Provides various use cases for building a cloud-based logging and monitoring environment.
Detailed service-specific documentation used in the tutorial can be found in the Service category.
📄️ Monitoring Hadoop Cluster with Monitoring Flow
Monitoring the Hadoop cluster using Monitoring Flow.
📄️ Automating Hadoop Cluster Auto-Scaling with Monitoring Flow
Automate the auto-scaling of Hadoop clusters using Monitoring Flow.
📄️ API Server Monitoring with Monitoring Flow
Monitor API server instances using Monitoring Flow.
📄️ Set up Kubernetes Engine cluster monitoring
Guide to setting up a workload monitoring environment for a Kubernetes cluster created with Kubernetes Engine.
📄️ BCS instance monitoring
Introduces how to monitor computing resources of VMs within a project.
📄️ Setting up Real-Time Alerts with Alert Center
Use Alert Center to receive notifications when events or resource issues occur in KakaoCloud services.
📄️ Integrating Zabbix and Prometheus for Zabbix dashboard setup
Set up a Zabbix dashboard using KakaoCloud's Monitoring Metric Export endpoint.
📄️ Set up NVIDIA GPU monitoring environment in K8S cluster
Describes how to set up an NVIDIA GPU monitoring environment in a Kubernetes cluster.
📄️ Utilize Grafana dashboard templates in KakaoCloud
An example of configuring dashboards using Grafana dashboard templates provided by KakaoCloud.
📄️ Ingesting Cloud Trail logs into Splunk Enterprise
This guide explains how to collect and analyze Cloud Trail logs stored in Object Storage using Splunk Enterprise.