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Load logs stored in Object Storage into Elasticsearch

This guide explains how to load load balancer (LB) access logs stored in KakaoCloud's Object Storage into Elasticsearch.


About this scenario

This scenario introduces how to load load balancer access logs stored in Object Storage into Elasticsearch. The open-source data collection engine Logstash, which supports real-time pipelines, is used for forwarding logs stored in Object Storage. Key steps include:

  • Create Logstash server: Transmit source data (access logs) to Elasticsearch via Logstash.
  • Write Logstash configuration file (using S3 Plugin): Use the S3 Plugin, as KakaoCloud's Object Storage is compatible with the S3 API.
  • Verify logs loaded into Elasticsearch: Ensure the logs stored in Object Storage are successfully loaded into Elasticsearch.

alt text Log storage architecture


While this guide uses LB access logs as source data, other data stored in Object Storage can also be loaded into Elasticsearch by referring to this guide.

Before you start

1. Prepare virtual machine-based web service environment

This tutorial assumes access logs from a functioning web service environment. If you need to build a new web service environment, refer to Set up VM-based web service.

2. Issue EC2 credential

Logstash uses the S3 Plugin to read data from Object Storage. Issue EC2 credentials and configure access permissions accordingly. Refer to Issue EC2 credential guide to obtain the Access Key and Secret Key. Ensure the keys are securely stored for Logstash configuration.

Getting started

LB access logs are stored in Object Storage by default. By loading them into Elasticsearch, you can analyze log data more effectively. This scenario automates data processing using Logstash and Elasticsearch.

Step 1. Enable load balancer access logs

By default, access logs are disabled. Once enabled, logs are stored in a designated Object Storage bucket and can then be configured for loading into Elasticsearch.

  1. Go to the KakaoCloud console > Beyond Networking Service > Load Balancing > Load Balancer menu.

  2. Select the target load balancer and click the [More] icon.

  3. Click Configure access log from the [More].

  4. In the Configure access log popup, enable access logs by selecting [Enable].

  5. Choose an Object Storage bucket for storing logs. For security, enable encryption when creating the bucket. Refer to Object Storage > Create and manage bucket for bucket creation steps.

  6. Select the Access key ID. Ensure the selected access key ID does not have an expiration date. Refer to Issue access key for details.

  7. Enter the Secret access key and click [Apply].

    • Keep your Secret access key securely stored.
    • Log storage in Object Storage incurs charges. Configure Lifecycle settings to manage costs and retention. Refer to Object Storage > Configure lifecycle.

Step 2. Set up Elasticsearch server

Elasticsearch stores and analyzes log data. Prepare the server for Logstash to transmit data.

  1. Use an existing Elasticsearch server or set up a new one. Refer to Elasticsearch documentation for setup instructions.

  2. Ensure port 9200 is open for Logstash to communicate with Elasticsearch:

    TCP{Logstash server IP}/329200Allow Logstash access to Elasticsearch

    This tutorial assumes Elasticsearch is running on a KakaoCloud Virtual Machine.

Step 3. Install and configure Logstash

Logstash facilitates data transmission between Object Storage and Elasticsearch.

1. Create Logstash server instance

  1. Go to KakaoCloud console > Virtual Machine and click [Create instance].

  2. Configure settings as follows:

    ImageUbuntu 24.04
    Instance typem2a.large
    Root volume10GB
    Key pairExisting or new key pair
    NetworkVPC, subnet, security group
  3. Attach a public IP to the instance. Refer to Associate public IP.

  4. Connect to the instance via SSH:

    ssh -i ${key-pair-name}.pem ubuntu@${public-ip-addr}
    key-pair-namePrivate key file name
    public-ip-addrPublic IP address of instance

2. Install Logstash

Install Logstash on the created VM instance.

  1. Install Logstash on the VM instance.

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk
    wget -qO - | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/elastic-keyring.gpg
    sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https
    echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/elastic-keyring.gpg] stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic-8.x.list
    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install logstash
    sudo systemctl start logstash
    sudo systemctl enable logstash
  2. Verify the status of the installed and started Logstash service.

    Verify Logstash status
    sudo systemctl status logstash

    # The following indicates successful operation:
    ● logstash.service - logstash
    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/logstash.service; enabled; preset: enabled)
    Active: active (running) since Tue 2024-11-12 01:57:49 UTC; 13s ago

3. Create configuration file

Write Object Storage bucket information and Elasticsearch server details in the Logstash configuration file.

  1. Create a configuration file.

    sudo vi /etc/logstash/conf.d/s3_to_es.conf
  2. Add the following content to /etc/logstash/conf.d/s3_to_es.conf:

    input {
    s3 {
    access_key_id => "${S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID}"
    secret_access_key => "${S3_SECRET_KEY}"
    bucket => "${BUCKET_NAME}"
    endpoint => "" # KakaoCloud Object Storage S3-compatible endpoint
    region => "kr-central-2" # KakaoCloud region information
    prefix => "KCLogs/" # Path to read: folder where LB access logs are stored
    codec => "json"
    additional_settings => {
    "force_path_style" => true

    filter {
    if [message] =~ /\\x/ {
    mutate {
    gsub => [ "message", "\\x", "" ]
    json {
    source => "message"

    output {
    elasticsearch {
    hosts => ["${ELASTICSEARCH_URL}:${PORT}"]
    index => "${INDEX_NAME}"
    document_id => "%{time}" # Time field to prevent duplicate data entries
    S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID🖌Access key ID issued in prerequisites
    S3_SECRET_KEY🖌Secret key issued in prerequisites
    BUCKET_NAME🖌Name of the Object Storage bucket storing LB access logs
    ELASTICSEARCH_URL🖌IP address of the server running Elasticsearch
    PORT🖌Elasticsearch connection port, e.g., 9200
    INDEX_NAME🖌Index name for storing logs in Elasticsearch

Step 4. Run Logstash and verify data

Run Logstash and verify that log data is successfully loaded into Elasticsearch.

  1. Restart the Logstash service.

    sudo systemctl restart logstash
  2. Run Logstash in the background and output logs to a file.

    sudo nohup /usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash -f /etc/logstash/conf.d/s3_to_es.conf > /tmp/logstash_output.log 2>&1 &
  3. Check if Logstash processes are running properly.

    Verify Logstash processes
    ps aux | grep logstash
  4. Verify the log file to ensure there are no error messages.

    Check log file
    tail -f /tmp/logstash_output.log

Step 5. Verify logs loaded into Elasticsearch

Use the following command to query Elasticsearch and verify that log data is successfully stored. When a query is sent to Elasticsearch, it returns log entries stored in a specific index. These logs include details such as HTTP requests, status codes, and timestamps, allowing you to analyze the data in detail.

Log verification
curl -X GET "${ELASTICSEARCH_URL}:${PORT}/${INDEX_NAME}/_search?pretty&q=*:*"
ELASTICSEARCH_URL🖌Elasticsearch server IP address
PORT🖌Elasticsearch port number, e.g., 9200
INDEX_NAME🖌Index name for storing logs in Elasticsearch
Output example
"took" : 9,
"timed_out" : false,
"_shards" : {
"total" : 1,
"successful" : 1,
"skipped" : 0,
"failed" : 0
"hits" : {
"total" : {
"value" : 50,
"relation" : "eq"
"max_score" : 1.0,
"hits" : [
"_index" : "lb-access",
"_type" : "_doc",
"_id" : "2024/10/31 11:41:46:41",
"_score" : 1.0,
"_ignored" : [
"_source" : {
"@timestamp" : "2024-11-12T05:46:19.131212407Z",
"request" : "GET http://{}}:80/ HTTP1.1",
"user_agent" : "NiggaBalls",
"lb_id" : "f6277253-efb6-4cb0-9649-2f004e0",
"client_port" : "",
"time" : "2024/10/31 11:41:46:41",
"request_creation_time" : "2024/10/31 11:41:46:41",
"@version" : "1",
"event" : {
"original" : "{\"project_id\": \"b7554887c015e8690b56baaa5\", \"time\": \"2024/10/31 11:41:46:41\", \"lb_id\": \"f6277253-efb6-4cb0-9649-2f004e0\", \"client_port\": \"\", \"target_port\": \"\", \"target_status_code\": \"200\", \"request\": \"GET http://{}}:80/ HTTP1.1\", \"user_agent\": \"NiggaBalls\", \"ssl_cipher\": \"-\", \"ssl_protocol\": \"-\", \"request_creation_time\": \"2024/10/31 11:41:46:41\"}"
"target_port" : "",
"ssl_protocol" : "-",
"ssl_cipher" : "-",
"target_status_code" : "200",
"project_id" : "b7554887c015e8690b56baaa5"