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Building network using NAT instances in multi-availability zones

This document introduces how to deploy NAT (Network Address Translation) instances of KakaoCloud VM in each availability zone (Multi Availability Zone).

Basic information
  • Estimated time required: 40 minutes
  • Recommended operating systems: MacOS, Ubuntu
  • Region: kr-central-2

Before you start

In the KakaoCloud VPC environment, you can deploy NAT instances in each Availability Zone (AZ).
This configuration ensures that even if one availability zone fails, workloads in other availability zones can continue communicating externally through the NAT instance in their respective zone.
This guarantees the smooth operation of the overall cloud system and prevents potential service disruptions.

About this scenario

This document explains step-by-step how to configure NAT instances in a KakaoCloud VPC environment, allowing instances in private subnets to communicate securely with external networks through NAT.

Key topics include:

  • Create and configure NAT instance: Create and configure NAT instances to support external communication.
  • Set up routing tables: Configure routing tables to direct external traffic from private subnets to the NAT instance in their respective availability zone.
  • Configure security groups and inbound rules: Restrict inbound requests through the NAT instance to ports 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS).

Scenario architecture

Getting started

Let's configure NAT instance that support NAT communication to connect the private subnet of KakaoCloud VPC to the internet.

Step 1. Create VPC and subnet

Create a VPC and subnets.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud console > Beyond Networking Service > VPC.

  2. In the VPC, click the [Create VPC] button and configure the VPC and subnets as follows:

    VPC informationVPC nametutorial
    VPC IP CIDR block10.0.0.0/16
    Availability ZoneNumber of availability zones2
    First availability zonekr-central-2-a
    Second availability zonekr-central-2-b
    Subnet configurationNumber of public subnets per AZ1
    Number of private subnets per AZ4
    kr-central-2-aPublic subnet IPv4 CIDR block10.0.0.0/20
    Private subnet IPv4 CIDR block10.0.16.0/20,,,
    kr-central-2-bPublic subnet IPv4 CIDR block10.0.80.0/20
    Private subnet IPv4 CIDR block10.0.96.0/20,,,
  3. Verify the generated diagram and click [Create].

    • The subnet status will change from Pending Create > Pending Update > Active. Wait until it reaches Active to proceed.
    • The creation process may take 5–10 minutes.

Step 2. Create security group for NAT instance

Enhance the security of VMs in the VPC by creating a security group and adding inbound and Outbound rules as follows:

  1. Go to KakaoCloud console > Beyond Networking Service > VPC.

  2. In the Security Group menu, click [Create security group].

  3. Enter tutorial-nat-sg as the Security group name.

  4. Click the [+ Add rule] button and set the Inbound rules as follows:

    Check your public IP

    Click the button below to check your current public IP address.

    DescriptionProtocolSourcePort number
    inbound http policyTCP10.0.0.0/1680
    inbound https policyTCP10.0.0.0/16443
    ssh policyTCP{Your Public IP}/3222
  5. Set the Outbound rules as follows:

    DescriptionProtocolDestinationPort number
    outbound http policyTCP0.0.0.0/080
    outbound https policyTCP0.0.0.0/0443
    outbound DNS policyUDP169.254.169.253/32 (DNS Resolver endpoint for VPC)53
    outbound DNS policy 2UDP10.0.0.2/3253
  6. Click the [Create] button to complete the security group creation.

Step 3. Create NAT instance

NAT instances allow private subnet instances to securely communicate with external networks. NAT instances enable outbound traffic to the internet while blocking inbound traffic, enhancing security and allowing private subnet instances to receive updates and patches.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Beyond Compute Service > Virtual Machine.

  2. In the Instance menu, click [Create Instance] and create VM instances in two availability zones as follows:

    Configuration by Availability Zonekr-central-2-akr-central-2-b
    Basic information- Name: tutorial-nat-instance-a
    - Count: 1
    - Name: tutorial-nat-instance-b
    - Count: 1
    ImageUbuntu 20.04
    ⚠️ Select a standard image, not NVIDIA GPU type
    Ubuntu 20.04
    ⚠️ Select a standard image, not NVIDIA GPU type
    Instance typet1i.nanot1i.nano
    VolumeRoot volume: 30Root volume: 30
    Key pairSelect key pairSelect key pair
    Network- VPC: tutorial
    - Subnet: main
    ㄴ Public subnet in kr-central-2-a
    - Security Group: tutorial-nat-sg
    - VPC: tutorial
    - Subnet: tutorial_{VPC_CODE}_sn_1 (
    ㄴ Public subnet in kr-central-2-b, select the subnet ending with sn_1
    - Security Group: tutorial-nat-sg
  3. Verify all the input values and click [Create] to create the VM.

Step 4. Configure NAT instance

Assign public IP addresses to the two NAT instances (tutorial-nat-instance-a and tutorial-nat-instance-b) and proceed with the NAT configuration.

① tutorial-nat-instance-a

  1. Go to Virtual Machine > Instance and select tutorial-nat-instance-a. Click [Associate public IP].

  2. In the public IP assignment popup, select Create new public IP and assign it automatically, then click [OK]. The attached public IP can be viewed in the Network tab.

  3. Open a terminal on your local machine and navigate to the folder containing your key pair file using the cd command:

    cd ~/Downloads  
    chmod 400 $(PRIVATE_KEY).pem
    ssh -i $(PRIVATE_KEY).pem ubuntu@$(NAT_INSTANCE_PUBLIC_IP)
  4. Configure the NAT instance by running the following commands:

    sudo apt-get update -y  

    LINE=$(grep 'net.ipv4.ip_forward=' /etc/sysctl.conf)
    sudo sed -i "s/${LINE}/net.ipv4.ip_forward=1/" /etc/sysctl.conf
    sudo sysctl -p

    INTERFACE=$(ip link | awk -F: '$0 !~ "lo|vir|wl|^[^0-9]"{print $2;getline}')
    sudo /sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ${INTERFACE} -j MASQUERADE
    sudo apt-get install -y iptables-persistent
  5. When prompted, press Yes to save the configuration.

  6. If successful, the NAT instance setup will show the following confirmation screen:


② tutorial-nat-instance-b

Follow the same steps as tutorial-nat-instance-a to configure tutorial-nat-instance-b.

By completing these steps, NAT instances are now deployed and configured in multiple availability zones. Private subnet instances can securely communicate with external networks through these NAT instances.

Step 5. Change source/destination check setting

By default, instances verify source and destination, allowing only traffic directed to their own IP address. However, NAT instances must handle traffic even if the source and destination are not their own.
You can configure instances for NAT use by modifying the source/destination checks setting.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Beyond Compute Service > Virtual Machine.

  2. In the Instance menu, select tutorial-nat-instance-a, click the More actions icon, and select Change source/destination checks.

  3. In the Change source/destination checks popup, click Disable and then click [Close]. (Default: Enabled)


    The default setting for Source/Destination Check is Enabled, which restricts network traffic to the instance's IP/MAC address for security. When set to Disabled, the instance can route traffic to and from other IP/MAC addresses according to the security group policy.

  4. Repeat the same steps for tutorial-nat-instance-b.

Step 6. Create and configure routing tables

Routing tables control the flow of network traffic in subnets. This step configures routing rules to ensure that outbound traffic from private subnets routes through the NAT instance in the respective availability zone.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud console > Beyond Networking Service > VPC.

  2. In the Routing table tab, click [Create Routing Table] and create routing tables for each availability zone as follows:

    Configuration by Availability Zonekr-central-2-akr-central-2-b
    Routing Table Nametutorial-priv-a-rttutorial-priv-b-rt
  3. Click the created routing table to access its details.

  4. In the Routes tab, click [+ Add Route].

  5. For each availability zone, route traffic with a destination of to the NAT instance in that zone. The instance ID can be found in Virtual Machine > Instance.

    Routing Table Settingstutorial-priv-a-rttutorial-priv-b-rt
    Target TypeInstanceInstance
    Target Instance{tutorial-nat-instance-a-id}{tutorial-nat-instance-b-id}
  6. In the Associations tab, click [+ Edit Associations] and associate the appropriate private subnets with each routing table.

    Routing Table: tutorial-priv-a-rt

    Verify and associate the following subnets:

    SubnetIP CIDR BlockRouting Table
    Routing Table: tutorial-priv-b-rt

    Verify and associate the following subnets:

    SubnetIP CIDR BlockRouting Table

Step 7. Verify VPC topology

In the Topology tab of your VPC, verify that the network topology is configured correctly.

VPC topology verification

Verify results

To verify the results, create three VM instances in KakaoCloud, including a Bastion host. Then, check whether the public IPs used in private subnet instances match the public IPs of the NAT instances.

  • The Bastion host serves as a gateway for secure access to internal resources.

Step 1. create security group for bastion instance

follow the steps below to create a security group for the bastion instance and configure Inbound rules.

  1. Select VPC and go to Security Group.

  2. Click the [Create security group] button.

  3. In the create security group popup, enter sg-bastion as the security group name.

  4. In the Inbound rules tab, add the following rules, then click the [create] button.

    Check your public ip

    click the button below to check your current public ip.

    inbound ruleprotocolsourceport number
    bastion inbound policy 1TCP   {your public IP}/3210000-10010
    bastion inbound policy 2TCP{your public IP}/3281
    bastion ssh policyTCP{your public IP}/3222
  5. in the Outbound rules tab, add the following rules, then click the [create] button.

    outbound ruleprotocoldestinationport number
    bastion outbound policyALL  ALL

Step 2. create bastion instance

  1. Go to Beyond Compute Service > Virtual Machine > Instance menu and click the [Create instance] button, then create the required bastion instance as listed below.

    Basic information- Name: tutorial-bastion
    - Quantity: 1
    ImageUbuntu 20.04
    ⚠️ Select a standard image, not an NVIDIA type
    Instance typet1i.nano
    VolumeRoot volume: 30
    Key pairUse the existing key pair from previous tasks
    Network- VPC: tutorial
    - Subnet: main
    - Security group: sg-bastion (use as configured)

Step 3. create security group for private instance

  1. Select the Security group tab in the VPC.

  2. Click the [Create security group] button.

  3. In the Create security group popup, enter private-vm-sg as the security group name.

  4. In the Inbound rules tab, add the following rules and click the [Create] button.

    • Traffic entering internal hosts is relayed through the bastion. Verify that the az-a-vm and az-b-vm hosts can receive traffic sent from the bastion in the KakaoCloud console security group. Ensure the following rules are included and added:
    Inbound ruleProtocolSourcePort number
    private-vm inbound policyTCP   {BASTION_PRIVATE_IP}/32
    - Private IP of tutorial-bastion, available in Virtual Machine > Instance menu
  5. In the Outbound rules tab, add the following rules and click the [Create] button.

    Outbound ruleProtocolDestinationPort number
    private-vm outbound policyALL   ALL

Step 4. Create private instances by availability zone

  1. Click the [Create instance] button in the Beyond Compute Service > Virtual Machine > Instance menu, and create VM instances in two availability zones as follows.

    Availability zone settingskr-central-2-akr-central-2-b
    Basic information- Name: az-a-vm
    - Count: 1
    - Name: az-b-vm
    - Count: 1
    ImageUbuntu 20.04
    ⚠️ Select a standard image, not NVIDIA
    Ubuntu 20.04
    ⚠️ Select a standard image, not NVIDIA
    Instance type       t1i.nanot1i.nano
    VolumeRoot volume: 30Root volume: 30
    Key pairUse the existing key pair from the previous stepUse the existing key pair from the previous step
    Network- VPC: tutorial
    - Subnet: tutorial_{VPC_ID}_sn_2 (
    - Security group: private-vm-sg
    - VPC: tutorial
    - Subnet: tutorial_{VPC_ID}_sn_6 (
    - Security group: private-vm-sg

Step 5. Associate public IP to bastion instance

  1. In the Virtual Machine > Instance menu, select the previously created tutorial-bastion instance and click the [Associate public IP] button.
  2. In the public IP attachment popup, select Create new public IP and assign it automatically and click the [OK] button.
    • The assigned public IP can be verified in the Network tab.

Step 6. Configure bastion host

  1. Open a terminal in your local environment and navigate to the folder containing your key pair file using the cd command.

  2. Run the following command to access SSH:

    chmod 400 ${PRIVATE_KEY}.pem # grant read permission
    ssh -i ${PRIVATE_KEY}.pem ubuntu@${BASTION_PUBLIC_IP}
    PRIVATE_KEY🖌private key file name
    BASTION_PUBLIC_IP🖌Virtual Machine > Instances tab, select the tutorial-bastion instance, then check the Network tab for the public IP

    If a bad permissions error occurs due to private key file permission issues, use the sudo command to resolve the problem.

  3. Configure Bastion host using nginx-proxy-manager by connecting to the Bastion host via SSH and running the following command for provisioning:

    Configure Bastion host
    sudo curl -o /tmp/
    bash /tmp/
  4. Open a browser in your local environment and access the management page using the following address:

    • HTTP://${BASTION_PUBLIC_IP}:81/login

    • ID:
    • Password: changeme
  5. Go to Dashboard > Streams and register streams for each host (az-a-vm, az-b-vm) by availability zone. The private IPs of each instance can be found in the Virtual Machine > Instance tab by selecting the respective instance and checking the Network tab.

    Setting by availability zoneaz-a-vmaz-b-vm
    Incoming port1000010001
    Forward hostPrivate IP of az-a-vmPrivate IP of az-b-vm
    Forward port2222
    Forwarding protocolTCPTCP
  6. Move to the folder where the key pair file is downloaded, and check if you can access each host from your local environment using the port mappings.

    Verify access by host
    * vm-a
    ssh -i ${PRIVATE_KEY}.pem ubuntu@${BASTION_PUBLIC_IP} -p 10000

    * vm-b
    ssh -i ${PRIVATE_KEY}.pem ubuntu@${BASTION_PUBLIC_IP} -p 10001

Step 7. Verify IP match

Run the command below to check the public IP currently used for external communication. If this IP matches the public IP of the NAT instance, the previous steps were successfully completed. The public IP of the NAT instance can be found in the Virtual Machine > Instance menu by clicking on tutorial-nat-instance-a / tutorial-nat-instance-b and checking the Network tab.

Verify IP match
# Example result: ***.***.***.***