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Implementing HTTP live streaming with Object Storage and CDN

This guide explains how to implement a simple HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) example using KakaoCloud Object Storage and CDN. The process involves uploading HLS configuration files via the Object Storage API and deploying them through CDN.

Basic information
  • Estimated time: 25 minutes
  • User environment:
    • Operating system: macOS
    • Region: kr-central-2
  • Prerequisites:
    • Python environment
    • pip - Python package management tool

Before you start

Install the FFmpeg package.

  1. Run the following command to install FFmpeg, an open-source software that supports video file encoding and segmentation.

    Install ffmpeg
    brew install ffmpeg
  2. To use Python FFmpeg, run the following command to install the Python FFmpeg Video Streaming package. This package is used for packaging media content for online streaming, such as DASH and HLS.

    Install Python FFmpeg Video Streaming
    pip install python-ffmpeg-video-streaming

Create Object Storage bucket & folder

For detailed examples on creating Object Storage buckets and folders, refer to the Uploading images using the Object Storage API document, specifically the sections on the Manage buckets via API calls and the Manage objects via API calls > Step 1. Create bucket.

  1. Write API call code in Python to create a bucket. Set the bucket name to my-bucket-new.
  2. Write API call code in Python to manage access to the bucket. In this example, allow public access to all IP addresses for the bucket.
  3. Write API call code in Python to create a folder within the newly created bucket. Set the folder name to hls.

Create CDN

For detailed examples on configuring a CDN, refer to the Hosting static website using Object Storage and CDN document, specifically the section on Step 4. Set up CDN.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > CDN and create a new CDN.

    Step 1: Configure service and origin server
    Service Namehls-test-cdn
    Host ServerKakaoCloud CDN
    Origin ServerKakaoCloud object storage
    - Select bucket: my-bucket-new
    Origin Server ProtocolHTTPS
    Origin Server Port Number443
    Origin Server Path/hls
    Gzip CompressionEnabled
    Step 2: Configure cache
    Expiration PolicyCustom
    Retention Period3 seconds
    URL Query StringIncluded
    Image (JPG) File Optimization-
  2. Click the [More] icon and select Start or Restart to start the CDN service.

Step 1. Create and upload the example static website

Create static website

  1. Run the following command to create the working directory.

    Create working directory
    mkdir -p ~/hls-handson
  2. Refer to the HTML example below to create an HTML file for web access. Use the open-source JavaScript library Hls.js to implement HLS.

    • This is a simple static website that displays text and video. The video tag in HTML5 is used, and the src attribute of the video tag is set to 'hls.m3u8'. This will be the access path for the hls.m3u8 file that you will generate in a later step.
    Static website example
    cat <<EOF > ~/hls-handson/index.html
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <script src=""></script>
    <body onkeydown="return false" oncontextmenu="return false" onselectstart="return false" ondragstart="return false">
    <h1>HLS Test Page</h1>
    <video height="720" width="1280" autoplay muted id="video"></video>
    var video = document.getElementById('video');
    var videoSrc = 'hls.m3u8';
    if (video.canPlayType('application/x-mpegURL')) {
    video.src = videoSrc;
    } else if (Hls.isSupported()) {
    var hls = new Hls();

Upload the example site via API calls

In this step, you'll write code in Python. Create a Python file (.py) inside the hls-handson folder generated in [Step 1] and proceed with the task in that file.

  1. Write Python code to make an API call to upload the index.html file to the Object Storage folder created during the preliminary steps.

    Upload index.html file
    import requests

    def uploadFile():
    headers = {
    'X-Auth-Token': '{X_AUTH_TOKEN}',
    'Content-Type': 'text/html'
    data = open('{FILE_PATH}', 'rb')
    res = requests.put('{ACCOUNT}/{BUCKET_NAME}/{FOLDER_NAME}/{FILE_NAME}', headers=headers, data=data)

    VariableDescriptionExample Value
    X_AUTH_TOKENAPI authentication token
    FILE_PATHPath to the file. In this exercise, the path to the index.html fileindex.html
    ACCOUNTProject ID
    - Available when the token is issued
    - Value of token > project > id in the response body
    BUCKET_NAMEName of the bucket where the file will be uploadedmy-bucket-new
    FOLDER_NAMEName of the folder where the file will be uploadedhls
    FILE_NAMEName of the file to be created (uploaded)index.html
  2. After running the code, go to the KakaoCloud Console > Object Storage service and select the my-bucket-new bucket.

  3. In the Objects tab, confirm that the index.html file has been uploaded inside the hls folder.

Verify access to example site

Access the index.html path of the CDN service domain.

  1. In the KakaoCloud Console > CDN > Service List, copy the service domain of the created CDN.

  2. Use a web browser to verify normal access to the test page.

    # Service address to connect to

    http://{URL generated by CDN}/index.html
  3. When you access the domain, text is displayed. The video is not displayed because the files required for streaming are not yet prepared. Video CDN service domain access result

Step 2. Upload HLS configuration file to bucket

Prepare video file

Run the code below in the local terminal to download the video file (kakaoenterprise.mp4) for streaming to the local ~/hls-handson folder.

Video download command
curl -o ~/hls-handson/kakaoenterprise.mp4 \

Encode and segment video files (.MP4) with FFmpeg

In this step, we will write code in Python. Create a Python file (.py) in the hls-handson folder created in [Step 1] and work on it.

  1. In order to provide video with HLS, you need an m3u8 file containing playback information and a ts file that is a small segment of the original video. You can convert the original video file (.mp4) by running the code below to create an m3u8 file and a ts file by quality.

    Video file conversion command
    import ffmpeg_streaming
    from ffmpeg_streaming import Formats, Bitrate, Representation, Size

    capture = ffmpeg_streaming.input('{MP4_FILE_PATH}')

    _360p = Representation(Size(640, 360), Bitrate(276 * 1024, 128 * 1024))
    _480p = Representation(Size(854, 480), Bitrate(750 * 1024, 192 * 1024))
    _720p = Representation(Size(1280, 720), Bitrate(2048 * 1024, 320 * 1024))

    hls = capture.hls(Formats.h264())
    hls.representations(_360p, _480p, _720p)
    VariableDescriptionPractice Setting Value
    MP4_FILE_PATHPath where mp4 file is locatedkakaoenterprise.mp4
  2. When the code is executed, m3u8 files and ts files for each quality are created in the ~/hls-handson/output folder as shown in the folder structure below.

    Folder Structure
    ├── hls.m3u8
    ├── hls_360p.m3u8
    ├── hls_360p_0000.ts
    ├── …
    ├── hls_480p.m3u8
    ├── hls_480p_0000.ts
    ├── …
    ├── hls_720p.m3u8
    ├── hls_720p_0000.ts
    └── …

Upload m3u8 and ts files to bucket using Object Storage API

Write an API call code to upload files to an Object Storage bucket and upload the m3u8 and ts files in the hls folder of the my-bucket-new bucket.

  1. When calling the file upload API, you must enter a MIME type string in the Content-Type of headers. For m3u8, set Content-Type to audio/mpegurl type, and for ts files, set Content-Type to application/octet-stream type.

    File upload API call code
    import requests
    import os

    def uploadHlsFile():
    headers = {'X-Auth-Token': '{X_AUTH_TOKEN}'}

    for file in os.listdir('{OUTPUT_FOLDER_PATH}'):
    file_extension = file.split('.')[1]
    if file_extension == 'm3u8':
    headers['Content-Type'] = 'audio/mpegurl'
    if file_extension == 'ts':
    headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream'

    data = open('{OUTPUT_FOLDER_PATH}'+'/'+file, 'rb')
    res = requests.put('{ACCOUNT}/{BUCKET_NAME}/{FOLDER_NAME}/'+file, headers=headers, data=data)
    if res.status_code == 201:
    print("File upload succeeded: " + file)
    print("File upload failed: " + file)

    VariableDescriptionPractice setting value
    OUTPUT_FOLDER_PATHPath of the output folder where the m3u8 and ts files are locatedoutput
    BUCKET_NAMEBucket name where the files will be uploadedmy-bucket-new
    FOLDER_NAMEFolder name where the files will be uploadedhls
  2. After running the code, select the my-bucket-new bucket in KakaoCloud Console > Object Storage.

  3. In the Object tab, you can check that the m3u8 and ts files have been uploaded in the hls folder.

Step 3. Check video output

Check whether the video uploaded from the domain is output properly. Access the index.html path of the CDN service domain and check the output video.

Check video output
# Service domain address to connect to
http://{URL generated by CDN}/index.html

영상 Service domain accessed