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Object_File & Folder

You can use the Object:File&Folder API to create files/folders and manage related information and policies.

API preparations

Please refer to the API Preparation for the preparatory work required to call the API.

API endpoint

The Object Storage API endpoint for API requests is:

Object_File & Folder API endpoint format
Supported specifications

Object REST-API supports Openstack's Swift API specification.

Object REST-APISwift API specification
Account      Bucket account
ContainerBucket name
ObjectFolder and file
- Folder example: images/small<br/>
- File example: image/small/icon.jpg

Create folder

Users with Owner, Read-Write permissions can create folders in the bucket.

Request Syntax
Request Syntax
curl --location --request PUT 'https://objectstorage.{region_name}{account}/{bucket_name}/{path}' \
--header 'X-Auth-Token: {x-auth-token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/directory' \
--header 'X-Object-Meta-Company: kakao enterprise'
API method
methodRequest URL
PUT   https://objectstorage.{region_name}{account}/{bucket_name}/{path}
PathTypeRequired or notDescription
region_nameStringRequired  Region name
accountStringRequired  Project ID
- Able to get this information when issuing a token
- Used as the account value in Swift API
bucket_nameStringRequired  Bucket name
pathStringRequired  Full folder path
- Example: image/small, images/small/icon.jpg
Request Header
RequestTypeRequired or notDescription
X-Auth-TokenStringRequired  Authentication token
Content-TypeStringRequired  Pinned to application/directory
X-Object-Meta-{key_name}StringSelectAs bucket meta information, enter the metadata name to be specified by the user in {key_name}
- For Swift API, apply the corresponding prefix
X-Object-Meta-{key_name}StringSelectAs bucket meta information, enter the metadata name to be specified by the user in {key_name}
- For S3 API, apply the corresponding prefix
Response Syntax
Status Code
HTTP StatusResponseDescription
201     CreatedSuccess
401UnauthorizedAuthentication failed
403ForbiddenNo permission

Create and upload files

Users with Owner, Read-Write permissions can create or upload files in the bucket.

Request Syntax
Request Syntax
curl --location --request PUT 'https://objectstorage.{region_name}{account}/{bucket_name}/{path}/{file}' \
--header 'X-Auth-Token: {x-auth-token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
--data-raw '{Content}'
API method
methodRequest URL
PUT   https://objectstorage.{region_name}{account}/{bucket_name}/{path}/{file}
PathTypeRequired or notDescription
region_nameStringRequired  Region name
accountStringRequired  Project ID
- Able to get this information when issuing a token
- Used as the account value in Swift API
bucket_nameStringRequired  Bucket name
pathStringRequired  Full folder path
- Example: image/small, images/small/icon.jpg
fileStringRequired  File name
- Example: icon.jpg
Request Header
RequestTypeRequired or notDescription
X-Auth-TokenStringRequired  Authentication token
Content-TypeStringSelectIf the object being put (uploaded) is a file, enter the mime type string
- If no content type is specified during a Put (upload) request, Object Storage internally processes the uploaded file type as application/octet-stream.
X-Object-Meta-{name}StringSelectFor bucket meta information, enter the metadata name to specify in {name}
Content-LengthintSelectContent Length
Transfer-EncodingStringSelectEncoding method
- chunked: Data is transmitted by dividing it into a series of chunks. If the chunked value is specified, the Content-Length Header should not be transmitted
- compress: LZW Compression method using the algorithm
- deflate: Compression method using the deflate algorithm
- gzip : Compression method using the LZ77 algorithm
- identity: Compression or modification transmission method without

Request body Elements

RequestTypeRequired or notDescription
ContentRaw dataRequired  Contents of file
Response Syntax
Status Code
HTTP StatusResponseDescription
201     CreatedSuccess
401UnauthorizedAuthentication failed
403ForbiddenNo permission

Upload large-size file

Since the HTTP protocol does not have a keep-alive feature, data transfer ends when the TCP connection is lost. Therefore, when uploading a large file through a single connection, the upload may be interrupted if the connection is unstable or the connection is lost. KakaoCloud Object Storage supports the following large object upload methods to upload large files.

  • Not available on encrypted buckets in kr-central-2.
  • When uploading a file with the same name but a different capacity by overwriting it, segment files may remain.
  • We recommend deleting remaining segment files through object inquiry.

Upload large object

Dynamic Large Object (DLO)Ensures that the divided Segment Object is recognized as a single Large Object
- Swift protocol
Static Large Object (SLO)Segments are split and uploaded, but there are no restrictions on segment naming and the sizes do not have to be the same
- Swift protocol

DLO (Dynamic Large Object) method

The DLO method allows divided segment objects to be recognized as a single large object. Additionally, the integrity of each segment object is not guaranteed. When downloading (GET), the user requests to download the Manifest object. And the Object Storage server recognizes the X-Object-Manifest entered in Manifest Object and allows segment object to be recognized as a single large object.

  1. Segment one single large object into a certain size.
  2. Upload the divided object to the object manifest.
  3. Upload the Manifest Object containing the items in the X-Object-Manifest header. At this time, you can upload the manifest object first.
Upload DLO Segment Object
Request Syntax
Request Syntax
curl --location --request PUT 'https://objectstorage.{region_name}{account}/{bucket_name}/{DLO Manifest Object}/{Segment Objects...}' \
--header 'X-Auth-Token: {x-auth-token}' \
--data-raw '{segment_content}'
Upload DLO segment object
curl -X PUT -H 'X-Auth-Token: <token>' https://objectstorage.{region_name}{account}/test-bucket/DLO/00000001 --data-binary '1'
curl -X PUT -H 'X-Auth-Token: <token>' https://objectstorage.{region_name}{account}/test-bucket/DLO/00000002 --data-binary '2'
curl -X PUT -H 'X-Auth-Token: <token>' https://objectstorage.{region_name}{account}/test-bucket/DLO/00000003 --data-binary '3'
API method
PUT     https://objectstorage.{region_name}{account}/{bucket_name}/{DLO Manifest Object}/{Segment Objects… }
PathTypeRequired or notDescription
region_nameStringRequiredRegion name
accountStringRequired  Project ID
- Able to get this information when issuing a token
- Used as the account value in Swift API
bucket_nameStringRequired  Bucket name
DLO Manifest ObjectStringRequired  Name of manifest object
Segment Objects…StringRequired  Multiple Segment Objects can be uploaded
- Sequence Number Naming in ascending order is required (example: segment_0001 ... segment_0002)
Request Header
RequestTypeRequired or notDescription
X-Auth-TokenStringRequired  Authentication token
Request Elements
RequestTypeRequired or notDescription
segment_contentData-rawRequired  Contents of segment object
Response Syntax
Status Code
HTTP StatusResponseDescription
201     Created   Success
Upload DLO Manifest Object
Request Syntax
Request Syntax
curl --location --request PUT 'https://objectstorage.{region_name}{account}/{bucket_name}/{DLO Manifest Object}' \
--header 'X-Auth-Token: {x-auth-token}' \
--header 'X-Object-Manifest: {bucket_name}/{DLO Manifest Object}' \
Example of uploading DLO manifest object
curl -X PUT -H 'X-Auth-Token: <token>' -H 'X-Object-Manifest: test-bucket/DLO'{account}/test-bucket/DLO --data-binary ''
API method
(Upload segmented object)
https:/objectstorage.{region_name}{account}/{bucket_name}/{DLO Manifest Object}/{Segment Object… }
(uploads the Manifest Object itself)
https:/objectstorage.{region_name}{account}/{bucket_name}/{DLO Manifest Object}
PathTypeRequired or notDescription
region_nameStringRequiredRegion name
accountStringRequired  Project ID
- Able to get this information when issuing a token
- Used as the account value in Swift API
bucket_nameStringRequired  Bucket name
DLO Manifest ObjectStringRequired  Name of manifest object
Segment Object…StringRequired  Multiple Segment Objects can be uploaded
Request Header
RequestTypeRequired or notDescription
X-Auth-TokenStringRequired  Authentication token
X-Object-ManifestStringRequired  Path where the divided Segment Objects were uploaded
- {bucket_name}/{DLO Manifest Object} format
Response Syntax
Status Code
HTTP StatusResponseDescription
201     Created   성공
Download DLO
Request Syntax
Request Syntax
curl --location --request GET 'https://objectstorage.{region_name}{account}/{bucket_name}/{DLO Manifest Object}' \
--header 'X-Auth-Token: {x-auth-token}' \
DLO download example
curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: <token>'{account}/test-bucket/DLO
API method
PUT     https://objectstorage.{region_name}{account}/{bucket_name}/{DLO Manifest Object}
PathTypeRequired or notDescription
region_nameStringRequiredRegion name
accountStringRequired  Project ID
- Able to get this information when issuing a token
- Used as the account value in Swift API
bucket_nameStringRequired  Bucket name
DLO Manifest ObjectStringRequired  Name of manifest object
Request Header
RequestTypeRequired or notDescription
X-Auth-TokenStringRequired  Authentication token
Response Syntax
Status Code
HTTP StatusResponseDescription
201    Created   Success

SLO (Static Large Object) method

The SLO method divides and uploads segments in the same way as DLO, but the difference is that there are no restrictions on segment naming and the sizes do not have to be the same. Also, the Manifest must be uploaded last. The SLO Manifest Object must be entered by creating a list of Segment Objects in order. Currently, in KakaoCloud object storage, up to 1,000 Segment Objects can be entered into one Manifest.

When requesting SLO Manifest Object creation, it is checked whether each Segment Object is in the entered path and whether the etag Value and Segment Object Size match. If the information does not match, the Manifest Object is not created. Additionally, the integrity of the Segment Object is guaranteed through etag in the Manifest.

  1. Segment one single large object into the size desired by the user.
  2. Upload each Segment to a bucket you have access to. It does not have to be the same bucket, but it must be a project (account) bucket that you have access to.
  3. Enter the Manifest containing the Path, Etag, and Size of the uploaded Segment object above as the Body and upload the SLO Manifest Object.

For detailed examples of Manifest, please refer to

Upload SLO Segment Object

Request Syntax
Request Syntax
curl --location --request PUT 'https://objectstorage.{region_name}{account}/{bucket_name}/{path}/{segment_object}' \
--header 'X-Auth-Token: {x-auth-token}' \
--data-raw '{segment_content}'
Example of uploading SLO segment object
curl -X PUT -H 'X-Auth-Token: <token>'{account}/test-bucket/slo_test_1.txt --data-binary '@./slo_test_1.txt'
curl -X PUT -H 'X-Auth-Token: <token>'{account}/other-bucket/slo_test_2.txt --data-binary '@./slo_test_2.txt'
curl -X PUT -H 'X-Auth-Token: <token>'{account}/other1-bucket/slo_test_3.txt --data-binary '@./slo_test_3.txt'
API method
PUT    https://objectstorage.{region_name}{account}/{bucket_name}/{path}/{segment_object}
PathTypeRequired or notDescription
region_nameStringRequiredRegion name
accountStringRequired  Project ID
- Able to get this information when issuing a token
- Used as the account value in Swift API
bucket_nameStringRequired  Bucket name
pathStringRequiredPath where segment object was uploaded
segment_objectStringRequired  Segment object name
Request Header
RequestTypeRequired or notDescription
X-Auth-TokenStringRequired  Authentication token
Request Elements
RequestTypeRequired or notDescription
segment_contentRaw-dataRequired  Contents of segment object
Response Syntax
Status Code
HTTP StatusResponseDescription
201    Created  Success

Upload SLO Manifest

Request Syntax
Request Syntax
curl --location --request PUT '{account}/{bucket_name}/{SLO Manifest Object}?multipart-manifest=put' \
--header 'X-Auth-Token: {x-auth-token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: "application/json"' \
--data '[ \
"path": "{path}/{Segment Object}",
"etag": "{Segment Object의 etag 값}",
"size_bytes": "{Segment Object Size}"
SLO Manifest Object upload example
curl -X PUT -H 'X-Auth-Token: <token>' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'{account}/bucket/SLO?multipart-manifest=put 
"path": "test-bucket/slo_test_1.txt",
"etag": "ba1f2511fc30423bdbb183fe33f3dd0f",
"size_bytes": 4
"path": "other-bucket/slo_test_2.txt",
"etag": "441295deac01cf5d6bdc7db3173adfdf",
"size_bytes": 1369
"path": "other1-bucket/slo_test_3.txt",
"etag": "aa3f5bb8c988fa9b75a1cdb1dc4d93fc",
"size_bytes": 4
API method
PUT{account}/{bucket_name}/{SLO Manifest Object}?multipart-manifest=put
PathTypeRequired or notDescription
accountStringRequired  Project ID
- Able to get this information when issuing a token
- Used as the account value in Swift API
bucket_nameStringRequired  Bucket name
SLO Manifest ObjectStringRequired  Name of manifest object
Request Header
RequestTypeRequired or notDescription
X-Auth-TokenStringRequired  Authentication token
Content-TypeStringRequired  Type of content
Request Elements
RequestTypeRequired or notDescription
pathStringRequired  Enter in the format {path}/{Segment Object}
- {path}: Path to upload the object
- {Segment Object}: Segment object under path
etagStringSelectEtag value of segment object
size_bytesIntSelectSegment object size

After entering etag and size_bytes during Manifest PUT, compare the etag and size_bytes values ​​of the existing uploaded segment object and generate an error if they do not match.

Response Syntax
Status Code
HTTP StatusResponseDescription
201    Created  Success

Download SLO

Request Syntax
Request Syntax
curl --location --request GET '{account}/{bucket_name}/{SLO Manifest Object}' \
--header 'X-Auth-Token: {x-auth-token}' \
SLO download example
curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: <token>'{account}/bucket/SLO
API method
PUT{account}/{bucket_name}/{SLO Manifest Object}
PathTypeRequired or notDescription
accountStringRequired  Project ID
- Able to get this information when issuing a token
- Used as the account value in Swift API
bucket_nameStringRequired  Bucket name
SLO Manifest ObjectStringRequired  Name of manifest object
Request Header
RequestTypeRequired or notDescription
X-Auth-TokenStringRequired  Authentication token
Response Syntax
Status Code
HTTP StatusResponseDescription
201     Created  Success

Download SLO Manifest

For SLO, only the SLO Manifest Object can be downloaded separately. If you request multipart-manifest=get as a query param, you can download only the manifest.

Request Syntax
Request Syntax
curl --location --request GET '{account}/{bucket_name}/{SLO Manifest Object}?multipart-manifest=get' \
--header 'X-Auth-Token: {x-auth-token}' \
SLO Manifest Object Download Example
curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: <token>'{account}/test-bucket/SLO?multipart-manifest=get
API method
PUT{account}/{bucket_name}/{SLO Manifest Object}?multipart-manifest=get
PathTypeRequired or notDescription
accountStringRequired  Project ID
- Able to get this information when issuing a token
- Used as the account value in Swift API
bucket_nameStringRequired  Bucket name
SLO Manifest ObjectStringRequired  Name of manifest object
Request Header
RequestTypeRequired or notDescription
X-Auth-TokenStringRequired  Authentication token
Response Syntax
Status Code
HTTP StatusResponseDescription
201    Created  Success

Upload multipart

  • Provides Multipart-upload API extension of OpenStack Swift Object API. This allows you to upload large files in a similar way to the S3 Multipart-upload API.
  • S3 Multipart-upload API is a function provided by AWS that uploads large files by splitting the file into several pieces, uploading them, and then recombining them. For more information about the S3 Multipart-upload API, please refer to S3 Multipart Upload API Documentation.
  • Object Storage does not support Swift SLO (static large object) and DLO (dynamic large object) APIs.

A multipart upload consists of three steps:

Step 1. Create multi-part upload

Request Syntax
Request Syntax
curl --location --request POST '{account}/{bucket_name}/{path}?uploads' \
--header 'X-Auth-Token: {x-auth-token}'
API method
methodRequest URL
PathTypeRequired or notDescription
accountStringRequired  Project ID
- Able to get this information when issuing a token
- Used as the account value in Swift API
bucket_nameStringRequired  Bucket name
pathStringRequired  Full folder path
- Example: image/small, images/small/icon.jpg
Request Header
RequestTypeRequired or notDescription
X-Auth-TokenStringRequired  Authentication token
Response Syntax
Multipart Upload Creation Response Syntax
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Response Elements
tenant-idStringProject ID
bucket-nameStringBucket name
object-pathStringFile path
upload-idStringUnique ID of the large object assigned by the server
Status Code
HTTP StatusResponseDescription
401UnauthorizedAuthentication failed
403ForbiddenNo permission

Step 2. Upload partial parts

Parts must be 5MB or larger to be uploaded.

Request Syntax
Request Syntax
curl --location --request PUT '{account}/{bucket_name}/{path}?uploadId={upload-id}&partNumber={part -number}'\
--header 'X-Auth-Token: {x-auth-token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' \
--data '{path_name}'
API method
methodRequest URL
PathTypeRequired or notDescription
accountStringRequired  Project ID
- Able to get this information when issuing a token
- Used as the account value in Swift API
bucket_nameStringRequired  Bucket name
pathStringRequired  Full folder path
- Example: image/small, images/small/icon.jpg
Request Query
RequestTypeRequired or notDescription
uploadIdQueryRequired  Unique upload id of the large object returned by CreateMultipartUpload
partNumberQueryRequired  Number of parts in the large object of the currently uploaded file (1~10000)
Request Header
RequestTypeRequired or notDescription
X-Auth-TokenStringRequired  Authentication token
Response Header
etagStringetag of the currently uploaded partial file
Status Code
HTTP StatusResponseDescription
200     Created   Success
401UnauthorizedAuthentication failed
403ForbiddenNo permission

Step 3. Multipart upload completed

Request Syntax
Request Syntax
curl --location --request PUT '{account}/{bucket_name}/{path}?uploadId={upload-id}' \
--header 'X-Auth-Token: {x-auth-token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/xml' \
--data '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ETag>"<etag of 5MB_1.file>"</ETag>
<ETag>"<etag of 5MB_2.file>"</ETag>
<ETag>"<etag of remain.file>"</ETag>
API method
methodRequest URL
PathTypeRequired or notDescription
accountStringRequired  Project ID
- Able to get this information when issuing a token
- Used as the account value in Swift API
bucket_nameStringRequired  Bucket name
pathStringRequired  Full folder path
- Example: image/small, images/small/icon.jpg
Request Query
RequestTypeRequired or notDescription
uploadIdQueryRequired  Unique upload id of the large object returned by CreateMultipartUpload
Request Header
RequestTypeRequired or notDescription
X-Auth-TokenStringRequired  Authentication token
Response Elements
ETagStringETag of the currently uploaded partial file
PartNumberIntegerNumber of currently uploaded partial file
Status Code
HTTP StatusResponseDescription
401UnauthorizedAuthentication failed
403ForbiddenNo permission

Manage object

Query object meta

Users with Owner, Read-Only, Read-Write permissions can query information about the bucket. They can also access metadata for objects (files, folders) stored in the bucket.

Request Syntax
Request Syntax
curl --location --request HEAD 'https://objectstorage.{region_name}{account}/{bucket_name}/{path}' \
--header 'X-Auth-Token: {x-auth-token}'
API method
methodRequest URL
HEAD  https://objectstorage.{region_name}{account}/{bucket_name}/{path}
PathTypeRequired or notDescription
region_nameStringRequired  Region name: kr-central-2
accountStringRequired  Project ID
- Able to get this information when issuing a token
- Used as the account value in Swift API
bucket_nameStringRequired  Bucket name
pathStringRequired  Full folder path
- Example: image/small, images/small/icon.jpg
Request Header
RequestTypeRequired or notDescription
X-Auth-TokenStringRequired  Authentication token
Response Syntax
Status Code
HTTP StatusResponseDescription
401UnauthorizedAuthentication failed
403ForbiddenNo permission

Change object meta

Users with Owner, Read-Write permissions can make changes to the bucket.

The following is how to change the metadata of objects (files, folders) stored in the bucket.

Request Syntax
Request Syntax
curl --location --request POST 'https://objectstorage.{region_name}{account}/{bucket_name}/{path}' \
--header 'X-Auth-Token: {x-auth-token}' \
--header 'X-Object-Meta-Company: kakao enterprise'
API method
methodRequest URL
POST   https://objectstorage.{region_name}{account}/{bucket_name}/{path}
PathTypeRequired or notDescription
region_nameStringRequired  Region name
accountStringRequired  Project ID
- Able to get this information when issuing a token
- Used as the account value in Swift API
bucket_nameStringRequired  Bucket name
pathStringRequired  Full folder path
- Example: image/small, images/small/icon.jpg
Request Header
RequestTypeRequired or notDescription
X-Auth-TokenStringRequired  Authentication token
X-Object-Meta-{name}StringSelectFor bucket meta information, enter the metadata name to specify in {name}
Response Syntax
Status Code
HTTPS StatusResponseDescription
200     SuccessSuccess
401UnauthorizedAuthentication failed
403ForbiddenNo permission

Query object list

Users with Owner, Read-Write, Read-Only permissions can query the bucket. View the list of objects (files, folders) stored in the bucket.

Request Syntax
Request Syntax
curl --location --request GET 'https://objectstorage.{region_name}{account}/{bucket_name}?format=json' \
--header 'X-Auth-Token: {x-auth-token}'
API method
methodRequest URL
GET  https://objectstorage.{region_name}{account}/{bucket_name}
PathTypeRequired or notDescription
region_nameStringRequired  Region name
accountStringRequired  Project ID
- Able to get this information when issuing a token
- Used as the account value in Swift API
bucket_nameStringRequired  Bucket name
Request Header
RequestTypeRequired or notDescription
X-Auth-TokenStringRequired  Authentication token
Request Query
RequestTypeRequired or notDescription
prefixQuerySelectDirectory path
- Example: image/small
delimiterQuerySelectWhen using delimiter as a key, / input is required
limitQuerySelectNumber of lists
- Default: 1000 (up to 1,000 items can be searched)
markerQuerySelectSearch conditions
- (Object name > Marker )
formatQuerySelectFormat to receive response
- plain (default)
- json
- xml
Response Syntax
JSON ObjectList
name: String
content_type: String
bytes: int
hash: String
last_modified: String // Last modified date RFC3339 example: 2020-07-01T00:00:00Z
subdir: String // In case of pseudo-directory, only this value is provided
Object List Search Response Syntax
"name": "document",
"content_type": "application/directory",
"bytes": 0,
"hash": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e",
"last_modified": "2020-06-26T11:12:03+09:00"
"name": "document/hello.txt",
"content_type": "application/octet-stream",
"bytes": 7,
"hash": "083d9fe8506415ba02f2f86e0531527f",
"last_modified": "2020-06-26T11:14:50+09:00"
Response Elements
nameStringObject name
content_typeStringThe content-type value provided during the PUT request for the object is returned.
- Type: directory / image / classification binary, etc.
bytesintObject size
hashStringUnique file value
last_modifiedStringLast modified date
- Format: RFC3339 - Example: 2020-07-01T00:00:00Z
subdirStringThis value is only provided if pseudo-directory
Status Code
HTTPS StatusResponseDescription
200     OKSuccess
401UnauthorizedAuthentication failed
403ForbiddenNo permission

Download object

Users with Owner, Read-Write, Read-Only permissions can download objects in the bucket. .
If the path is Folder, content with size 0 is received in response. To search the sublist of a folder, you must use the Query object list API.

Request Syntax
Request Syntax
curl --location --request GET 'https://objectstorage.{region_name}{account}/{bucket_name}/{path}' \
--header 'X-Auth-Token: {x-auth-token}'
API method
methodRequest URL
GET  https://objectstorage.{region_name}{account}/{bucket_name}/:path
PathTypeRequired or notDescription
region_nameStringRequired  Region name
accountStringRequired  Project ID
- Able to get this information when issuing a token
- Used as the account value in Swift API
bucket_nameStringRequired  Bucket name
pathStringRequired  Full folder path
- Example: image/small, images/small/icon.jpg
Request Header
RequestTypeRequired or notDescription
X-Auth-TokenStringRequired  Authentication token
Response Syntax
Response Syntax
Content-Length (Header)
Content-Type (Header)
Last-Modified (Header)
ETag (Header)
Content (Body)
Response Header
Content-LengthintSize value of the object
- If it is a file, the file size value is passed.
- If it is a folder, only meta information is sent and a value of 0 is passed.
Content-TypeStringType of content
Last-ModifiedStringLast modified date
ETagStringETag is an MD5 hash value for the binary, so in the case of a folder where the binary does not exist, a meaningless value is transmitted
Response Elements
ContentRaw dataNot delivered if content type is folder
Status Code
response codeResponseDescription
401UnauthorizedNo permission
404Not foundFile not found

Delete object

Users with Owner, Read-Write permissions can delete objects in a bucket.

Request Syntax
Request Syntax
curl --location --request DELETE 'https://objectstorage.{region_name}{account}/{bucket_name}/{path}' \
--header 'X-Auth-Token: {x-auth-token}'
API method
methodRequest URL
PathTypeRequired or notDescription
region_nameStringRequired  Region name
accountStringRequired  Project ID
- Able to get this information when issuing a token
- Used as the account value in Swift API
bucket_nameStringRequired  Bucket name
pathStringRequired  Full folder path
- Example: image/small, images/small/icon.jpg
Request Header
RequestTypeRequired or notDescription
X-Auth-TokenStringRequired  Authentication token
Response Syntax
Status Code
HTTPS StatusResponseDescription
204     No ContentSuccess
401UnauthorizedNo permission
404Not foundFile not found

Copy object

You must have read permission on the object to be copied and write permission (Read-Write permission) on the object to be copied.

Request Syntax
Request Syntax
curl --location --request COPY 'https://objectstorage.{region_name}{account}/{bucket_name}/{path}' \
--header 'X-Auth-Token: {x-auth-token}' \
--header 'Destination: /{target-bucket-name}/{target-path}'
API method
methodRequest URL
PathTypeRequired or notDescription
region_nameStringRequired  Region name
accountStringRequired  Project ID
- Able to get this information when issuing a token
- Used as the account value in Swift API
bucket_nameStringRequired  Bucket name
pathStringRequired  Full folder path
- Example: image/small, images/small/icon.jpg
Request Header
RequestTypeRequired or notDescription
X-Auth-TokenStringRequired  Authentication token
DestinationStringRequired  Path name of destination to copy
- Example: {target-bucket-name}/{target-path}
Response Syntax
Status Code
HTTPS StatusResponseDescription
201     Created   Success
401UnauthorizedNo permission
404Not foundFile not found

Move object

To move an object, you need the storage.objects.get permission on the bucket containing the object to be moved, and the storage.objects.create permission on the bucket where the object will be moved.


Moving an object is not available on encrypted buckets in kr-central-2.

Request Syntax
Request Syntax
curl --location --request MOVE '{account}/{bucket_name}/{path}' \
--header 'X-Auth-Token: {x-auth-token}' \
--header 'Destination: /{target-bucket-name}/{target-path}'
API method
methodRequest URL
PathTypeRequired or notDescription
accountStringRequired  Project ID
- Able to get this information when issuing a token
- Used as the account value in Swift API
bucket_nameStringRequired  Bucket name
pathStringRequired  Full folder path
- Example: image/small, images/small/icon.jpg
Request Header
RequestTypeRequired or notDescription
X-Auth-TokenStringRequired  Authentication token
DestinationStringRequired  Path of destination to move to
- Example: {target-bucket-name}/{target-path}
Response Syntax
Status Code
HTTPS StatusResponseDescription
401UnauthorizedNo permission
404Not foundFile not found

Create temp URL for downloading object

Users with access to the object create a Temp URL for download that is valid for a specific period of time. temp_url_expires is the effective time and sets it to allow downloading until the time specified by the user.

Request Syntax
Request Syntax
curl --location --request GET '{account}/{bucket_name}/{path}?temp_url&temp_url_expires={temp_url_expires}' \
--header 'X-Auth-Token: {x-auth-token}'
API method
MethodRequest URL
PathTypeRequired or notDescription
accountStringRequired  Project ID
- Able to get this information when issuing a token
- Used as account value in Swift API
bucket_nameStringRequired  Bucket name
pathStringRequired  Full path to folder
- Example: image/small, images/small/icon.jpg
Request Header
RequestTypeRequired or notDescription
X-Auth-TokenStringRequired  Authentication token
Request Query
RequestTypeRequired or notDescription
temp_urlStringRequired  The key indicating a request for issuing a TempUrl
temp_url_expiresTimestampRequired  Validity time of issued TempUrl
- Unit: sec
Response Syntax
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2023 04:44:00 GMT
Content-Length: 209

"url": "/v1/{project_id}/object-reg-test-1/test.txt?temp_url_sig={temp_url_sig}&temp_url_expires={temp_url_expires}",
"sig": "{sig}"
Response Elements
urlStringTemporary URL where you can download the object within the expire time
sigStringThis is the signature of the URL and is valid within the object's expire time
Status Code
HTTPS StatusResponseDescription
200      UnauthorizedAuthentication failed
403ForbiddenNo permission
404Not foundNo bucket

Download object using temp URL

The generated Temp URL allows you to download the object during the validity period requested at the time of issuance. When using a Temp URL, it can be downloaded without an X-Auth-Token, so the issuer of the Temp URL must pass it on to a trusted user.

Request Syntax
Request Syntax
curl --location --request GET 'https://objectstorage.{region_name}{account}/{bucket_name}/{path}?temp_url_sig={temp_url_sig}&temp_url_expires={temp_url_expires}'
API method
methodRequest URL
GET  https://objectstorage.{region_name}{account}/{bucket_name}/{path}?temp_url_sig=value&temp_url_expires={temp_url_sig}&filename={temp_url_expires}
PathTypeRequired or notDescription
region_nameStringRequired  Region name
accountStringRequired  Project ID
- Able to get this information when issuing a token
- Used as the account value in Swift API
bucket_nameStringRequired  Bucket name
pathStringRequired  Full folder path
- Example: image/small, images/small/icon.jpg
Request Query
RequestTypeRequired or notDescription
temp_url_sigQueryRequired  Signature information of issued temp URL response
temp_url_expiresQueryRequired  Valid time information of issued Temp URL response
- Unit: Unix epoch time
filenameQuerySelectCustom file name to use when downloading the object from the browser
- utf-8 percent encoded string
Response Syntax
Content-Length (Header)
Content-Type (Header)
Last-Modified (Header)
ETag (Header)
Content-Disposition (Header)
Content (Body)
Response Header
Content-LengthintSize value of the object
- If it is a file, the file size value is transmitted.
- In the case of a folder, only meta information is sent, so a value of 0 is transmitted.
Content-TypeStringMedia type
Last-ModifiedStringLast modified date
ETagStringETag is an MD5 hash value for the binary, so in the case of a folder where the binary does not exist, a meaningless value is transmitted
Content-DispositionStringThe filename for the browser to save the file locally when downloading an object.
- Default value: Object name
- A utf-8 percent encoded string is sent
Response Elements
ContentBodyNot delivered if content type is folder
Status Code
HTTPS StatusResponseDescription
200      SuccessSuccess
403ForbiddenTemp URL expiration time