a specific area
Availability zone resources- Resources that can be used within a specific data center or Availability Zone
- Resources in different locations like Public IP
- Instance types, Subnet, etc.
Understanding Region resources vs. Availability zone resources

Region resources can use all resources in that region, but Availability zone resources can only use resources in the same Availability Zone.
For instance, connecting Block Storage or assigning a Public IP requires both the resource and the instance to be in the same Availability Zone.

Available Resources by Service

The services provided by KakaoCloud come with different types of resources tailored to specific requirements.

CategoryResourceResource TypeDescription
CommonResource IDRegionEach resource ID, including image ID, instance ID, volume ID, snapshot ID, etc., can only be used in the region where the resource was created
Resource Name
Region- Names of resources like security group, key pair, etc., can only be used in the region where the resource was created
- It is possible to create resources with the same name in multiple regions, but these resources are not related to each other
Beyond Compute Service
Key PairGlobal & Region- Key pairs are associated with the region they are created in, and you can generate your own RSA key pair and upload it to the desired region
- Key pairs can be uploaded to each region for global use
ImageRegionCan be created and used per region
SnapshotRegionCan only be used for creating volumes in the corresponding region
InstanceAvailability ZoneBCS instances such as VM, Bare Metal Server, etc., are within an Availability Zone and can access Global resources or resources in the same Availability Zone
Instance TypeAvailability ZoneCan only use instance types in the same Availability Zone
VolumeAvailability ZoneCan only be connected to instances in the same Availability Zone
Beyond Networking Service
Route TableGlobal & RegionRoute Tables are applied to the VPC network within a project and are considered a global resource
Security GroupRegionUsing security group rules within a project prevents instances from communicating with instances outside of that region
- Traffic coming from instances in other regions is considered WAN bandwidth
VPCRegionVPC networks are regional resources, but individual subnets are categorized as Availability zone resources
Public IP AddressRegionPublic IP addresses reserved for a project belong to a region and can only be connected to instances in the same region
SubnetAvailability ZoneControls prefixes of network IP space within a region and assigns internal IP addresses of instances to prefixes
DNSGlobalManages domain names globally and supports distributed DNS
CDNGlobal & RegionUser-created resources are managed by region, but the provided Edges are global
Load BalancerAvailability ZoneDistributes traffic to instances within an Availability Zone
Beyond Storage Service
Object StorageRegionTreats data as individual objects, each with a unique identifier
File StorageRegionCan be used within a region; the file system ID is a unique identifier within the region
Block StorageRegionCan be used within a region
ManagementIAMGlobalGlobal resource that allows administrators to set access policies and permissions for specific resources within an organization
Container PackContainer RegistryRegionManaged as repository, image, tag, etc., and provides different registry endpoints for each region
Developer ToolsDevOps PipelineRegionPipelines and configurations are managed and utilized per region
OSS LibraryRegionProvisioning is provided using customer resources in each region