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Monitor Hadoop cluster

This guide explains the step-by-step process of monitoring using Monitoring Flow and Hadoop Eco.


Prepare Monitoring Flow environment

Before using Monitoring Flow, you must create a VPC and subnet. Refer to the Create VPC and Create subnet documentation to set up the environment for accessing internal resources.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Beyond Networking Service > VPC > VPC.
  2. Refer to the Create VPC documentation to create a VPC.
  3. Refer to the Create subnet documentation to create a subnet.

Monitoring Flow scenario example

You can monitor Hadoop cluster nodes using Monitoring Flow.

Scenario overview

This scenario uses API, Set Variables, For, and If steps to cover the following:

  • Create a Hadoop cluster using KakaoCloud Hadoop Eco.
  • Create a flow connection to link the API server subnet channel.
  • Create a Monitoring Flow scenario for continuous monitoring of Hadoop cluster nodes.
  • Use Alert Center integration to check the scenario results.
Basic info

1. Create Hadoop Eco cluster

This exercise uses Hadoop Eco. Verify that the cluster is in an active state.
If no Hadoop Eco clusters are available, refer to the Create cluster documentation to create one.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Analytics > Hadoop Eco > Cluster.

  2. Refer to the Create cluster documentation to create a cluster.

    • In the VPC Settings section, select the VPC and subnet to connect to the flow connection.
    • Select Create new security group in the Security Group section.
  3. Confirm the Hadoop cluster ID.
    - This information will be needed when configuring the Monitoring Flow steps.

    Image Cluster details

2. Issue access key

An Access Key consists of an Access Key ID and a Secret Access Key, which are required to issue API authentication tokens. The permissions of the Access Key are granted according to the IAM role assigned when creating the project. Refer to the Access Key documentation to issue an Access Key.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > User Settings > Access key.

  2. Refer to the Create access key documentation to create an access key.

  3. After creation, copy the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key.
    - These will be used when configuring the Monitoring Flow steps.

    Image Create access key

3. Create flow connection

Create a flow connection to access internal resources in KakaoCloud and add the channel of the subnet where Hadoop Eco is deployed.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Management > Monitoring Flow > Flow Connection.

  2. Click the [Create flow connection] button.

  3. Select the VPC where the cluster is deployed.
    - Only active VPCs can be selected.

  4. Select the subnet where the Hadoop cluster is deployed for the flow connection.
    - Only active subnets connected to the parent VPC can be selected.

    Image Create fow connection

4. Create scenario

Create a scenario by configuring the schedule and scenario steps.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud Console > Management > Monitoring Flow > Scenario.

  2. Click the [Create scenario] button to go to the scenario creation screen.

  3. Check Use KakaoCloud VPC to access internal KakaoCloud resources.

  4. Select one of the registered flow connections.

  5. Set the schedule.

    Image Create scenario

5. Add scenario step: Default Variable

Add steps to complete the scenario. Refer to the following example and enter the values.

  1. In Management > Monitoring Flow > Scenario, click the scenario name.

  2. In the Details tab, click [Add scenario step] at the top right.

  3. Click [Manage default variable] at the top right to register default variables.
    - Default variables must be registered before creating steps.

  4. Configure each item based on the following table. Enter all four examples.

    ItemExample 1Example 2Example 3Example 4Description
    Keyvm-ipvm-listvm-statusvm-is-masterKey of the variable
    TypeStringJSON ListstringstringSelect the type of the variable
    Value[]falseDefault value of the variable according to the selected type

    Image Manage default variables

  5. After saving, click [Close].

6. Add scenario step: API-1

Refer to the following example and enter the values.

  1. In the New step settings panel, select API as the step type.

  2. Configure the required items based on the table. Enter all the examples.

    ItemExample 1Example 2Example 3Description
    TypeAPISelect API
    Step nameAPI-1Enter the step name
    Expected Code200Enter the expected status code for the URL
    - Defaults to 200 if not entered
    MethodGETSelect the API request method
    URLSee the example aboveEnter the URL of the API
    - Example:{Cluster-ID}/vms
    - You can check the cluster ID in the Analytics > Hadoop Eco > Cluster list
    Header KeyContent-typecredential-idcredential-secretEnter the header key
    - Refer to Create cluster
    Header Valueapplication/jsonAccess Key IDSecret Access KeyEnter the header value
    - Refer to Create cluster

    Image Add API Step-1

  3. After entering the required fields, click [Add next step] button on the left panel.

7. Add scenario step: Set Variables

Refer to the following example and enter the values.

  1. In the New step settings panel, select Set Variables as the step type.

  2. Configure the required items based on the following table.

    TypeSet VariablesSelect Set Variables
    Step nameVariables-1Enter the step name
    Variable${vm-list}Select one variable from the Default Variables
    Step API selectionAPI-1Select the API step saved earlier
    Step request/responserequestChoose either request or response
    Step componentbodySelect parameters, headers, or body based on the chosen request or response
    KeycontentEnter or select the value of the chosen request/response

    Image Add Set Variables Step

8. Add scenario step: For

Refer to the following example and enter the values.

  1. In the New step settings panel, select For as the step type.

  2. Configure the required items based on the following table.

    ItemExample 1Example 2Example 3Description
    TypeForSelect For
    Step nameFor-1Enter the step name
    TypeforeachSelect either count or foreach
    Base Variable${vm-list}Select a JSON List from the Default Variables
    - Used to iterate through multiple data entries
    Marker Variable${vm-ip}${vm-status}${vm-is-master}Select one variable from the Default Variables
    Marker Valuemarker.ipmarker.statusmarker.ismasterEnter the marker value for data reading
    - Must start with marker

    Image Add For Step

Basic info

Both For and If steps must have a child step.

Image Child step required for For step

9. Add scenario step: If

Refer to the following example and enter the values.

  1. In the New step settings panel, select If as the step type.
  2. Configure the required items based on the table. Enter all examples.
ItemExample 1Example 2Description
LogicalandSelect either and or or
Left Operand${vm-status}${vm-is-master}Enter the condition for the left operand
Comparison====Select a comparison operator
Right OperandRunningfalseEnter the reference value

Image Add If Step

  1. After entering the required fields, click Add child step on the left panel.

10. Add scenario step: API-2

Refer to the following example and enter the values.

  1. In the New step settings panel, select API as the step type.

  2. Configure the required items based on the following table.

    TypeAPISelect API
    Step nameAPI-2Enter the step name
    Expected code200Enter the expected status code for the URL
    - Defaults to 200 if not entered
    MethodGETSelect the API request method
    URLhttp://${vm-ip}:7001/v1/agent/healthEnter the URL of the API

    Image Add Flow Connection

  3. After entering the required fields, click the [Test] button at the top right to run a test.
    - Refer to 11. Test scenario.

11. Test scenario

Add scenario steps and test them to ensure they are working properly.

  1. After entering the required fields for the scenario steps, click the [Test] button at the top right.

  2. Review the test results.

    Image Test Success Result

  3. If there are any errors, check the error details at the bottom of the right panel.

  4. After confirming the test results, click [Close] at the top right to return to the scenario step editing screen.

  5. In the scenario step editing screen, click [Save] at the top right to save the created scenario. The saved scenario will be executed according to the set schedule.

  6. Refer to 12. Check execution results for checking execution results.


An error will occur if you try to access an inactive cluster. Ensure that the correct IP address is entered.

12. Check execution results

Review the execution results and times for completed scenarios.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud ConsoleManagement > Monitoring Flow > Scenario.

  2. In the Scenario menu, select the scenario to check.

  3. In the scenario details screen, click the Execution results tab.

    Image Scenario execution results list

  4. Click the event in the execution results list to view the detailed results.

    Image Scenario execution result details

13. Create alarm policy in Alert Center

You can receive alarms about Monitoring Flow scenario results (success/failure) by configuring alarm policies in Alert Center.

  1. Go to KakaoCloud ConsoleManagement > Alert Center > alarm Policy.

  2. Refer to the Create alarm policy documentation and the following table to create alarm policies.

    Condition TypeMetric
    ServiceMonitoring Flow
    ConditionSet up success/failure alarms for metrics
    - By setting Scenario Success Count and Scenario Fail Count for each scenario, you can receive all metric alarms
    - To receive only failure alarms, set Scenario Fail Count only
    Resource ItemSelect the scenario to receive alerts for
    ThresholdMore than 1 count
    Duration1 minute
  3. Click the [Next] button at the bottom to complete the alarm policy creation.

    Image Create alarm Policy

  4. Verify that the alarm policy is working by checking whether alarms for success or failure are received for Monitoring Flow scenario results.