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Pricing and Quotas

Transit Gateway Fees

For specifications and charges of Transit Gateway, please refer to the Pricing on the KakaoCloud website.


A quota represents the maximum number of resources or the maximum capacity of each resource that can be allocated within a single organization or project on KakaoCloud. Some quotas are eligible for an increase upon request via the Helpdesk.

The basic quota information for Transit Gateway is as follows:

ItemQuotaIncrease requestDescription
Transit gateway creation3 per projectPossible   Maximum number of transit gateways that can be created per project
- If additional are needed, an increase request can be made at the Helpdesk.
Attachment creation15,000 per projectNot possible
Route table creation60 per projectNot possible
Adding routes to route table30,000 per projectNot possible
Setting association in route tableUnlimitedNot possible
Project sharing30 per projectNot possible