Machine Learning & AI
Provides various usage examples for building and utilizing a Machine Learning & AI environment.
Detailed service-specific documentation for KakaoCloud used in the tutorial can be found in the service category.
📄️ Setting up Jupyter Notebook environment using Kubeflow
Set up an MLOps environment on Kubernetes using KakaoCloud's Kubeflow service.
📄️ Implementing a Predictive Model with Kubeflow Notebook
Practice implementing a taxi fare prediction model using a dataset in Jupyter Notebook.
📄️ Training predictive model using Kubeflow pipelines
Learn how to create experiments and runs, and train a predictive model using pipeline exercises.
📄️ Managing machine learning experiments with Kubeflow tensorBoard
Use TensorBoard in the Kubeflow environment to manage and visualize machine learning experiment logs.
📄️ Hyperparameter tuning with Kubeflow
Create an AutoML experiment through a hyperparameter tuning exercise.
📄️ Implementing a Parallel Training Model with Kubeflow MIG Instance
Utilize multiple GPU resources with MIG settings to implement prediction models in notebooks/pipelines.
📄️ Creating Kubeflow model serving API
Learn how to create and serve a model trained in a pipeline as an API using a sample dataset.